Index of Reuther Dictionary Diyari Forms
This is an index of all the forms that appear in entries and sub-entries in Reuther's Diyari dictionary (Specialist Edition).
It was created by Edward Garrett and checked and edited by Peter K. Austin. Clicking on any Diyari expression in green colour
will take users to the relevant entry or sub-entry in the main dictionary.
(c) 4 October 2024, Peter K. Austin and Edward Garrett
Creative commons licence
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
--> CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
a-aino; never; far from it
ditji babarutype of tree
bakatype, species; style, manner; nature, habit of a person or thing
baka mamanato take away someone's style, to inherit somebody's ways or mannerisms
baka pilkirinafor an appearance to change
baka punmanato give up a [certain] custom
baka purinafor one's natural forces to abate
baka purina bakunato continually bend down quickly whilst digging
baka tandranato leave [its] identity behind
baka tapinafor shuddering (from cold) to come to an end
baka williwilliflexible type of person
kana baka karitjinafor people's appearance to change or be transformed
kana-baka karlakarlanato despise a person's ways
bakajerrujerruhale and hearty nature
bakakaritjinatransformed nature
bakalali kalalu ngankanafor cold weather to prevail
kana bakamankagood natured fellow
bakanatoo; also; and also; not only... but also
bakanamatareport; admission; confession; disclosure
bakanatatoo; also; and also; not only... but also
bakanintanintamodest nature, bashful nature
bakapilkidifferent nature
bakapirnaamorous fool, [profligate, sensualist], one who is mad after men, respectively women
bakara tapinato end disquiet
bakinato break open; to open up of its own natural force or instinct; to burst open; to
crack; to burst asunder
bakufutile; useless; unavailing; unnecessary; uninformed; unsuccessful
bakuof itself; without motivation from without; without having received instructions;
involuntarily, [automatically]
baku daninato leave without a word of farewell
baku jatanato speak untruthfully; to speak as though it meant nothing
baku jaurafutile, meaningless words
baku jedinato lie in jest
baku jindranato cry without reason
baku kalkaterinato wait in vain
baku kokaterinato praise oneself without just cause
baku ngamananto wondawondanato encourage someone not to fly into a passionate rage
baku terkanato stand by and do nothing
baku wapanato go away without; to go for nothing
baku wilpantounable to pay
baku wirarinato wander about aimlessly
baku wokaranato come unbidden
baku wokaranato turn up empty-handed
dankubana baku turaranato sleep tomorrow without reward
kana nuru bakuweakling
manu bakuwithout feeling
bakuetjalazy fellow; loafer; speaker of idle words
bakujeli dikidikibanaunavailingly to keep an eye on something
bakujeli jinkinato give, to present gratuitously
bakujeli karkanato summon or call in vain
bakujeli miltjamiltjarinato tell lies unavailingly to no purpose
bakujeli ngaranato hear in vain
bakujeli ngudanato extend in vain
bakujeli wirarinato run about (hunt) without success
ngara bakumalinato dig into one anothers' hearts; mutually to provoke, to torment each other, to aggravate
one another
baka purina bakunato continually bend down quickly whilst digging
bakunato dig; to dig for; to dig up
bakuna ngarinato dig to descend, to dig deeper
dantjumana bakunato dig warily, cautiously
jertapaterina bakunato go on digging
kalumarana bakunaavidly to dig
manjujeli bakunato dig carefully
mankarli bakunato dig up gradually (slowly)
mankarli bakuna ngarinato [keep] digging down slowly
minka bakuna kidakidanato puff and blow whilst digging a hole
minka bakuna wodataranato persevere in the digging of a hole
morla bakunato dig more, to dig deeper
ngandangandarina bakunato be unable to dig
ngirkingirkina bakunaalways to be digging out a new hole
nurujeli bakunato dig fast
paparina bakunato keep on digging
parapara bakunato dig vigorously
terti bakunato dig in the centre
tjika bakunato dig [up] by mistake
ulu bakunato dig straight
winkara mura bakunato dig up 'winkara' roots
ngara bakuterina
dako balbarusandhill that is fairly broad and spacious on top
dako balibalilow sandhill between two high ones
balunaked; [bare]
balu terkanato stand naked
doku balusmooth back
jaua balupeeled onions
jaura balusmooth naked words
kalti balusmooth spear
kana balunaked man
kana balunaked person
kana balunormal figure of a man; man of normal build
kirra baluboomerang without engraved markings [or symbols]
mana balunaked mouth
mangatandra balubare head; bald head
mangatandra balu mintjinafor a bald head to be conspicuous
manu balueven temperament
mara balunaked helpless hand
maramarapujieli mita balu ngankana muraiawith many hands ground naked to make for a sacred ceremony
marda balusmooth stone
minka balunaked burrow
mita balubare (naked) ground
mudla balubare beardless face
nganka balunaked chin-bone
nganka balunaked beard
nganti baluhair-singed animal
Nganti-baluname of constellation
njurdu balubody-hair naked
njurdu baludevoid of body-hair
palto baluclear bare (naked) track
panji balusmall smooth sticks
panto baluvegetationless lake-bed
para balunaked hair, no hair
paratara balubushless plain
pariwilpa balubare cloudless sky
pida balunaked breast
pirra balucoolamon devoid of engraved markings
pirri balunaked designs; beardless
pita balubare tree
pita balunaked tree
piti balucloudless horizon
talara balunaked rain
talpa balunaked ears
tidna balusoft smooth feet
tiri balusmooth angry
kupa balubalunewly-born child
baluetjasole surviving relative
balulaperson destitute of all friendship; a person thrown onto his own resources
balulaluunity; unanimity
Balungopinaname of ancestral being
baluribanato make smooth; to even out
jaua baluribanato peel 'jaua' [bulbs]
kapi baluribanato shell an egg
mita baluribanato sweep the ground
nganti baluribanato singe the hair off an animal
ngarimatali mita baluribanafor a flood to make the ground smooth and even
balurinato get empty; to become smooth
jaura balurinafor words to become smooth
kanta balurinafor grass to grow empty
mangatandra balurinafor a head to grow bald
manu balurinafor ideas to meet with agreement
ngulku balurinafor an accusation to become unanimous
ngura balurinafor a place or camp to become empty
njurdu balurinafor a body to become naked of hair
pita balurinafor a tree to shed its leaves
tjilbi balurinafor corners, points, ends [or edges] to merge together
tjilpi balurinato even out edges
baluru terkanato stand by without interfering
pita balurusmooth tree-trunk
talara baluruwhitish-grey rain-sky
tidna baluruflat foot
bamamalinato take away the best from one another
bamamana kulkanato pick up [beforehand] and take away
bamamana maninato fetch, to take away before the time
bamamana tajinato take away and eat beforehand
bamamanietjahasty grabber, snatcher; greedy fellow, avaricious fellow
bamanapositively to see; definitely to observe; to eat or take away the best first; to pick
out the best; to choose the nicest
bamaterinato pick up for oneself
banbanato stand still; to pause; to stop; to cease; to go no further
butju banbanbanato tap
banbinganato pull up; to pause for a moment; to stop for a while and then continue on
banbingana wirinato halt or make a short stop-over while passing by
banjabanjanietjatrotter, jogger
banjibanjinato trot, to jog along
bankiside (right or left), bank (of a stream), edge (of a track), confines (of a locality),
shore (of a lake), edge (of a grave), side (of a hill, tree, stone, or animal), border,
frontier; side (of a wooden dish, bowl, or dilly bag), [direction] where the sun rises,
(south-west, etc.), sideways, askance
banki ditji dunkaon the side where the sun rises
banki jatanato converse sideways
banki ngankamalinato speak to one another from a side position
banki-kunankarisouth side
billi-bankiside of a dilly bag
dako-bankiside of a sandhill
kajiri-bankiedge of a stream
marda-bankiedge of a stone; side of a mountain, side of a range
milki-bankisquinting, or furtive eyes; to look sideways
nari-bankiedge of a grave
nganti-bankiround about an animal
ngura-bankiside of a camp, outskirts of a camp
pantu-bankiedge of a lake
pirra-bankiside of a coolamon
pita-bankiside of a tree
bankilaone who sits aside or aloof; lurker, ambushman; one who doesn't like to live in camp;
recluse, hermit
bankini ngaranasecretly, on the aside, to listen in; to eavesdrop
bankini turaranato sleep adjacent to
bankini wapanato walk apart or aside; to walk around within a short distance
bankitiri dakanato have stitches in the side
bankitiri ketjaketjanato suffer from stitches in the side
barieli kalabanafor lightning or distant sheet-lightning to give an answer
baru najinato see yellow
baru turarayellow ochre powder
talara barudistant lightning and rain
kalibilibili barubaruyellow butterfly
barujeli nandranafor there to be sheet-lightning
barumarawith yellow ochre
barumarawith yellow ochre
baruntowith yellow
baruntowith yellow ochre
bilbiri pirrashoulder-blade
billisack, bag, pouch, net-bag, dilly bag
billi burrucorner of a string-bag
billi dakadakanet-bag made of variegated string
billi dampudampuraround-woven (suspensible) net-bag
billi dukanato carry a net-bag on one's back
billi godanafor a net-bag to fall down
billi kamanelifriendly string-bag
billi kantikantinato dust out a dilly bag
billi karanato tie a net-bag shut
billi karlaempty string-bag
billi karlibanato dislike a dilly bag
billi karpakarpastring-bag with an unevenly-woven mesh
billi karpanato repair a string-bag
billi katibanato hang up a net-bag
billi katukatustrong string bag, durable string bag
billi kekiljerinafor a string-bag to slip down, or fall down
billi kikarafouled up string-bag
billi kinkaljuextendable stretchable string-bag
billi kokoarea inside of a string-bag
billi kunarku waltanato carry a string-bag aslant
billi kuriljirilovely net-bag
billi kutinafor a net-bag to be full
billi madlentjiold net-bag, torn net-bag
billi makumaninato pick up a net-bag
billi malka jatanafor designs [or symbolic colours] on a dilly bag to stand out [prominently]
billi malkamalkavariegated net-bag
billi manamouth of a net-bag
billi manamirifull net-bag
billi manamirifull net-bag
billi mandrainterior space of a net-bag
billi manduribanato weave two net-bags together into one
billi maninato fetch a net-bag
billi maradunkainherited net-bag
billi maraltja karibanato hang a net-bag loosely
billi marranew net-bag
billi matifine net-bag
billi mauarlahungry net-bag
billi miltjamiltjanet-bag which is soft to the touch
billi morla ngumunet-bag more good
billi mudanafor a net-bag to be finished
billi mulurusmall net-bag
billi muntjasick net-bag
billi murufilthy net-bag
billi nanganato lay aside one's net-bag
billi ngakaupper edge of a dilly bag
billi ngampangampaspace inside of a dilly bag
billi ngamparadilly bag with large opening at the top end
billi ngandaraselvage of a dilly bag
billi ngandruheap of net-bags
billi ngankanato weave a dilly bag
billi ngankijirbanato prepare a dilly bag for someone
billi ngarilkanato let down a net-bag
billi ngiringirishrivelled-up dilly bag
billi ngokijirbanato add one's dilly bag
billi ngoperafirst dilly bag
billi ngudanato stretch a dilly bag
billi ngujamanato recognise a dilly bag [again]
billi ngumufine dilly bag
billi ngunaone arm of a fishing-net
billi ngundranato think of one's dilly bag
billi nguntjamanato recognise a dilly bag again
billi nguntjamijirbanato recognise somebody else's dilly bag
billi nguntjanguntjamanato recognise one dilly bag from among many others
billi ngurungurustrong dilly bag
billi ninjilbanato turn a net-bag inside out
billi pajirideep dilly bag
billi pajiririnafor a net-bag to get long
billi pakinafor a dilly bag to burst open
billi palaranidilly bag out in the open
billi palkubody of dilly bag
billi palpasome dilly bags
billi palparushallow dilly bag
billi pankiside of dilly bag
billi parliempty-growing dilly bag
billi parliribanato empty out a dilly bag
billi parumanato stretch a dilly bag
billi pirakanato examine a dilly bag
billi pirnalarge dilly bag
billi pirnaribanato weave a dilly bag larger
billi punmanato fold up a dilly bag
billi puranato tear a dilly bag
billi puribanato throw a dilly bag down from a tree
billi purinafor a dilly bag to fall down
billi pururufully-stuffed dilly bag
billi pururu ngankanato fill a dilly bag
billi tepiuntorn dilly bag
billi tjankapliable dilly bag
billi tjilpiknots in a dilly bag
billi todinato fill up a dilly bag
billi tokuoutside of a dilly bag
billi tukanato carry a dilly bag on one's back
billi wakasmall dilly bag
billi waltanato carry a dilly bag on top of one's head
billi waruold dilly bag, one-time dilly bag
billi waruwarukanato hang up a dilly bag
billi widmaterinato hang a net-bag
billi wilimanato carry a dilly bag across one's shoulder
billi williwillipliable net-bag
billi wilpaopen end of a dilly bag, neck of a dilly bag
billi wilparinafor a dilly bag to develop holes
billi winjiwinjirishrivelled up dilly bag
billi witjinato leave a net-bag to dry out
billi wokaraupper edge of a dilly bag
billi wokaribanato tear a dilly bag
billi wokarinafor a dilly bag to tear
billi wombatjaranafor a dilly bag to be fully extended
billi wondawondanato show a dilly bag, to display a dilly bag
billi wondranato show a dilly bag
billi wonduraia mudlakutjaneedle for the weaving of a 'wonduru' net-bag
billi wonduru kutikutirimisshapen 'wonduru' bag
billi woninato start weaving a dilly bag
billi wonjurahalf-empty dilly bag
billi worrahalf-finished dilly bag
billi wuldrunarrow dilly bag
billi wutjulong slender dilly bag
billi-bankiside of a dilly bag
billi-jelbiedge of a string-bag
kalkujieli billi jurkujurku dakanato plait a [shoulder] string-bag out of reeds
kalti, billi, jama wiralkanato take along a spear, a dilly bag, a fishing net
kulnujelildra kulnujelildra billi dakanaeach man to weave his own string-bag
maramanjujeli billi dakanato wee well
nari-billi widmaterina kiririnato learn to put on the death-cap
panga-billi kantiterinafor a caterpillar-nest to shake empty
paru billi munkanato embrace a net-bag of fish
paua billi dantjumananot to hand out the seed unnecessarily
pitjiri billi nangaterinafor a tobacco net-bag to become empty
pitjiri billi marakulnofive net-bags full of tobacco
pitjiri billi ngaparinafor a tobacco dilly bag to get wct
talara billidark (black) rain clouds on the horizon
talara billi burrufringe of a strip of rain
billia karkaterinato summon to his dilly bag, out of which he is distributing food
billieli pankinato make a great fuss about one's fine dilly bag
billieli wariwarinato be exhausted from [carrying] a dilly bag
billikujurutype of plant
billimana marruwide opening [or mouth] of a net-bag
billingama tandranato weave onto a net
billini kalakalarinato be annoyed over a string-bag
billini kalumaranato long for a net-bag
billini karakaranato examine a net-bag
billini kintjakintjarinanot to want a net-bag
billini kiriskilled in weaving string-bags
billini kiririnato practise the weaving of string-bags
billini koimpractical in the weaving of a string-bag
billini kuterinanot to want to be reminded of a 'billi' net-bag or dilly bag
billini mankinato be delighted with a net-bag
billini milkilaone who [can] recognise net-bags; one who knows to whom a net-bag belongs
billini nanganato place or shove into a net-bag
billini ngalkujelidesirous of a dilly bag
billini ngirangirarinaalways to be weaving dilly bags
billini nintaliashamed of one's (poor) net-bag
billini patipatiunskilled at dilly bags
poto billini kuranato place articles in a dilly bag
billinto karkanato call [to come] with a string-bag
billipatawithout a dilly bag
ditji bilpabeams of light before the sun becomes visible
bininato hand over, to deliver, to leave behind, to desert, to quit (a place), to make room
bininietjaone who leaves things for others
birlakuru tandrafruit that [can be] eaten
bubana kana narito say "fie upon you" spells death to a man.
ditji bubarachalk powder from the Sun Cave [Ditjiminka]
budashallow; flat; low; not deep
buda kulnoonce
buda marapuvery often
buda morlanot yet ripe
buda palpaseveral times
buda parkuluthree times
kalku budascraped and dried reeds, also: sun-tanned reeds
kanta budamature grass, ripened grass
pita budabushy tree
budaetjaperson who dislikes deep [places]
budawordushallow-short; some; a little; smashed up, crunched small
buduwhole, entire; all, all together
manu budukuluquiet disposition
budukupatawithout a load
kandri bujutype of resin
bujurutype of plant
bujurutype of tree
bujurufruit that [can be] eaten
bukabread, non-meat food
buka dunkamouldy bread
buka ja ngapa manjubread and water essential
buka jenpanato withhold food
buka jinkina ngarinato hand down food
buka kadihalf-baked bread
buka kalikalibanato despise bread
buka kaluwinkanato fetch food from within a short distance of a track
buka kamanelifriendly food
buka kampanato gather food
buka kanjafireplace [for baking] bread
buka kantjibread for sure
buka karaperhaps bread
buka karlibanato decline food
buka katibanato cool off bread
buka kikaramouldy bread
buka kinkaljunewly-baked bread
buka kulnuone [loaf of] bread
buka kuraranato put food into
buka kurijiribanato save up food
buka kutibanato hide food
buka kutinato consume food (bread)
buka madlentjinot fully baked seed-bread, stodgy seed-bread
buka maninato bring something to eat
buka mankastodgy bread
buka mapibanato gather food together
buka marapulot of food
buka marapuni mankinato rejoice at a large quantity of food
buka marrafresh (newly-grown) food
buka maru najinato inspect a food-patch
buka miljaabstaining from food
buka mujadry food
buka ngara kadidoughy bread [on the] inside
buka ngaruhalf-baked bread
buka ngirkinafor the food [supply] to increase
buka ngumurinafor food (grass, plants) to mature, ripen
buka padakanato take food along
buka padakijirbanato take along food (bread) for someone else
buka palaraninot to keep food secret
buka palpasome food
buka paniwithout food; foodless
buka paranafor food to be available
buka paruparufood everywhere
buka patarinafor food to become scarce
buka piltjaruprovisions scattered about
buka pinpanato leave some bread over
buka pirnalots of food
buka pirnafestive meal; big meal
buka pirnani mandurinato come together for a ceremonial meal
buka pratjanaall available bread
buka pratjanaall foods
buka puntibanato distribute food
buka putukusuperabundant food
buka tajinato eat seed-damper
buka tandrafruit that [can be] eaten
buka tandra miltjamiltjatender seed for bread
buka tandra tandraterinafor seed to eject itself
buka tandranato pour in food
buka tepihealthy food
buka tjankasoft seed-bread
buka tjirimalkanato put food aside
buka tulastrange food, unfamiliar food
buka wajinato bake bread, to bake damper
buka waltanato carry food on one's head
buka wapalkanato take along food
buka witjinato let food get dry
buka wondawondanato disclose to someone where to find food
buka wondranato show food
buka wontinato search for food
buka woritafar-away food
buka-kaparavegetable roots, edible roots
buka-malkirimeal of respect
buka-maru kulkanato reserve a food-patch
buka-tandraedible fruit or seed
kana buka panihungry man
kantaia-ngankani-bukafarewell banquet
kantjirini-bukareappearance banquet
karuwali-bukacircumcision banquet
manangapu-bukafestive meal at which no word may be spoken
mangawaru-bukawidow's meal
mita buka panicountry that is poor in food resources
mita-worangani-bukameal upon [expressing] one's admiration of the country
munatarani-bukabanquet of a self-opinionated person
ngurawikani-bukameal to make legs [grow] long
terti buka tajinato eat half way
turani-bukameal of reconciliation
worangingirbamalini-bukacelebrated meal on seeing each other again
bukabukathick bush, thick scrub
bukabukani parawaranato lose one's way in thick scrub
bukaia karkamalinato summon one another together for a meal
bukaia mandrafood messenger
bukali manamirifull of food, satisfied, satiated
bukali nandranato be struck by food
bukali ngurungururinato gain strength by eating
bukali pankinato keep one's mind (eye) on food
bukali pankipankinato boast of a large amount of food
bukali tepirinato feel refreshed by food
bukamuntapatafood miser
bukangandruscrub, grove
bukani kintjakintjasick of bread
bukani ngatjinato beg for food
bukani tjampatjampanato beg for food
bukani wirarinato walk about in search of food
kalala bukani wirarinato take turns in searching for food
bukantaia karakararinato move in closer to food
bukaparietjawhore; harlot, fornicator
bukapudaflour, meal
bukataia kapakapararingleader of an ochre-gathering [expedition]
bukataia ngankinganato make preparations for collecting ochre
bukataia ngirkinganato assemble in order to go out together for ochre
bukatandra miltjamiltjarinafor cereal seed to spoil
Bukataniname of ancestral being
bukatjiricreek lined with trees on both sides
bukatjiri ngumuthick scrub
bukatjiri wirinato enter a [dense] scrub
bukatjirini parawaranato get lost in the bush [or scrub]
bukatjirini widmaterinato hide oneself in [thick] scrub
bukatutype of ochre
bukatu pungaochre-collectors' wurley
bukatu kana katu kurijiribanato erect a wind-break for the brown ochre collectors
bukatu ngura darpanato clean up the ochre-collectors' camp
bukatula tikanafor ochre-collectors to return
bukatuni darpinato return home from collecting ochre
bulburutype of tree
bulja dauadauanato hold back or restrain in vain
buljubuljuangry, annoyed, vexed, discontented
buljubuljumorose; sullen; contrary; dissatisfied; ill-tempered; discontented; irritable; ill-disposed;
glum; gesture-wise betraying one's lack of goodwill
buljubulju kuranato devise dissension
buljubulju ngankijiribamalinato murmur; to complain against one another
buljubulju paranafor there to be trouble
buljubulju wapanato continue on one's way in a sullen mood
buljubulju wapanato go away dissatisfied
jaura buljubuljuprovocative speech
buljubuljujeli jinkinato give away in a spirit of anger
buljubuljurilkijiribamalinato vex each other, to annoy each other
buljubuljurinato become angry, to become annoyed, to become-discontented
buljubuljurinato be sullen; to grumble; to complain
buljubuljurinietjasurly type
buljurani purkanato wade through s bog
buljuruclay; bog; mire; mud
buljurutype of animal
buljuru madlentjibad clay
buljuru pirnalarge bog, marsh
buljuru tapaljuslippery clay
buljuru tjankasoft clay
paua buljuru mana njenmanato cover a seed-pit with loam
bulkari terkanato inflate oneself, to have a high opinion of oneself
bulkunot quite satisfied; half-satisfied; having had not quite enough
bulkurutjaranato swell up, to rise, to expand
bulkurutjaribanato make (a balloon) swell up
bulucannot; unable
bulu dauadauanaunsuccessfully to ward off, to dissuade, to forbid, to disallow
bulu giltjanaunable to skin, unable to peel off
bulu giltjanaunable to ward off
bulu maritjinato cry or call out in vain
bulu maritjinato call out [or shout] after a person in vain
bulu ngankanaunable to do
bulu ngaranaunable to hear
bulu ngatjinani kalakalarinato feel vexed over one's useless begging
bulu ngundranaunable to think or consider; not to know
bulu wondawondanain vain to tell someone what to do
dako buluvegetation-less sandhill
malka buluclear, brilliant symbol
manu buluwhite nature
milki buluwhite of the eye
mita bulugypsiferous country, cretaceous country; chalky soil
ngapa buluwhitish water
bulumokuthigh bone
tidna njinjaru nganana buluranifor feet to adhere to clay
bulurinato be satisfied; to have had enough; to be full
bungatutu ngaranato hear the puffing of lungs
bunu woranato throw away earth behind one
mita bunubunuriver country
bununuto itch; to scratch; to tickle
bununu paranietjaone who has a perpetual itch
bununu paribanato cause someone else to feel itchy
bununu pirnalarge itch
bura woranato spray water from one's mouth
buraka ngankanato dry something out
paja burakalaland bird
ngulku burinato state the accusation
burkaattitude, disposition, turn of mind
burka danganato strike terror into [a person], to scare, to frighten
burka danganato rouse the conscience
burka dundunusad disposition
burka jiritjinafor emotions to get up
burka ngankanato sadden; to grieve
burka ngudaterinato stretch one's melancholy or conscience
burka tapinato desist from one's sadness
burka wapanato go away sad
ngara burkabroken heart; anxious and worried conscience
burkaburkapirnavery discouraged, deeply sorrowful, very dejected
burkaburkarinafor feelings to grow with ever-increasing intensity
burkakantjione who is scared
burkalidepressed, sad, grieved, fearful, wistful, repentant, humiliated, worried, completely
dejected, contrite
burkali ngankanato terrify, to scare, to grieve, to sadden
burkaljerinato grow sad, to feel sorry, to be grieved
burkana wontiwontikanato wade around in the water in a circle
dantjumana burkanato wade around cautiously
ngandangandarina burkanato be unable to wade through
worita burkanato wade a long way
worku burkanato wade around [in the water] near-by
burkangurunot sorrowful, unrepentant, hard as a rock, unsympathetic, devoid of feeling
burkanguruetjaone who is fearless
burkutype of bush
burkuplant with seed pods
burkutype of edible caterpillar, type of edible grub
burkutype of tree
burkufruit that [can be] eaten
burku wonpa
'burku' bush [drift]mound
dako burkuburkusandhill with 'burkuburku' bush
burkupati kutjawinged caterpillar
burlinga terkaji tandratype of seed
burlu najinato see clearly; to [be able to] see a long way
billi burrucorner of a string-bag
burruend of a piece of wood
burru ngankanato wash away
Kunari burruend of Cooper Creek
mandra burruside of the stomach or belly
pantu burruend of a lake, shore of a lake, edge of a lake
pirra burruside of a wooden dish
punga burrucorner of a house or hut
talara billi burrufringe of a strip of rain
buruoh no
burucorner, end, edge of a boundary, side
buru godanafor hail to fall
buru ngankanato acquire by barter; to purchase
buru ngundranato think of a debt
buru palpaminor debt; somewhat indebted
buru paranafor payment of a bartering debt to be available
buru patanato discharge a debt
buru tandranato scatter frost
buru tapinafor frost to disappear
buru terkanafor a corner to stand
buru wontinato look for blame
ditji buruwithout sun[light]
kana buruman who sends no news
marda buru kanpusound of hailstones
marda buru karanato attach a stone weight
minka buru ngankanato dig out an entire hole; to dig to the end of a tunnel
ngalburu buruthick darkness
ngapitja buruwithout a dream
ngaru buruspeechless, when one refrains from disclosing something
ngopera buru, ngadani wilparinafirst to hold one's silence, then to speak [or open up]
pira burunew moon
piti buruto be plugged up, to be closed, to be obstructed
putu burupaid-for goods
piti burubanato give birth to one's first child; to lay first egg
burubani jaurawords that break up a marriage
buruburubanato tear apart; to drive off; to chase away; to tear away; to disturb; to ward off,
to restrain, to prevent
buruburubanietjadisturber; disrupter of work; hinderer; [mischief-maker]
kalala buruburulkanato follow secretly out of revenge
karakara buruburulkanato creep close up to
buruja pararanauntil the end to go over
burujeli dijanafor frost to burn or to kill off
burujeli nandranato be frost-bitten
marda burujeli dakanafor hail to pierce
burujulkanato burp, to belch, to swallow the wrong way [as almost to choke]
burulaone who walks through the dewy [grass]
nulia milingeru jaura burulkaihe always holds his counsel
burulkanato protect (something), to cover up, to hold back, not to tell, to keep secret
burulkaterinato defend oneself
burunato crouch, to cringe, to cower down, to stoop down, to draw oneself together, to turn
and lie on the other side, to cover oneself, to [sit and] brood
buruna ngarinato bend down, to stoop low, to duck down, to hide oneself
buruna ngarinato bend down in order not to be seen
buruna tapanato kneel down to drink
butju burunato stumble around blindly
butju burunato keep one's eyes closed
nunkurina burunato crouch together, to squat down together
terti burunato collapse in the middle
tjika burunato fall by accident
buruni purkanato wade through frost
kutjera bururina kidakidanato groan because of ear-ache
bururu ngankanato fill with air; to enlarge
ngulku bururupuffed-up cheeks
butara mulkaterinafor a bird to pluck its own feathers for [lining] a nest
butjublind, unseeing
butjublind person
butju banbanbanato tap
butju burunato stumble around blindly
butju burunato keep one's eyes closed
butju dantjumanato lead a blind [person] cautiously
butju godanafor a blind man to fall
butju godanato fall over like a blind man
butju malkablindness as a symptom
butju munkurublind person who cannot move about freely
butju ngamananot to recognise, not to understand
butju padakanato lead along a blind man
butju parawaranafor a blind man to grope [his way] around
butju pataterinato pretend to be blind
butju purinato go blind
butju tampanafor a blind man to grope [his way] about
butju wonkiblind man who constantly stays put
kana butjublind man
milki butjublind eye
ngampu butjunearly blind
butjujeli karakaranafor a blind man to feel
butjujeli wombanafor a blind man to grope his way
butjuni kintjakintjadispleased with a blind man
nganka butubushy beard
buturu kantjirinafor dust to rise up
buturu maraljered dust
buturu nururinafor a dust storm to grow worse (stronger)
buturu wapanafor dust to blow along
buturu-jelbibeginning of a dust-storm
mita buturudust stormy country
dakahard earth; lump, clump, clod of earth
daka palangandranato break up clods [or lumps] of earth
mita dakaclod of earth; hard earth
billi dakadakanet-bag made of variegated string
dakadakaspotted; mottled; striped; variegated; scarred
kalibilibili dakadakagay-coloured butterfly
kati dakadakarug of variegated furs
marda dakadakastones of various colours
mita dakadakaground covered with pebbles
pirra dakadakacoolamon painted in various colours
pita dakadakamalformed, stunted timber
tjutju dakadakavaricoloured snake
pajali dakadakaibird of prey follows its quarry
dakadakanato pass by at a [good] pace
pantongana dakadakanaman who shakes his head and body (dodders) when he walks
dakadakaraterinato feel very poor
malka dakadakaraterinato decorate oneself with signs [or symbols]
dakadakarinato be spotted, to cause to become spotted
karuwarli dakadaribanato present an uninitiated [youth]
dakalahard ground dweller
kirra dakala kounskilled in making boomerangs, unable to make a boomerang
dakamaifruit that [can be] eaten
dakamalinato throw something at one another
bankitiri dakanato have stitches in the side
dakanato spear; to pierce
dakana ngarinato weave to go down, to sit down and weave
dakana ngarinato sit down to grind seed
dakana woninato begin to stab [with a spear]
dalpa dakanato whisper to someone; to whisper into someone's ear, to promise; to assure
dantjuiana dakanato finish off carefully
dilka dakanafor thorns to prick
diltja dakanafor the legs or muscles (tendons) to hurt
ditji dakanafor the sun to affect one
ditjieli dakanafor the sun to be stinging [or scorching] hot
jama dakanato mend a net
jaurali dakanato stimulate; to aggravate; to prod; to tease
jaurali dakanaverbally to hit home (or) to touch the sore spot
kalku dakanato plait [with] reeds
kalkujieli billi jurkujurku dakanato plait a [shoulder] string-bag out of reeds
kaltieli dakanato penetrate, transfix with a spear
kana dakanato pierce a man
kilpali dakanato be affected by the cold, to be overwhelmed by the cold
kintala dakanato spear a dog
kirra dakana kulnujelildra kulnujelildraeach man to make a boomerang for himself
kulnujelildra kulnujelildra billi dakanaeach man to weave his own string-bag
kumali dakanafor sad news to strike
malka dakanato weave signs
mandra dakanato have indigestion, to have stomach ache, to have gripes
mankarli dakanato manufacture with care (slowly); to make beautifully
maramanjujeli billi dakanato wee well
maramarru dakanabusily to weave
marda burujeli dakanafor hail to pierce
mardali dakanafor a stone to pierce
milki dakanato lift up one's eyes; to be alert, to be on the look out
milkieli dakanato look hard, sharp-eyed at a person
milla dakanato thread a reed
mita dakanato choose a particular spot or area
mokujeli dakanato kill by [pointing] the bone
mokujeli dakanato point a [magic] bone at someone; to "sing" someone
morla jama dakanato weave more fishing net
mudla dakanato slap in the face
mudla dakanato pierce the nasal septum
mundingna dakanato stitch up an animal
muntjujeli dakanafor insects to bite
mutja-moku dakanato pound stalks of the [mutja] shrub
ngaltja dakanato belch
ngami dakanato make a hook
ngara dakanato speak to the heart; to speak to the conscience
ngunku dakanato heap together; to form into a ball
nguntjanguntjamana dakanato work carefully [or thoughtfully] at a weapon
ngura dakanato select a campsite
ntjirintjiri dakanato knock out the two front teeth
paja dakanato throw at birds
palto dakanato find a way; to pave the way
paparina dakanato keep on weaving
parapara dakanato pierce quickly
paua dakanato grind seed
paua dakana ngarlarinato be contented (and cheerful) at grinding seed
piti dakanato attack an end
talarali dakanafor rain to pierce
tarlieli dakanaverbally to prod
tjika dakanato fail to spear; to miss in [trying to] spear
tjuru dakanato make a person aware
tjuru dakanato remind
turu dakanato make fire
turu dakanali kalabanafor fire-rubbing to provide an answer
dakangandrana[to fling onto the hard ground
jaura dakangandranato cast words aside
dakangandraterinato knock against or bump into (something); to fall; to fall down; to suffer physical
injury; to fling oneself grief-stricken to the ground
Dakarininame of dog of 'muramura'
dakaterinato trip or stumble
mardali dakaterinato trip against a stone
dakibanato [manufacture something] for someone else
dako balbarusandhill that is fairly broad and spacious on top
dako balibalilow sandhill between two high ones
dako buluvegetation-less sandhill
dako burkuburkusandhill with 'burkuburku' bush
dako damanato break through a sandhill
dako dankara[chain of] numerous sandhills linked together
dako dinganato skirt a sandhill
dako dintjanisandhill breached by [the action of] wind or water
dako dirkalaend of a sandhill
dako dokumanawestern side of a sandhill
dako duparusolitary sandhill
dako dupuruonly sandhill
dako durudepression in a sandhill
dako kakinisandhill that towers above the rest
dako kaldricrooked-running sandhill
dako kalikalieastern side of a sandhill
dako kalikaliside of a sandhill
dako kamanelifriendly sandhill
dako kanta marapusandhill overgrown with lots of grass
dako karakaranear-by sandhill
dako karinato follow a sandhill
dako karlaadjoining sandhill
dako karlavegetationless (empty) sandhill
dako karpakarpauneven sandhills
dako kiljarabare sandhill
dako kirra jeri(crooked) sandhill like a boomerang
dako kuljakuljagreen sandhill
dako kulkanato guard the sandhills
dako kunarkusandhill that lies in a diagonal position
dako kutikutiricrooked sandhill, uneven sandhill
dako madlentjibad sandhill
dako madlentjibad sandhill
dako manamimioutliers [or spurs] of sandhills
dako mandramiddle of sandhills
dako mandracentrally situated sandhill; in the middle of sandhills
dako mangatandracrest of a sandhill, top of a sandhill
dako mangatandracrest of a sandhill, top of a sandhill
dako maraljered sandhill
dako matirinafor a sandhill to grow higher
dako mauarlahungry sandhill
dako mintjinafor a sandhill to stand out
dako mirihigh sandhill
dako mitamitasandhill with better class soil
dako morla pirnasandhills more big
dako mudlaface of a sandhill; steeply sloping end of a sandhill
dako mudlaend or beginning of a sandhill
dako mujadry sandhill
dako mulurusmall sandhill
dako munamunarisandhill that terminates in a creek
dako muravery highest sandhill
dako ngalpabosom of sandhill
dako ngankanato blow [up] into a sandhill; to blow onto a sandhill
dako ngaperisandhill father
dako ngirkinafor sandhills to multiply
dako ngulubrow of a sandhill
dako ngulukanato inspect a sandhill
dako ngumugood sandhill
dako ngundranato think of a sandhill
dako nguntjamanato recognise a sandhill again
dako ngurarinafor several sandhills to merge
dako pajirihigh sandhill
dako pajirilong sandhill
dako paka pilkidifferent type of sandhill
dako palaravegetationless sandhill
dako palparuwide sandhill
dako palparurinafor a sandhill to grow wider
dako pankisloping bank of a sandhill
dako paraparastone-covered sandhill
dako paruparurinafor a sandhill to extend [a long way]
dako piltjaruirregular sandhills
dako pirnabig sandhill
dako pirnabig sandhill
dako pirrasandhill that has a hollow on its crest
dako pitiworn-away brow of a sandhill
dako pitimoku-the end of a sandhill
dako pratjanaall sandhills
dako pratjijirbanato gather all sandhills together
dako puntinafor a sandhill to branch off
dako tarasubsidiary branch of a sandhill
dako taranalaluup on top of a sandhill
dako tepirinafor a sandhill to become alive
dako tikanafor a sandhill to return
dako tindipiticorner of a sandhill
dako tokuother side of a sandhill
dako turusandhill-ridge
dako ulustraight sandhill
dako wakasmall sandhill
dako wakasmall sandhill
dako wangiwangiuninhabited sandhill
dako wanngalow sandhill
dako wapanafor a sandhill to extend
dako wima ngurasandhill with a depression on top
dako wintamanato count sandhills
dako wipavalley of sandhills
dako wirawirasandhill on which the 'wira' bush grows
dako wirdilong sandhill
dako wiringanafor one sandhill to surpass others in size
dako wirititasandhill which [intermittently] changes shape
dako wittarow of sandhills
dako wokaracrest of a sandhill
dako wokaribanato cut straight across a sandhill
dako wolaragroup [or formation] of sandhills
dako wondawondanato point out a sandhill
dako wondiriborderline sandhill
dako wondraextensive (big-bellied) sandhill
dako woninafor a sandhill to begin
dako wonjurahalf-depleted sandhill
dako wonkisandhill that has always been standing there
dako wonpaelevation on top of a sandhill
dako wonpahill of drift-sand
dako wontawontavery wide sandhill
dako wontjanato probe sandhills
dako wordushort sandhill
dako wordushort sandhill
dako worraone side of a sandhill
dako-bankiside of a sandhill
dako-jelbiend of sandhills
mita dakosandhill country
winkara dakosandhill on which lots of 'winkara' (type of edible plant) grow
dakoni ngariterinato descend the sandhill oneself
daku taranafor a sandhill to grow [bigger, higher]
dakujeli ngujaribanato be delayed by sandhills
dakulasandhill-dweller; inhabitant of the sandhills
dakuni karitjinato walk around the sandhill
dakuni katinato climb onto a sandhill
dakuni taranato climb a sandhill
dakuni tertiin the middle of sandhills
dakuni wariwarinato be tired from going up and over sandhills
dakupataaround a sandhill
dala kumaparcel of fur-skins
dala karpanato sew skins together
dala kurlakaruwell-skinned hide
dampangara dala karpanato sew pelican skins together
kalku dalapeel of a reed [stem]
daliri godanafor a fog to descend
dalpaear-lobe; mesh[-holes] (in a net), leaves (on shrubs or trees)
dalpa dakanato whisper to someone; to whisper into someone's ear, to promise; to assure
dalpa gildidischarge from the ears
dalpa kaldruopen-eared
dalpa karlaempty ears
dalpa kintjalkuruclean ears
dalpa kipanato whisper into someone's ear
dalpa kokoearhole
dalpa matanafor one's ear to ring or tingle
kurukuru dalpa wonkanasecretly to blow down a person's ear
dalpadakanato assure; to promise; to invite; to raise hopes; to affirm
karuwalilaia dalpadakanato invite to a circumcision
kukapirini dalpadakanato promise someone in marriage at a funeral
mangawaru dalpadakanato promise a widow as a wife
marda dalpadakanato promise someone a millstone
nari dalpadakanato report a death of someone who died; to bring news of someone's death
nari dalpadakanato report a dead person
ngapa dalpadakanato promise water
ngarimata dalpadakanato give warning (notice) of a flood
ngura dalpadakanato announce in camp; to inform the camp
ngura kulno ngura kulno dalpadakanato notify one camp after another
noa dalpadakanato promise a wife
poto dalpadakanato promise things
minkaia dalpadakijiribamalinato invite one another to the "Hole"
teri wulu dalpadakijiribamalinafor two brothers to promise their sisters to each other
dalpakaldruobedient; effortless
dalpakaldru jeli karkibanakindly to request what is mine
dalpakaldruieli jurborinato turn up guilelessly
dalpakaldrujeli karibanato bury shallowly
dalpakaldrujeli maninaobligingly to fetch something
dalpakaldrujeli ngaranato listen obediently
dalpakaldrujeli padakijiribanaobligingly to bring back
dalpakaldrujeli puntinato leave in a friendly spirit
dalpakaldrujeli worani patanato obey and not to touch
dalpakaldrurinato become obedient, to become tractable
kana dalpakurudeaf man
dalpani kuranato place behind one's ear
dalpatandratype of plant
dalpawonkanato whisper into someone's ear; to ear-bash
mauarli dalpawonkanaout of hunger to bawl into one's ears
mirtjali dalpawonkanato disturb someone
potuja dalpawonkanato hard-press someone for his possessions; to cajole, to wheedle a man for his personal
dalpawonki jiribanato whisper into each other's ear; to disturb each other; to hard-press each other,
mankamanka dalpinato warm oneself opposite each other in a circle around the fire
dalpurastillness; silence; peace; quietness
dalpura deringanato arrive unexpectedly
dalpura kalkaterinato wait for something without saying so
dalpura manimaninato leave in utmost silence
dalpura milamiladistant faint sound
dalpura ngamanato sit in peace and quietness
dalpura ngamana wirinato arrive in silence
dalpura ngankamalinato make one another calm
dalpura terkanafor a calm to stand
dalpura tiririnato fight without raising a commotion
dalpura wokaranato arrive in sheer silence
dalpura wontiterinato search in silence
kana dalpuraquiet man, peaceful man
katu dalpuraeffective windbreak
manu dalpurato have no joy or pleasure
mara dalpurahand that accepts nothing
mita dalpuracalm [day]
ngapa dalpurasmooth lake
ngura dalpurapeaceful quiet camp
punga dalpuradraught-proof (air-tight) wurley
talara dalpurarain calm
Dalpura wokaribaniname of constellation
daltrantatype of tree
dako damanato break through a sandhill
damanato cut
damana dantjumanato nurse a cut (wound)
damana ngarinato cut open; to dissect
damana pararanato cut opposite
kajiri damanato wash out a creek, to deepen a creek
kalala damanato cut with a stone knife in revenge
kana damanato wound a person
kulnujelildra kulnujelildra warukati damanafor each one to pluck (skin) an emu on his own
mani damanato cut out fat
milki damanato cut the eyes
miritipa damanato cut off a dog's tail
nganti damanato cut open the stomach of an animal
ngara damanato cut the heart
para damanato cut hair
parapara damanato cut in deeply
damanietjacut-throat; [knife-flashing] ruffian
damaterinato cut oneself
dantjumana dampalkanato sneak along, crawl forward [stealthily] without a sound
kurukuru dampanasecretly to sneak up to
dampangara dala karpanato sew pelican skins together
damputype of plant
pantja dampudamourashort shins
billi dampudampuraround-woven (suspensible) net-bag
dampudampura ngamanato sit around in a circle
dampudampura ngankaterinaalways to sit down together, to band together; to gather in a mob
kajiri dampudampuracreek that takes a bend
kana dampudampurashort, fat man
kapi dampudampuraround egg
katu dampudampuracircular windbreak
kirra dampudampurafine crescent-shaped boomerang
malka dampudampuracircular sign, symbol
mangatandra dampudampuraround head
mardakuparu dampudampurasmall round stone used for pounding seed
mardawonpa dampudampuraspherical stone hill [or range]
milkitandra dampudampuraround eye
mita dampudampuraround land
mudla dampudampuraround face
nganka dampudampuraroundly-trimmed beard
ngura dampudampuracircular camp
paratara dampudampuraround claypan
pirra dampudampuralong oval-shaped wooden dish; coolamon
punga dampudampurafinely-arched wurley
tidna dampudampurashort feet with stumpy toes
mangatandra dampuraround head
burka danganato strike terror into [a person], to scare, to frighten
burka danganato rouse the conscience
danganato frighten, to chase away
dangana pararanato chase away
japa danganato strike terror into
jaurali danganato draw attention to (certain) danger
katu danganato disturb a brush shelter
muka danganato banish sleep; to keep someone awake
nari danganato overtake a man condemned to die
nari danganato ward off death for someone
ngara danganato speak to a man's conscience
ngura danganato stir up, to set a camp in uproar
ninta danganato attempt to absolve someone from disgrace
paja danganato chase birds away
paua danganato shake seed
manawalkurali danidani jiribamalinato speak quiet words of encouragement to each other to elope together
baku daninato leave without a word of farewell
daninato take leave
danina kuranato announce or confirm [the time of] one's departure
danina tatanato urge someone to take leave
kalkina daninarecently to have parted company
danini jaurawords of farewell; parting words
danini-jauraparting words; words of farewell
danjutype of tree
danjufruit that [can be] eaten
danju ngankanato produce a type of berry
danju tajinato eat a type of seed
danju tapanato drink 'danju' fruit
danka pilkiwater that has acquired a peculiar colour
dankakaldritype of plant
dankakaldriedible [type of] fruit
dankakaldriplant with seed pods
dankakaldritype of tree
dankakaldri kankanato gather a kind of cucumber
dankakaldri paninafor fruit of the 'dankakaldri' to have a [strong] scent
dankakaldri tajinato eat a type of fruit
dankakaldri wonjurahalf-withered 'dankakaldri'
julanti ja dankakaldri dapanato eat 'julanti' and 'dankakaldri'
dankamalinato meet one another, to come together, to pair, to mate, to copulate (of snakes),
to stumble against; to hit upon something
dankamalinato meet one another
pinti dankamalinafor news (a rumour) to meet together
terti dankamalinato meet together half way
dankanato give birth to; to find; to run into, to encounter, to meet
dankanato meet up with; to chance upon; to seek out; to find; to run into, to come across
kalkani dankanarecently to have met
kamaneli dankanato chance upon a friend
kana dankanato meet a person by chance, to track a person down
kanta jelbi dankanato come across a green oasis
karuwarli dankanato give birth to a boy
kupa dankanato beget a child
kupa dankanato conceive a child
milkimilki dankanafor spies to discover
minakulno dankanato chance upon something unfamiliar
mitiri dankanato discover something new
nari dankanato come across a dead [man]; to search for a dead person
nari dankanato chance upon a grave
ngapa dankanato strike water
ngurawalpa dankanato come upon a deserted camp
palto dankanato discover a way, to find a way
potuni dankanato come across things; to find things
tidnani dankanato come across footprints, to meet up with footprints
woderu jundru ninaia dankana warai?where did you meet him? (or) where did you find him? (or) where did you run into him
whilst searching?
worita dankanato discover something far away
dako dankara[chain of] numerous sandhills linked together
dankaranato transgress, to step over, to arrive at
dantjumana dankaranato arrive in good health
pilpi dankaranato wake up
dankaterinato meet up with someone or something; to bump into each other
danku terkanato say: "slowly!" whilst walking along
dankubanain the morning
dankubana baku turaranato sleep tomorrow without reward
dankubana dantjudantjumalkanato come to a decision tomorrow
dankubana kulnundruthird day
dankubana kulnundru ditji kulnunifourth day
dankubana matantarinato join up next day
dankubana ngankana jiritjinato get up next morning for work
dankubana nguruday after tomorrow
dankubana padakijiribanato bring back tomorrow
dankubana pantaribanato be better [by] tomorrow
dankubana wiringanato pass by on the following day
dankudankubanarinato dawn; to become day
dankudankubanietjaearly bird; early riser
Danpadanparaname of constellation
dantjamanato bind, to seal, to fasten, to confirm
dantjamanato ransom; to redeem; to release; to act as guarantor; to go surety; to make oneself
responsible for
dantjamana kuranato fix a boundary, to establish a boundary, to determine a boundary, to define a
boundary, to divide property
dantjamana nandranato drive or hammer in firmly
dantjamana terkibanato ram in tightly
dantjamanietjaone who promises
dantjamaterinato guarantee for oneself; to decide for oneself
dankubana dantjudantjumalkanato come to a decision tomorrow
dantjudantjumalkijiribamalinato do carefully to one another
dantjudantjumanato do carefully
maramarapujeli dantjudantjumanato assist in the burial and the associated [rites and] ceremonies
dantjuiana dakanato finish off carefully
butju dantjumanato lead a blind [person] cautiously
damana dantjumanato nurse a cut (wound)
dantjumanacarefully to carry, [to lift, to lead, to care for]
dantjumana bakunato dig warily, cautiously
dantjumana burkanato wade around cautiously
dantjumana dampalkanato sneak along, crawl forward [stealthily] without a sound
dantjumana dankaranato arrive in good health
dantjumana dukaranato take out carefully
dantjumana jatamalinanot to use indecent language during an argument, to argue cautiously
dantjumana jatanato talk discreetly, without causing offence
dantjumana jinkina taralkanato hand up carefully to one another
dantjumana jiritjinato get up, to stand up cautiously
dantjumana karanaproperly to wrap up [or tie together]
dantjumana karipanato hang up carefully
dantjumana karitjinato go carefully round about
dantjumana karkanato lure and entice someone with nice words
dantjumana kuranato protect oneself from enemy missiles
dantjumana kurana ngarinato lay down and let down carefully
dantjumana kuraranato pour carefully into
dantjumana mankara jinkimalinato give girls away legitimately
dantjumana mindrina dikanato return home secretively
dantjumana mindrina karitjinato encircle carefully
dantjumana mindrina kuranato tread warily
dantjumana mudanato bring to a peaceful conclusion
dantjumana najinato follow something with the eye; to fix one's gaze on something, so that it does
not disappear from sight
dantjumana najina dikanato look around carefully and turn back
dantjumana najinganaon seeing (them), carefully to pass by
dantjumana nandranato chop off carefully
dantjumana nankanato bend carefully
dantjumana ngamalkanato keep someone satisfied; to look well after someone
dantjumana ngamanato live peacefully side by side
dantjumana ngampinato dress discreetly; to tie one's pubic covering around properly
dantjumana ngarinato go down carefully
dantjumana parana ngarinato settle down peacefully together
dantjumana paraparanato continue [to do something] untiringly
dantjumana pararanato sleep unobserved
dantjumana parumanato pull out carefully
dantjumana poto jinkimalinato deal fairly; to trade honestly
dantjumana puntibanato divide up fairly
dantjumana puntinato disband, to disperse, to part company in a spirit of peace
dantjumana tajinato eat moderately, with discretion; to portion out [the food] and not eat everything
[at once]
dantjumana tapanato drink sparingly
dantjumana taranato look around carefully
dantjumana tatanato advise caution
dantjumana terkakana taranato [help] carefully to stand up
dantjumana tjirkanato decorate correctly
dantjumana todinato bury carefully
dantjumana turaranato sleep in peace
dantjumana wajinato grill carefully
dantjumana waltana kuranato carry and lay down carefully
dantjumana wapanato travel (peacefully) together
dantjumana wiringanato go past cautiously, giving no cause for strife
dantjumana woninato pay close attention [right] from the start
kana nguruja poto dantjumanato protect [i.e. to treat carefully] other people's property
kapi dantjumanato carry eggs carefully
kupa dantjumanato carry a child carefully
kupa ngamuru dantjumanato befriend (care for) orphans
mangawaru dantjumanato protect widows
muntja dantjumanato lift a patient carefully
ngapa dantjumanato leave water intact
ngapajunga dantjumananot to tear or drop a water-bag
noa dantjumanato protect or look after another person's husband/wife
paua billi dantjumananot to hand out the seed unnecessarily
pinaru ja widlapirna dantjumanato befriend (care for) old men and women
poto maradunka dantjumanato treasure, to value heirlooms
punga dantjumananot to damage a man's house when he is absent
turu dantjumananot to let a fire go out
worla dantjumanato carry a millstone carefully
dantjumanietjaone who acts carefully
dantosoft; moist; newly-baked (of bread); flexible; pliable (of roots, twigs, etc.); ductile;
submissive; docile (of people, who obey without objection); tender-hearted; generous
diltja dantofleet of foot
jinka dantopliant string
kumari dantothoroughly healthy blood
mita dantoloosened broken ground
morla dantomore soft, softer, able to be torn more easily; more pliable
ngapa dantogood water, fresh water
para dantosmooth hair, soft hair
tala dantotender skin
tali dantoglib voluble tongue
tidna dantotender feet
dantodantovery soft
dantoetjaone who is willing
danu pantjinato become moist, to become damp
Danuputjaname of constellation
dapawound, sore, ulcer; [scar], scab; mange, impetigo; [syphilis]
dapa dijanato kill a wound
dapa dunkafestering or putrid sore
dapa karpanato tie up a wound, to bandage a wound
dapa matirinafor a wound to heal
dapa mudanafor wounds to have healed (closed up)
dapa pirnasyphilis
dapa pirnalarge sore, ulcer
dapa tepihealed sore
mangatandra dapahead-wound
mara dapasore on the hand
milki dapasore eye
ngara dapawounded heart
pilpiri dapashoulder wound
pita dapascar on a tree; blazed tree
tidna dapasore on the foot
dapaetjaone who has continual sores or ulcers
wirkali ngapa dapaicracks in the earth absorb the water
kaltieli dapajatilest the spear suck up
dapala palkanato go to have a drink
dapala tikanato return for a drink
dapala wirinato come forward to drink, to go down to drink
dapali kidakidanato cry because of a wound
dapali maritjinato cry out [on receiving] a wound
dapanato drink; to suck, to suck up; to kiss; to chew; to eat (of grounded seed); to belch
or burp; to wet or moisten; to pour, to swallow
dapana dapana palkanato drink and drink and go
dapana kuranato drink and leave, to drink while going along
gildi dapanato eat fat
julanti ja dankakaldri dapanato eat 'julanti' and 'dankakaldri'
kana dapanato drink a person
kapi dapanato eat eggs
kirra dapanato kiss a boomerang
kulua ngapa dapanato drink 'kulua' water
kumari dapanato drink blood
kumari dapanato drink blood
miltjamiltja dapanato eat stodgy food
moku dapanato suck bones
ngama dapanato drink at one's mother's breast
ngama kaldri dapanato drink at a bitter breast
ngapa dapanato drink water
ngulji dapanato chew a kind of resin
ninkuwa dapanato drink yonder
paljangani dapanato eat a kind of honey
palku dapanato kiss the body
paua dapanato eat gruel
paua kurieli dapanato eat seed in secret
pitali dapanafor the wood [spear] to devour
tanju dapanato chew a type of resin
dapaterinato lick oneself; to wet oneself, to moisten oneself
dapinganato drink while going along
dapingana palkanato drink while going along and then to continue on
dapipanato chew merely by inhaling
Darananame of ancestral being
Darani ngara wulana muruwanato scrape the petrified hearts of the two sons of Darana with one's fingernails
daraparkiljatype of plant
putu daribanato scatter, lose, throw things away
darku paranato be around close-by
ngajulu darkuend of a journey
darlipundrutype of tree
bukatu ngura darpanato clean up the ochre-collectors' camp
darpanato clean; to brush; to sweep
jiraua darpanato sweep the threshing-floor
kana tinkani darpanato tidy up on behalf of the deceased
minka darpanato clean out a hole, to clear a hole; to re-dig a one-time hole that has caved in
mirka darpanato scatter ants
mita darpanato clear the ground
mita darpanato clear the ground of bush growth
ngapatjili darpanato clean out a soakage well
punga darpanato clean out a wurley
wadlula darpanato get rid of a type of cock-chafer grub
watarali darpanafor the wind to sweep
bukatuni darpinato return home from collecting ochre
darpinato turn back
darpina dikanato turn round and go back
japali darpina dikanato stop in sudden fright and turn back
kalitakali darpinato be of no use turning back
kalkani darpinarecently to have turned back
kulnulu darpinato turn back alone
mauarli darpina dikanaunable to continue any further on account of hunger
ngarali darpinafor one's heart's sake to continue no further but turn back
noa ngarali ngundrana darpinato think lovingly of one's wife, and turn back
pinga darpina dikanafor blood-avengers to return
pitjirani darpinato return home after collecting chewing-tobacco
tertieli darpina dikanaunable to continue on account of thirst
wolkareli darpina dikanato remain standing in wistful longing, and turn back
mandikilla darraiwaves are mounting higher
darralkanato cause to lift up; to induce to rise
darranato disappear suddenly; to slip away; to escape; to leave in secret; to run away quickly;
to arise, to come forth
darrana kuranato escape from death
kana darranafor a man to make a quick escape
mita darranafor dust to blow up
paja darranafor a bird to escape (or) get away
paru darranafor a fish to snap its jaws in the air
talara palku darranafor [rain-]clouds to come up
darribanato send thither, to scatter, to send away quickly, to damage, to destroy, to break
down; to smash in, to heap or pile up (waves)
poto darribanato scatter things, to throw things around in disarray
darringanato pass by quickly; to pass away suddenly
kana darringanaunexpectedly to stumble and fall
datinistep, terrace; notch, nick, groove
ngapatjili datinisteps to a [soakage] well
datjanato find out; to discover; to make a track; to pave the way for the first time; to
pursue a track still further; to trace an animal to its [very] hole or warren
dia datjanato begin once here and then there, where others have left off
jaura datjanato stir up [past] remarks; to expose things that are half-forgotten
pungaia mana datjanato arrange for the entrance to a hut to lead in from the other side
widla kulnuni ngura datjanato follow a woman to her camp; to run after a woman, intending to seduce or lead her
datjanietjadiscoverer, searcher; tracker
daturali najinato gaze steadily back
daturali wonkanato keep on singing without a break
daturufirm, immovable, sedentary, settled in one spot
daturu jindranato keep wailing in one monotonous tone
daturu jurakokanato praise in uniform measure
daturu kalkaterinato continue to wait unflinchingly
daturu karkamalinato invite or summon one another urgently or pressingly
daturu mindrinato run without [ever] standing still
daturu ngakanato keep flowing ceaselessly
daturu ngananato be steadfast; to be continually absent
daturu wapanato keep going without a break, to continue at an even pace
jaura daturu kaukaubanato speak slowly and intelligibly
manu daturuto represent one's point of view unflinchingly
daturuetjaimpassive person, inflexible person
bulja dauadauanato hold back or restrain in vain
bulu dauadauanaunsuccessfully to ward off, to dissuade, to forbid, to disallow
dauadauanato ward off; to forbid, to prohibit; to prevent, to hinder; to hold back; to change
a person's opinion; to order to be silent
dauadauanato advise caution and discretion; to admonish to be careful
parapara dauadauanato forbid sternly
pinga dauadauanato forbid a band of warriors
talara dauadauanato prevent rain
wolkareli dauadauanain [loving] consideration to forbid
dauadauani kapakaparainstructor in tribal law
dauadauani-jauraforbidding words
dauadauani-jauraforbidding words
dauadauanietjaprotector; defender; preventer; hinderer
dauadauanietjaone who disuades or forbids
dauadauanietjaone who instructs
kurikirra talara dauadauanietjarainbow as a preventer of rain
dauadauarijiribamalinato protect yourselves against one another
kana milki daudausquint-eyed man
milki daudausquinting eye
ngura daurucamp vacated during the day
delkinato be disobedient; to be unwilling; to oppose, to resist, to contravene; to abscond;
to circumvent; to break loose; to dislike
delkina jertapaterinato oppose the suggestions, proposals, plans
panpari delkinato disobey continually
delkini panino contradiction; no conflict of opinion
deltjideltjinato ring, to rattle
deltjideltjinganato emit a ringing or rattling sound whilst going along
deltjideltjingiribanato cause to rattle
deltjinato ring; to rattle
deribanato scatter; to devastate; to sweep away; to cast out; to send away; to make clean;
to tear down; to take away; to wrap on the fingers; to squander; to rip or root up;
to uncover
jaua deribanato clean 'jaua' onions
kabuluru deribanato rip off a feathered cap
kana deribanato send a man away
kanja deribanato spread out roasted meat
kanta deribanato uncover grass
katu deribanato tear away a windbreak
kirra deribanato throw away a boomerang
kupa deribanato send women away somewhere
mandra deribanato send out a messenger
mara deribanato take the hand away; to rap someone on the fingers
mara deribanato improve, to make good what has been unsatisfactory
maraljera deribanato send out a novice
milkimilki deribanato send out spies
ngapatjili deribanato clean out a soakage [-well]
ngaru ngandri deribanato send out a large tuft of emu feathers
ngurdi deribanato clear away chaff
poto maradunka deribanato distribute an inheritance
tiriputu deribanato waste down[-feathers]
turupuda deribanato pitch out ashes
watarali kapi deribanafor wind to smash eggs
watarali ngapa deribanafor wind to stir up water
watarali punga deribanafor wind to devastate a house
dalpura deringanato arrive unexpectedly
diaend; place; boundary
dia datjanato begin once here and then there, where others have left off
dia kuranato determine boundaries
dia ngankanato make a boundary, to determine a boundary
jaua dia marranew 'jaua' patch
karara-dialimited period [or season] of the hot winds
ngura diaplace where only tribal relatives live
diadialkanato shake, to drag around; to tear
kana diadialkanato compel a person
kupa diadialkanato shake a child
muntja diadialkanato torture a sick man
ngatata diadialkanato quarrel with a younger brother
noa diadialkanato reproach one's spouse
waltowalto diadialkanato drag a feeble man around
wodla diadialkanato dash, fling a millstone to the ground
diadialkanietjagrumbler, grizzler, remonstrator, tormentor
diakantjitransgressor of the 'dia'
diaturustone club; stone axe
didinga godanato rain inside
dieltjiritype of plant
dieltjiritype of tree
dieltjiritype of tree
dija mokuend
dija ngoperafirst dancer
dija ngundranato think of the spot where one ceased to hunt or dig [for roots]
dijamalinato hit one another
burujeli dijanafor frost to burn or to kill off
dapa dijanato kill a wound
dijanato throw; [to aim at]
dijana ngarinato go out (bird-)hunting
dijana pararanato throw across
dirtjieli dijanafor coarse sand to blow or drift in one's direction
jinkali dijanato fell with string, to slay with a piece of string
kakara dijanaactually or positively to strike the target
Kalawulana dijanato strike the two stars 'Kalawulana'
kalka dijanato dispel rosy twilight of evening's red glow
kalku dijanato plait reeds
kana dijanato aim at people
kapikapina dijanato surround and kill
kararali dijanafor hot wind to scorch, burn, parch
karku dijanato destroy red ochre
kulieli dijanato drive fish forward with branches
kulnujelildra kulnujelildra paja dijanaeach man for himself to take aim at birds
kunarku dijanato throw across, to aim from the sidelines
mandikilla dijanato check waves, to stop waves
mangapunkujeli dijanato aim unintentionally (unwittingly) at
marabakapirnali dijanato make a desperate effort to kill
marali dijanato throw by hand
marda ngurdu dijanato chip and prepare a millstone
marda tula dijanato break off a stone knife from a larger stone
mardaburujeli dijanafor hail to strike
milki dijanato knock out a person's eye; to strike a person blind
mita dijanato strike the ground
muluru dijanato kill grubs
munani ngara dijanato stab in the chest
nari dijanato kill [with a boomerang
nganpa dijanato twine thread, to twist yarn for a pubic covering
nganti dijanato aim at an animal, to aim to kill
ngapa dijanato suck up (strike) water
ngapatjili dijanato spoil (strike) a soakage
njurdu dijanato spin pelt hair
paja dijanato aim at birds
paja dijanato aim at birds
palku dijanato cut up a carcase
parapara dijanato aim vigorously; to throw with all one's might
parawarana dijanato take aim at something while in a state of delirium
parawarana ngaperi dijanaout of carelessness to kill one's father
paru dijanato aim to kill fish
patipatieli dijanacarelessly to aim at someone who has done nothing [wrong]
pilpa dijanato press someone's eyes shut
pilpali dijanafor one's eyelids to fall shut
pirrini ngara dijanato break the heart at intervals
pita dijanato aim at a bush
pita dijanato cut down a (hollow) tree
punga dijanato close down camp
punku dijanato treadle flax, to trample down a flax-bush
talara dijanato check rain, to stop rain
talara dijanato kill rain
talara kidnieli patara dijanafor lightning to strike a tree
tinka dijanato beguile away the night, to dispel the night
tinkali dijanato strike with blindness
tjika dijanato take erratic aim; to miss
tjikatjika dijanato miss one's aim
tjurunani dijanato check diarrhoea
tjutju dijanato kill a snake
turukudnali dijanato kill or strike dead by means of a smoke-cloud
ulu dijanato aim straight
warukati dijanato kill emus
watara dijanato restrain wind, to stop wind
watara dijanato calm wind
watarali dijanafor the wind to be contrary
watawatali dijanafearlessly to aim at
wilti dijana pirkinato play at stalking [or killing] emus
winkara dijanato pull up 'winkara' an edible root
wokara dijanato strike in the neck [with a boomerang]
woldra dijanato strike heat
wombana dijanato take erratic aim
wonta dijanato hit while in flight or on the run
wontjana dijanato try to strike and kill
dijaterinato throw oneself [down]; to lie down; to writhe; to itch
ngama dijaterinafor one's chest to itch
jaura dikalkanato bring back news
jaura dikalkanato bring back news
kurukuru poto dikalkanasecretly to bring things back
maramanjujeli poto dikalkanato return goods intact
dikamalinato mention each other's name
dantjumana mindrina dikanato return home secretively
dantjumana najina dikanato look around carefully and turn back
darpina dikanato turn round and go back
dikanato name; to tell; to state the name of a person or thing
japali darpina dikanato stop in sudden fright and turn back
jaura dikanato say words
kakara dikanadefinitely to turn back
kalala karina dikanato come and go in turn, to bring back
kalala najina dikanato take turns in looking after
kalala ngapu dikanato return silently in retaliation
kulkungana dikanato return quickly
kurutarana dikanato forget to return
manju ngankana dikanato return from [effecting] a reconciliation
mauarli darpina dikanaunable to continue any further on account of hunger
mita dikanato state the name of a place
mura dikanato teach or relate the stories [tales or legends] of the 'muramura'
mura dikanato name the totemic ancestor
murlali dikanato return peacefully
nari dikanato pronounce sentence of death over someone
ngaperi dikanato tell one's father's name
njenmana dikanato hinder to return
nurujeli dikana
to return quickly, to return in a hurry
nururina dikanato endeavour to return home
paru patana dikanato return from fishing
paruparu dikanato recall freshly to mind
patana dikanato resolve to turn back
pinga darpina dikanafor blood-avengers to return
pirrapinta dikanato proclaim [Aboriginal] laws
potuja kapara dikanato ask the trading boss for his decision
pratjana dikanafor everybody to be returning
tampana dikanato turn around and sneak back
tandrana dikanato put (something) down and go back
tapila dikanato turn back
tertieli darpina dikanaunable to continue on account of thirst
tidna nguja dikanato recognise a man by his footprints
wata dikananot to return
wolkareli darpina dikanato remain standing in wistful longing, and turn back
wolkareli dikanalongingly to mention someone's name
wondiri dikanato specify tribal or local boundaries
dikanietjatell-tale; informer
dikaterinato tell one's own name; to betray oneself; to exalt oneself, to magnify oneself; to
elevate oneself above others
bakujeli dikidikibanaunavailingly to keep an eye on something
dikidikibanato threaten; [to curse]
dikidikibana ngaraterinato hear about oneself
kalala dikidikibanato vow vengeance
mita dikidikibanato curse the earth
morlaia dikidikibanafor what has been threatened to surely come to pass
windri dikidikibanato only threaten; to always threaten
dikidikibanietjaone who [curses], one who threatens
dikidikibaterinato be sad and weary of life
dikidikijiribamalinato curse one another
dikidikijiribanato keep in mind
dikijiribanato recall to memory something that was forgotten; to enquire about the name of something
which is unfamiliar
dikiljera pirkinato play slipping and sliding on [wet] clay
dikiritype of plant
dikiriplant with seed pods
dikiritype of tree
dikiritype of tree
dikiri pajiritall 'dikiri' grass
dikiri tandratype of seed
dikiri wonki
'dikiri' bush that has always been standing there
dildampuratype of plant
dilikawirratype of tree
dilikawirrafruit that [can be] eaten
dilkathorn; splinter
dilkaplant with seed pods
dilkatype of tree
dilka dakanafor thorns to prick
dilka madlentjipiercing thorn
dilka matantarinafor thorns to prick into
dilka mulkanato pull up thorn-bushes
dilka ngirkinafor prickles to increase in number
dilka ngundranato take prickles into consideration
dilka paruparueverything full of prickles
dilka pirnabig prickles, thorns
dilka pratjanaall prickles
dilka tirisharp prickles
dilka tjerkarasharp prickles
dilka wirdilong thorn
dilka wirinafor a thorn to penetrate
dilka wontinato search for a thorn
jerratoku dilkaprickles on the other side
mita dilka pirnathorn-riddled country
palku-dilkathorn in the body; nakedness
mita-dilkadilkarubblestones; stony pebbles
mudla-dilkadilkasour face
dilkakantatype of plant
dilkali mita piranafor ground to be covered in prickles
dilkali nandranato be plagued (struck) by thorns
dilkali tidna mantranafor a thorn to hang on firmly to one's foot
tidna dilkali kunkanato limp on account of a spike in the foot
dilkamaiplant with seed pods
dilkamai tajinato eat a type of tuber [or root vegetable]
dilkani japaafraid of prickles
dilkani kalakalarinato be annoyed at the prickles
dilkani tampanato tread lightly on prickles
dillatype of plant
dillafruit that [can be] eaten
dilla pitistem of 'dilla' bush
dilpamalinato be on close terms with each other
dilpanato knock or bump into (someone); to shake; to awaken; to chase away
dilpana tatanato urge to annoy, to tease
dilpana wontiwontikanato go around in a circle, teasing
jaura dilpanato arouse words, to conjure up lots of words
jaurali dilpanato incite; to urge
kinka dilpanato induce to laugh
mara dilpanato stimulate one's hand, to make one's hands nimble for work
muka dilpanato rouse [from] sleep
nari dilpanato warn a death target, to caution a man who has been appointed to die
ngapa dilpanato insult water
ngura dilpanato rouse people in a camp, to incite people in a camp
nuru dilpanato test one's strength
paia dilpanato startle birds, to scare away birds
pita dilpanato torture a tree
tiri dilpanato incite to anger
tjutju dilpanato provoke a snake
warukati dilpani kapakaparahead [hunter] who lures emus
dilpanietjaone who cannot keep the peace; contentious person; stirrer
dilpaterinato coax oneself; to goad, to spur oneself on
diltampuratype of tree
diltja dakanafor the legs or muscles (tendons) to hurt
diltja dantofleet of foot
diltja duljinato overstrain [one's muscles]
diltja dundunutired muscles
diltja kadacreaking of bones
diltja kadisound muscles
diltja katukatukeen muscles, light feet, fast runner, skilled runner
diltja kuritender muscles
diltja manjusturdy (sound, healthy) muscles
diltja mantaterinafor one's muscles to be incapable
diltja mirihigh muscles (sinews)
diltja multibanato wet sinew
diltja nandranato strike muscles
diltja nankanafor the muscles (sinews) to press
diltja ngarranafor one's legs to tremble
diltja ngudaterinato stretch one's muscles
diltja ngumudurable legs or muscles
diltja ngumurinafor muscles to recover after a strenuous march
diltja ngurungurutough muscles
diltja njinjaru ngananafor muscles to be astringent
diltja pajirilong muscles; long legs
diltja palinafor one's muscles to die
diltja parinafor one's muscles to tire
diltja patanafor one's muscles to ache
diltja patanato grab by the legs
diltja tepisound legs, fast-moving legs
diltja turpanato twist sinews
diltja turuturuheated muscles
diltja warpinafor the sun to extend its rays
diltja williwilliflexible muscles
diltja wilpasound muscles
diltja-kaparaAchilles tendon
tidna diltjatendons of foot, muscles of foot
diltjadiltja terkanafor the sun's rays to stand
ditji diltjadiltjahot summer day
diltjali kunkanato hobble along
diltjangandrimain leg tendon
diltjani manngarinato feel embarrassed about one's legs
pariwilpa diltjani wurburuanxious about the reddening of the sky
Dimpiwalakananame of ancestral being
dinatiplant with seed pods
Dindridindipunganame of constellation
dingamalinato be at cross-purposes
dako dinganato skirt a sandhill
dinganato whet; to sharpen; to rub; to grind
kajiri dinganato walk along the edge of a creek
kalara dinganato sharpen a stone axe
kirra dinganato rub a boomerang smooth
manieli dinganato rub with fat
marda dinganato flatten [the surface of] a millstone
marda dinganato rub a hill
mita dinganato rub the ground
ngura dinganato bypass a camp closely
palto dinganato go along a track
panto dinganato skirt the [edge of a] lake
paratara dinganato skirt a claypan
paua dinganato rub seed
pita dinganato skirt a tree
talara dinganafor rain to bypass a certain area
tiripoto dinganato mix down-feathers with pipe-clay
tjilpi dinganafor limbs to rub against each other
tjilpi dinganato rub off the edge
turu dinganato make fire
dinganietjastirrer, provocative person, contentious person; instigator of strife
dingaterinato rub oneself
dako dintjanisandhill breached by [the action of] wind or water
dirimalkanato push away; to remove; to roll away, to bring back; to bring hither; to carry to
a particular place
dirimintatype of edible caterpillar, type of edible grub
dirinato extend, to spread out; to recede, to retreat; to move away
diringanato move past
diritjia kalikalisteep slope of a coarse sandy hill
diritjia kajiricreek in which coarse sand is to be found
dako dirkalaend of a sandhill
dirkalashore; edge; boundary; end
dirkala ngunariright shore, right bank
kajiri dirkalabank of a creek
Katitanta dirkalashore of Lake Eyre
kutu dirkalaedge of a hole
marda dirkalalimit of stones
milki dirkalaedge of an eye
panto dirkalaedge of a lake
pariwilpa dirkalahorizon
patara dirkalaend of hard ground
patara dirkalaedge of a box tree
pirra dirkalaedge of a wooden bowl or dish [coolamon]
punga dirkalaouter side of a wurley
wirka dirkalaedge of [sun-]cracked earth
dirkalaia karakararinato move closer to the shore
dirkalawirdialong the shore
dirkamaifruit that [can be] eaten
dirkana wondranato reveal (men's) secrets
manka dirkanato detach oneself from
dirlatype of tree
dirtjivery coarse sand
dirtji maruextensive coarse sandy flat
dirtji mulurufine sand
dirtji palipaligradually sloping side of a hill
dirtji tandragrain of drifting sand
dirtji wonpasmall elevation covered with coarse sand
dirtji wonpamound of alluvial sand
mana dirtjibread baked in the ashes to which coarse granules of sand adhere which find their
way between one's teeth
ngapa dirtjirough sandstones [lying] under water
dirtjieli dijanafor coarse sand to blow or drift in one's direction
banki ditji dunkaon the side where the sun rises
dankubana kulnundru ditji kulnunifourth day
ditji tarlidefinitely announced day
ditji babarutype of tree
ditji bilpabeams of light before the sun becomes visible
ditji bubarachalk powder from the Sun Cave [Ditjiminka]
ditji buruwithout sun[light]
ditji dakanafor the sun to affect one
ditji diltjadiltjahot summer day
ditji dokuterkanasun after it has set
ditji dundunumoderate (not hot) sun
ditji dunkathe sun's exit, sunrise
ditji dupuru only day
ditji jerkinafor the sun to burn
ditji kalinato wipe out days
ditji kalkanato wait for the sun
ditji karakaraday [is] at hand
ditji karinato follow the sun
ditji karitjinafor the sun to pass its zenith, for the sun to transcend the middle of the day
ditji katibanato cool down the sun
ditji kekiljerinafor a shooting star to fall
ditji kintjalkurubright sun
ditji kulikiribright sun
ditji kulnoone sun, one day
ditji kulnulufor only one day
ditji kumarithe sun when it rises blood-red in summer
ditji kumariblood-red sun
ditji kunarkusun at the zenith
ditji kunarkumid-afternoon
ditji kuparuyoung or little sun
ditji kuparuwinter sun
ditji kuparuname by which the sun is known when it is nearing the Tropic of Capricorn
ditji kurikarinafor the sun to be hidden from view
ditji kutibanato obscure the sun
ditji kutinafor the sun to be hidden
ditji madlentji kararibad sunshine today; not a good day; hot day
ditji malkastreak of falling star
ditji malkasign of the sun, eclipse of the sun
ditji mankawary sun
ditji mankarinafor the sun to reach its turning-point
ditji mararays of the sun
ditji marakulnofive days
ditji maraljebright sun; bright stars
ditji marapumany days
ditji maratatina talaraiato attract rain
ditji maraterkanafor the sun to shine all day
ditji milamilasad day; day of mourning
ditji minkathe sun's hole
ditji mintjinafor the sun to shine
ditji mirihigh sun
ditji mirimidday
ditji mitamitasun inside the earth,
ditji mudanafor an appointed day to be over
ditji mulurusmall star
ditji munaltjahumid, sultry day
ditji munkuruobscured sun
ditji najinato look up at the sun, to look at the position of the sun; to take note of the time
ditji ngadaiapakarulater rising star
ditji ngalburuobscured, shaded sun
ditji ngalpurueclipse of the sun
ditji ngaltingalticool, moderating sun
ditji ngamana ngarinasetting sun
ditji ngandarawhen it is cool in summer, cool summer's day
ditji ngankanato make the sun
ditji ngankanato cause the sun to set quickly by chanting an invocatory song
ditji ngokanato add one or more days
ditji ngujamanato recognise the sun
ditji ngumuhappy day; day of rejoicing
ditji ngumulovely day
ditji ngundranato think of the sun
ditji ngundrijirbanato recall to mind the day in question
ditji nguntjamanato know the sun
ditji nguntjamijirbanato know someone else's day
ditji nguraplace of the sun
ditji ngurathe sun [is] constant
ditji ngurlungurlurinafor the sun to become obscured
ditji njinjarusun that gives no warmth in winter
ditji nunkudarkened sun
ditji nunkurinafor the sun to lose its brightness
ditji nurufleeting sun
ditji nururinafor the sun to be in a hurry
ditji pajiririnafor the days to get longer
ditji paka pilkisun with a different appearance
ditji palpaseveral days
ditji paltocourse or path of the sun
ditji paraitjisunlight
ditji paraitjirinafor the sun to begin to shine
ditji parkuluthree days
ditji parlaparlainsensitive sun
ditji patanato catch the sun
ditji pilkidifferent sun
ditji pilpa ngurakatinafor the sun's rays to spread out
ditji pirnahuge light
ditji pirnaia milisatellites (servants) of the sun
ditji pitikilkanali kalabanafor a falling star to provide an answer
ditji pratjanaall the days
ditji pungaring around the sun
ditji purinafor a star to fall
ditji putuputuruwhen it looks dusty at sunrise
ditji tandrastar
ditji tandra taranalalustars overhead
ditji tankanato add [a few] more days
ditji taramanato stretch the sun a long way
ditji taramanato postpone [the time] from one day to another
ditji taranafor the sun to ascend higher
ditji taranalalusun up above, sun overhead
ditji terkanafor the sun to stand
ditji tidna turusummer sun
ditji tintanato lose days
ditji tjindinafor the sun to shine
ditji todastationary sun
ditji todamidday sun
ditji todinato cover up the sun
ditji tokurear side of the sun
ditji turuni kalakalarinato loathe the sun's fire
ditji uludirect sun
ditji wajarkaswiftly-fleeting days
ditji wakastar
ditji waka mintjinafor the stars to shine
ditji waka morlalustar certain
ditji waka ngujamanato recognise the stars
ditji waka nguntjamanato know the constellations
ditji waka tjelapalkaterinafor stars to separate
ditji waka wolaramultitude of stars
ditji wakali pariwilpa piranafor heaven to be covered in stars
ditji wakawakastar
ditji wakirivery long day
ditji walpanato cover the sun
ditji wapanafor the sun to proceed
ditji warluobscured sun
ditji warulaancient sun
ditji warupotoevery day; the whole day long
ditji wintamanato count the days (suns)
ditji wirdiperiod during which the sun is visible
ditji wiriingoing sun
ditji wirinafor the sun to set
ditji wirrananumber of days (or suns) in a row
ditji woldrajelbiautumnal equinox
ditji wondranato point out the constellations
ditji wonkanato enchant the sun, so that it gets hot
ditji wordushort day
ditji wordurinafor days to grow shorter
ditji woritadistant far-away sun
ditji-kaparasun king
kulnujelildra kulnujelildra ditji dunkubanaeach one on his own to make the sun rise
Ditjiname of ancestral being
ditjia kaparalord of the stars
ditjia-kapakaparasun boss
ditjiditjirinato become exhausted on account of thirst
ditjieli dakanafor the sun to be stinging [or scorching] hot
ditjieli karakaranafor the sun to be severe
ditjieli mankanato be scorching hot
ditjieli mita ngurkumaisun dries out the ground
ditjieli ngujaribanato be delayed by the sun, or heat
ditjieli patijiritjibanato be awakened by the sun
ditjieli talpanato get sunburnt
ditjieli tepirinato feel cheered (refreshed) by the sun
ditjieli wajinato be heated by the sun
ditjieli waru ngankanato get hot from the sun
ditjilaperson who is ill from being sunstruck, person who has died of sunstroke
ditjini japafear of shooting stars
ditjini konot to know the constellations
ditjini kulkaterinato shield oneself from the sun
ditjini kulnuniin one sun, following day
ditjini kuterinato cast a magic spell over the sun
ditjini mandruniin or after two suns, after two days
ditjini mararinato hurry and goad oneself on because of the [hot] sun
ditjini parkulaniafter three (times) suns
ditjini tertimiddle of the day
ditjirinato glow of sun, to dawn
ditjiwaka marakulnofive stars
ditjiwirdi during the day
ditlaplant with seed pods
doku balusmooth back
doku jinkiterina wapanato leave with one's hands behind one's back
doku kalikaliback of a ridge
doku karitjinato turn one's back upon
doku karlaempty back
doku kekiljasmooth back
doku malkaomen of the back
doku mankato say the opposite behind one's back, to do the opposite behind one's back
doku ngundranato consider one's back
doku njinjarustiff back
doku palaraback unmarked by weals [or scars]
doku palparubroad back
doku parinafor one's back to grow tired
doku tjinpiricicatrices on the back
marda dokuupper face of the millstone
tidna dokuinstep
dako dokumanawestern side of a sandhill
dokupirrapirrabeetle with a shell-back
ditji dokuterkanasun after it has set
Dritjipudapudarlbarlaname of constellation
dukali tajinato eat a [type of] water animal
dukamalinato ride around on one another
billi dukanato carry a net-bag on one's back
dukanato piggyback; to carry on one's back
dukana wontiwontikanato carry (a child) around on one's back in a circle
kupa dukanato carry a child on one's back
mandikilla dukanafor waves to rear up, mount higher
mara dukanato cross hands behind one's back
maramanjujeli dukanato carry carefully on the hip
milki dukanato direct one's attention at someone
nari dukanato die one after another
ngaru dukanato have a bunch of emu feathers stuck in the back of one's [hair] belt
ngatata dukanato carry one's younger brothers on one's back
nura dukanafor the tail to be riding
dukanietjarider; tracker
dantjumana dukaranato take out carefully
dukaranato untie, to undo, to loosen; to pull out; to take off, to undress, to lay aside;
to dig up
dukarana pararanato take out to go inside
dukarana pararanato peer across, to peep across
dukarana taranato dig oneself out (from somewhere down below) and climb up
jaura dukaranato search out words, to pick out words
kantji dukaranaactually to take out
karakarana dukaranato take out in order to test or examine
piti dukaranato pull out a stump
dukaraterinato detach oneself, to free oneself, to unloose oneself
tarli dukaraterinafor one's tongue to tear itself out
maru kulnuni dukatarinafor all to make for one destination
dukaterinato ride; to sit astride
dukaterina ngamanato sit astride (behind) another man's back, to ride piggyback
dukaterina punkana(for a small shoot) to grow out of an old tree-trunk
jaurani dukaterinato ride on the back of somebody's words
paltuni dukaterinato follow another [person] along the same track
pitani dukaterinato ride astride a piece of wood
potuni dukaterinafor one thing to lie on top of another
tidnani dukaterinato tread in another's footsteps
tidna dukateriniriding foot
duldaraplant with seed pods
duldaratype of tree
duldrina ngundranato think of dancing
kurukutukutu duldrinato be quiet during [the performance of] a sacred ceremony
mankinali duldrinato jump for joy
mura duldrina kiririnato learn the ritual performances for a sacred ceremony
duldripatawithout dancing
duldruwanato stir something round together; to combine; to jumble together; to mingle, to mix
jaura duldruwanato confuse a conversation
junka duldruwanato mix dissatisfaction, to be mutually discontented
kana mudla duldruwanato confuse people's faces
mirtja duldruwanato confuse shouts and cries
muntja duldruwanafor sickness to spread
nari duldruwanamany die simultaneously
ngapa duldruwanafor water to intermix
paru duldruwanato get fish mixed up
paua duldruwanato mix [various types of] seed together
tali duldruwanafor dialects to assimilate (merge)
tidna duldruwanafor footprints to merge into one another
tiri duldruwanato call attention to two evils simultaneously
tjikatjika duldruwanato accuse someone of numerous misdemeanours
duldruwanietjamixer; mingler; muddler; confuser
duldruwijiribamalinafor many people to come together from here and there
duldruwijiribamalina ngamanafirmly linked together from here and there, to sit down together
duldruwijiribamalina ngura maninato transmigrate
duldruwijiribamalina terkana[though] linked together from here and there, to stand together in solid array, e.g.
during a fight
duldruwijiribamalina wapanato join forces from here and there
duldruwijiribamalinietjaperson around whom people from here and there [will] gather together
ngara dulja ngankanato scatter the heart
duljaduljadirty, unclean, unwashed; dull, gloomy
duljadulja wirarinato wander about in scattered formation
mara duljaduljaunwashed hand, disorderly hand
milki duljaduljadull eye
mudla duljaduljadirty face
ngapa duljaduljastirred up water, dirty water
putu duljaduljagoods that are lying scattered about
tidna duljaduljaconfused footprints
duljaduljamanato disperse, to scatter; to hand over; to distribute; to stir up (water); to tear
down (a wurley), to confuse (people and their ideas)
duljaduljamanato waste; to squander; to scatter; to throw everything into confusion
duljaduljamana pararanato scatter to and fro
jaura duljaduljamanato twist one's words
kalala duljaduljamanato scatter out of revenge
kawolkali poto duljaduljamanafor the crows to scatter things about
mankara duljaduljamanato divide up girls
ngura duljaduljamanato leave a camp in disorder
para duljaduljamanatangled or unkempt hair
poto duljaduljamanato waste things
poto kapara duljaduljamanafor the trading boss to fail to distribute goods to the right person
poto mudlatiri duljaduljamanato fail to divide up a deceased person's inheritance
watarali duljaduljamana ngankanafor the wind to blow everything away
duljaduljamanietjadestroyer, wrecker; scatterer
duljarinato continue to grow tired
duljibanato [make to] fly; to bend; to move
wokara duljibanato put someone's neck out-of-joint
ngurani duljila tikanato return to camp [feeling] out of sorts
diltja duljinato overstrain [one's muscles]
duljinato become tired, to become languid, to become shaky, to become weak
duljinato dislocate; to sprain
duljina wirinato stop going any further
manu duljinato change one's mind
marapalka duljinadislocated wrist
marapiri duljinadeformed fingernails
milki duljinarefracted eye
ngajimarla duljinato stop going further
pantja duljinato dislocate one's knee
pita duljinadislodge a displaced tree
tidna duljinato sprain one's foot
tidnapiri duljinadeformed (overgrown) toes
tindipiti duljinato dislocate one's elbow
wokara duljinato dislocate one's neck
woltja duljinato dislocate one's thigh
worita duljinaremoved to a far place
ngama dulkumore erect breasts of a young maiden
dulkumarranato get sick; to burp; to have an aversion against; to belch
dulkumarranietjaone who is fastidious (selective) in respect to food
dulkurani kalungarranato grow dizzy at [looking into] the depths
dulkurudeep; sunken
dulkuru palparurinafor a hollow to fill up with sand
dulkuru patanato describe (something) as deep
kajiri dulkurudeep creek-bed
kana milki dulkuruhollow-eyed man
kutu dulkurudeep hole
mana dulkurushrunken mouth
mandru dulkuruhungry stomach, shrunken stomach
milki dulkurumore deep-seated eyes
milki dulkurudeep-set eyes
mita dulkurulower-lying land
mudla dulkurucancerous face
ngapa dulkurudeep water
ngapatjili dulkurudeep soakage
ngura dulkurudeep camping-spot
panto dulkurudeep lake
pirra dulkurudeep wooden bowl [or dish]
pita dulkurucurved piece of timber
wipa dulkurudeep valley
dumpadumpanietjabrisk pacer
dundru pita-moku karanato tie together a wooden ring [to form] a 'dundru'
burka dundunusad disposition
diltja dundunutired muscles
ditji dundunumoderate (not hot) sun
dundunuuntrained, shaky, feeble, stiff, wearied, chilled, frozen, shrivelled together, grieved,
choked, asphyxiated, crushable, highly inflammible, soft, juicy, silent [hardly perceptible],
kanta dundunuthin (dry) grass
kati womala dundunumusty old clothing
kilpali dundunustiff from the cold
kintala dundunuexhausted dog
kupa dundunuweak child
kupali dundunu ngankanafor children to pretend to be (make themselves) weak
kuparu dundunufeeble birds
mara dundunufrozen hand
milki dundunuweak, feeble eyes
mita dundunurain-sodden country
ngapala dundunuchilled from going into water
ngaurongaurojeli dundunuweak from sorrow or sadness
nguna dundunutired arm
paraitji dundunufeeble light
pinaru ja widlapirna dundunufeeble old man and feeble old woman
talarali dundunuicy cold from the rain
tali dundunusoft voice
wilapi dundunuthe 'wilapi'edible plant is vulnerable, crushable
dunintatype of edible caterpillar, type of edible grub
banki ditji dunkaon the side where the sun rises
buka dunkamouldy bread
dapa dunkafestering or putrid sore
ditji dunkathe sun's exit, sunrise
dunkarotten; bad; putrid, rancid; spoilt
dunkabad stench; strong odour
dunka nampanato cover up a carcase
dunka panimanato smell a stench
dunka paninafor a carcase to smell bad
dunka taribanato drive away stench
dunka wombatjaranafor a carcase to be bloated
jaura dunkabad words
jaura dunkawords or teachings from time immemorial
kana dunkastinker, lazy man
milki dunkabad eyes
milki dunkabad eyes
milki dunkabad eyes
mita dunkabad ground
ngapakudna dunkaancient soakage
nguna dunkawicked or murderous arm
ngura dunkaold campsite
pita dunkarotten tree
piti dunka pirnastinking backside
poto dunkaold things
punga dunkadilapidated old house [or hut]
tapa dunkamalodorous or stinking sore
tapa dunka paninafor a wound to smell putrid
tara dunkatired legs
dunkaetjaperson who eats rotten food
dunkalkanato lead forth; to carry out
dunkalkanietjaone who carries [someone or something] out
dunkanato come out, to go out; to come forth, to emerge; to rise
manka dunkanato approach from the opposite direction
ngopera dunkanafirst to come out
ngulungaltja dunkanafor rain clouds to ascend in foam-like appearance
talara palku dunkanafor rain clouds to come up
dunkarinato go bad; to grow old; to become unusable
dunkingalkanato help another person through a crowd; to somewhat enlarge a hole, so that an animal
can get through
dunkinganato go out past others; to force one's way out through a crowd; to squeeze one's way
through and escape
kulnujelildra kulnujelildra ditji dunkubanaeach one on his own to make the sun rise
duntjiplant with seed pods
duntjitype of tree
duntjifruit that [can be] eaten
duntji taranato have sneezes
duntjiduntjitype of plant
duntjirinato sneeze
duntjirina ngarinato bend ever whilst sneezing
duparatype of plant
dako duparusolitary sandhill
duparutype of tree
dupu marrafresh shoots [or young sprouts]
kalku dupubud or seed-pod at the top of a reed
dupudupuparalysed; lame; crooked, stooped; stuck at home (as if bound)
dupudupu ngankanato bind; to tie together
kana dupudupucrippled man
mara dupudupuwilted hand
para dupudupucurly hair
poto dupudupu(bundle of) tied up articles
punga dupudupusmall wurley
dupudupurinato crouch down. to squat down; to shrink together; to confine oneself; to curl up;
to roll together
dako dupuruonly sandhill
ditji dupuru only day
dupuruonly; exclusive
malka dupuruonly sign
manu dupuruonly good-natured, kindly-disposed one
manu dupuruinhibited disposition, crippled disposition
maru dupuruonly valley or plain
neji dupuruonly elder brother
nganti dupuruonly animal
ngura dupuruonly camp, main camp, place of residence
noa dupuruonly marriage partner
tali dupuru ngura kulnunionly speaker in the whole camp
tjuru dupuruonly one still with ideas
turarana dupuruto sleep alone
milki duradull eye, lustreless eye
duraduratype of tree
jaurali duriduribanato speak in such a way that everybody is satisfied
durintji tapanato suck marrow out of a bone
kalku durintjipith of a reed
kalku durpanato twist or twirl reeds
dako durudepression in a sandhill
durudepression [between two high hills]; saddle
duru miricrest of a sandhill
duru pirnasteep saddle
duru tajinato eat 'duru', a type of animal
duru terkanato stand in a stooped attitude
kajiri duru karitjinafor a creek to take a sinuous bend
kana duruperson's back
katu durucurvature of a windbreak
kurikirra duru terkanato stand stooped like [the arch of] a rainbow
mana durucerebral arch
manu duru terkanafor one's nature to stand crooked
mara duruback of the hand
marda durusaddle over a range
milki duruarch above the eyes
mudla duruarch of the nose
nguna durucurvature of the thick part of the arm
pantja duru terkanafor one's legs to stand crooked
pilbiri duruelevation of the shoulder
pirra duruback of a coolamon
pita duru terkanafor a tree to stand crooked
punga duruarched [roof] of a wurley
tidna duruinstep
woltja durucurvature of the thigh
duruetjaone who always grabs from the rear
durulaluthat which is bent, that which is curved, that which is arched, that which is crooked
dururinato become stooped
dururinaterinato stoop down in one's own interests
duruterkibanato bend something, to curve something
kana gambadisease-ridden man
kilpa kanani gilbarijifor cold weather to have no respect of people
gilbarinato be disobedient; to disregard; to despise
jaurani gilbarinato ignore what is said
jutani gilbarinato run away, to make one's escape
mauarli gilbarinato take no notice of hunger
munani gilbarinato dislike over against the chest
muntjani gilbarinanot to attend the sick
ngapani gilbarinato be in doubt about water
paltuni gilbarinato take no notice of the track
pingani gilbarinato despise an avenging party
watara gilbarinafor the wind to have no respect of people
manu gilbariniscornful, disdainful, insubordinate spirit; haughty, conceited, self-conscious [sort
of] temperament
gilbarinietjaobstinate person, obstreperous person, disobedient person
dalpa gildidischarge from the ears
gildi dapanato eat fat
gildi godanafor fat to drip away
gildi nanganato drip down fat
gildi ngakanafor fat to trickle down
gildi tapanato drink fat
kadni gildilizard fat
kanunka gildiwallaby fat
kapiri gildigoanna fat
kintala gildidog fat
milki gilditears
mudla gildimucus; discharge from the nose
mudla gildimucus from the nose
mudla gildi tandranafor one's nose to run
nari gildidischarge from corpse
ngapa gildiwater fat
paja gildibird fat
paru gildifish fat
pita gildisap in trees
tapa gildifesteringsore, running sore
tjukuru gildikangaroo fat
warukati gildiemu fat
woma gildisnake fat
gilti tjumpurkanato suck up [liquid] fat
bulu giltjanaunable to skin, unable to peel off
bulu giltjanaunable to ward off
giltjanato peel; to pull off (skin); to ward off; to tear open
nganti giltjanato skin an animal
ngapa-junga giltjanato pull off [a skin for] a waterbag
tala giltjanato graze or chafe the skin
giltjaterinato peel off, to pare off; to cast off a skin; to break open
pariwilpa giltjaterinafor the sky to clear
Godagodananame of ancestral being
billi godanafor a net-bag to fall down
buru godanafor hail to fall
butju godanafor a blind man to fall
butju godanato fall over like a blind man
daliri godanafor a fog to descend
didinga godanato rain inside
gildi godanafor fat to drip away
godanato fall down
godanato fall through; to fall out
godana karitjinato emerge and steer [one's way] around
godana kuranato go round about; to circumvent; to cut off the way [of escape]; to grab someone
godana kuranato fall down and remain sitting
godana ngarinato heave in sight and descend [perhaps over a sandhill], to heave in sight and come
godana ngarinato fall down to descend
godana wirinato turn up [suddenly] and enter [the camp]
godana wontiwontikanafor rain to fall all round
kalala godana karitjinato close in from all sides and take retaliatory action
kalkani godanarecently to have rained
kantji godanaactually, really to fall down
kapirani godanato trample on top of a goanna
kapirani godana wontiwontikanato stamp holes shut all round [in a search] for goannas
kirra godanafor a boomerang to fall
kirra godanafor a boomerang to fall
kudna godanafor excreta to fall down
milkigildi godanafor tears to fall
morla godanafor more rain to fall
muntja godanafor sickness to overtake
mutulu talara godanadefinitely to rain
naria godanato stamp (with one's feet) prior to dying
ngapani godanato fall into water, to fall down into water
nururina godanato keep on raining harder and harder
paja godanafor a bird to swoop down
paparina godanafor more and more rain to fall
parapara godanato rain hard
paru godanafor a fish to fall down
pindri godanafor grasshoppers to fall down
pirra godanafor the moon to fall down
pita godanafor wood to fall
pitikilkana godanato fall like a streak
pitjijambu godanafor resin to drip (fall) down
tajiani godana taranafor an assistant to stoop down and pick up
talara godanafor rain to fall
talara godanafor rain to fall; to rain
talara godana ngirkingirkinafor rain to fall time and time again
timpi godanafor a medial prop (post) to give way
tirimalina godanato fight and fall, to fall in battle
tjilpi godanato rain in fits and starts
tjutju godanafor insects to fall in
manu gritjidisquieted [nervous] disposition
iaura pudukuone thought concealed in another
itikaru kalinato wipe out the [ceremonial] symbols of the 'itikaru'
itikaru karanato prepare sacred design of the 'itikaru'
buka ja ngapa manjubread and water essential
julanti ja dankakaldri dapanato eat 'julanti' and 'dankakaldri'
Kararu ja Materi wondiridivision between the 'Kararu' and 'Materi' [moieties]
ngaperi ja ngandri kamanelifriendly father and mother
patara paua ja kanangaragum seed and 'kanangara' seed
paua pitjalkana ja kampanato gather seed and clean it
pinaru ja widlapirna dantjumanato befriend (care for) old men and women
pinaru ja widlapirna dundunufeeble old man and feeble old woman
teri ja mankara ngokanato join together a young man and woman
turukanja ja mita kati tjilauanato mix warm coals and soft sand (earth), on which to lay children to sleep
watara ja talara pudlamandruwind and rain simultaneously
jadi ngandridistaff; spindle
jadi ngudanato extend [or lengthen] a spindle
jadi ngumugood, fine spindle
jadi tajiterinato devour its [own] after-birth
jakajai!exclamation of surprise
jakalkalalu[act of] asking, enquiring after
jakalkanato ask; to enquire
jakalkana wirinato come into a camp and make enquiries
jaura jakalkanato investigate information
jaura jakalkanato enquire after news
kupa jakalkanato enquire about a child
manu jakalkanato ask for someone's opinion
marda jakalkanato make enquiries about a millstone
muntja jakalkanato enquire about a patient
nari jakalkanato enquire about a deceased person
ngapa jakalkanato enquire after water
palto jakalkanato enquire about the way
pinga jakalkanato make enquiries about a troop of blood-avengers
poto jakalkanato enquire about goods
tankana jakalkanato ask still more
jakalkanaterinato ask on one's own behalf
wontjana jakamalinato compete in a game of throwing
jakara ngudanato extend a hook
kapara jakarahooked [piece of] root
jama dakanato mend a net
jama jaupanato spread out a fishing-net
jama kalikalibanato despise a fishing-net
jama kaluwinkanato fetch a net from somewhere within a short distance of a track
jama kamanelifriendly net
jama kampanato take out a net
jama kankanato lift up a net
jama karakaranato examine a net
jama karlaempty net
jama karlibanato attach little value to a net
jama karpanato mend a net
jama kikarafouled up net
jama kunpanato rub in a fishing-net
jama kuranato lay a net, to wet a net
jama kutikutiri woranato let a fishing-net down crooked into the water
jama manduribanato weave two fishing-nets together into one
jama mantranato fasten a net, to tie a net on
jama maradunkainherited fishing-net
jama maramaninato make a net in good time
jama marranew net
jama moku karanato tie up net-bones
jama mudlaend of a fishing-net
jama najinajibanato keep a fishing-net under surveillance
jama nankanato lay a fishing-net in the water
jama ngandrilarge net
jama ngankanato weave [fishing] nets
jama ngankijirbanato get a fishing-net ready for someone
jama ngankinganato prepare or restore a fishing-net
jama ngarilkanato lower a net into the water
jama ngokanato weave onto a fishing-net
jama ngujangujarlato feel sorry about a fishing-net
jama ngundranaI to think of a fishing net
jama nguraribanato stretch out a fishing-net by pulling it lengthwise
jama pa jiriribanato lengthen a fishing-net
jama pajirilong fishing-net
jama pajiririnafor a fishing-net to get long
jama pantjatwo outer posts on which a fishing-net is secured
jama pantjimanato invent a fishing net
jama pantjinato develop into a fishing net
jama parumanato pull out a fishing-net
jama pirakanato spread out a net; to lay it in water
jama puranato tear a net
jama tepiuntorn fishing-net
jama terkanafor a net to stand in water
jama terkibanato stand a fishing net in the water, to set up a fishing net
jama turarafishing net torn to shreds
jama turibanato moisten a [fishing-] net
jama ulu woraranato lay a net straight
jama wailpanato hoist a fishing-net up and down in the waves
jama wokaribanato tear a fishing-net
jama wokarinafor a fishing-net to tear
jama womalaold fishing-net
jama wondawondanato tell someone how to weave a fishing-net
jama wonjunkanato turn over a fishing-net at the edges
jama wontinato look for a fishing-net
jama wontjanato try out a fishing-net
jama woranato lay a fishing-net
jama woraranato leave a fishing-net behind
jama wutjunarrow fishing-net
jama, karku, kirra, jaua witjinato leave a fishing-net, a lump of ochre, a boomerang, and small [wild] onions to dry
jama-jelbiend of a fishing net
kalti, billi, jama wiralkanato take along a spear, a dilly bag, a fishing net
mi, jama worau![here] now, hang the fishing-net in the water!
morla jama dakanato weave more fishing net
watawatali jama piltanaundauntedly to examine a [fishing-]net
worita jama woranato cast a net a long way
jamani kalakalarinato be annoyed over a fishing net
jamani kalumiltjamiltjarinato have regrets over a net
jamani kintjakintjarinato be annoyed about a fishing-net
jamani kurutaranato look around at a net
jamani mankinato be pleased with a net
jamani mankinato be pleased with a fishing net
jamani marda matantaribanato hang stones to a net
jamani milkilaone familiar with fishing-nets
jamani milkirinato envy a man for his fishing-net
jamani ngirangirarinaalways to be working away at the nets
jamani ngujarinato lag behind in net-weaving
jamani paparinato weave [another section] onto a fishing-net
jamani patipatiignorant of fishing-nets
jamani pulparkadaytime camping-spot at a fishing net
jampawild; strange
kana jampastranger
kindala jampawild dog; dingo
kindala jampawild dog
mita jampastrange country
paja jampastrange birds
paja jampastrange bird
pita jampastrange tree, unfamiliar tree
pita jampa[strange] plants that have no name
jamparinato become strange, to become unfamiliar
janamukavery broad, fat, and strong man
putu janpanato hold things back
janta ngudanato stretch a bullroarer
janta woranato swing a bullroarer
mana jaolabreath from the mouth
mita jaolaground vapour; mist
nganti jaolawarmth of a gutted animal
ngapa jaolasmell of water
turu jaolaflame of fire
turu jaola uludirectly ascending flame of fire
dilkani japaafraid of prickles
ditjini japafear of shooting stars
japa danganato strike terror into
japa kutinganato run away out of fear
japa manjamanjarinato tremble in fear
japa mindrinato run away in fear
japa ngundranato contemplate with fear; fearfully to anticipate something
japa paniwithout fear; fearless
japa wondawondanato betray one's fear
kana japatimid shy nervous person
kana japa ngurufearless man
kilpa japafear of the cold
kindala japascared, frightened dog
kirra japafear of boomerangs
kutjini japascared of a [malicious] spirit
kutu japafear of the grave
mardaburu japafear of hail
mirka japafear of ants
mita talini japafear of land-slides
muntja japafear of illness
narini japaafraid of death
nganti japawild animal
ngapa japafear of water
ngapitja japafear of dreams
ngara japaanxiety, anguish of heart
paja japawild bird
pildripildrini japascared of thunder
pingani japaapprehensive about a troop of blood-avengers
pirnaru japafear of the old men
talarani japascared of rain
tjutjuni japawary of snakes
watarani japascared of the wind
woldra japafear of the heat
japakantjione who is nervous, scared
kana japakantjicoward
japala parlaparlarinafor a scared man to keep running without listening to entreaties
japalitimid; fearful; nervous; apprehensive
japali darpina dikanato stop in sudden fright and turn back
japali kadiwirinato crawl or hide away in fear
japali kalupakinato have a fearful premonition
japali kalupakinato have fearful apprehensions
japali mararinato hurry in fear of
japali maritjinato cry out in fear
japali ngankanato frighten, to intimidate
japali ngaruparanato become frightfully alarmed
japali taururinato grow silent out of fear
japali tikanato return in a state of apprehension
japali wonkanato sing out of fear
kararani japaliafraid of the hot wind
Murani japalito be afraid of the deity
ngara japalitimid heart
pungani kaukau wirina japali talaraniinto the hut beggingly to enter fearful of rain
talarani maritjina japalito cry out for fear of rain
japanguru jertapaterinafearlessly to stand in the way (or) interpose
kulnulu japanguruonly one [to be] fearless
japapatawithout fear
japarinato become timid, nervous
japarinaterinato be scared for one's own sake
japatjarinato refresh oneself
japilalu[act of] singeing, scorching
japinato kindle; to set alight
japina wontiwontikanato kindle a fire all round
juku japinato kindle [some] light undergrowth
kanta japinato set grass alight
kirra japinato cure a boomerang, to temper a boomerang,
koko japinato smoke out a hollow tree
mana japinafor one's mouth to burn
mardali tidna japinato scorch one's feet on stones
mirka japinato burn ants out
mita japinato set the ground alight
nganti japinato singe hair on an animal
ngapa japinato fumigate water
njurdu japinato singe off one's body-hair
njurdu japinato singe off body hair
paparina turu japinato kindle one fire after another
pirra japinato cure a coolamon
pita japinato burn down a tree
punga japinato burn down a wurley
tapa japinato cauterise a wound
tidna japinato scorch one's feet, to burn one's feet
tiripoto japinato singe off feathers
turu japinato light a fire
warukati japinato kindle an emu fire
worla japinato burn out a hole
japinaterinain one's own interests to singe off one's hair
japinietjakindler; firebug
japiterinato singe off one's own hair
jarubrushwood (bush) fence
jatajatalkaterinato speak for oneself in one's own interests
jatajatanato talk a lot; to prattle, to chatter, to gossip
jela jatajatanaall chattering at once
mankinali jatajatanato enjoy to chatter
parlaparlarina jatajatanato chatter away in opposition
patipatieli jatajatanaignorantly to gossip
jaura jatala kounable to make a speech
windrila jatalabefore telling
dantjumana jatamalinanot to use indecent language during an argument, to argue cautiously
jatamalinato quarrel, to argue, to wrangle
kantji jatamalinato fight a real (verbal) battle
kurukuru jatamalinato have a secret argument
mutulu jatamalinadefinitely to argue
parapara jatamalinato fight lustily
tajipaterina jatamalinaalmost to devour one another in a verbal battle
jatamanjimanjitype of wild cat
baku jatanato speak untruthfully; to speak as though it meant nothing
banki jatanato converse sideways
billi malka jatanafor designs [or symbolic colours] on a dilly bag to stand out [prominently]
dantjumana jatanato talk discreetly, without causing offence
jatanato speak, to talk, to say
jatana manabakangarranato chatter, gossip
jatana ngaparinato mean everybody, to exclude no one
jatana ngarinato speak to go down
jatana pararanato speak across
jatana tatanato urge to talk
jaura jatanato make a speech; to say some words
jaura jatanato speak; to utter words
jaura jatana ngirkingirkinato talk repeatedly
jua jatanato speak in opposition to one another during the night
kalakalarina jatanato speak angrily
kalala jatanato speak in return, to contradict, to answer back
kalkaura jua jatanato hold a meeting (assembly) at night
kindala jatanafor a dog to bark
koko jatanafor a hollow piece of wood to give off a sound
kulnulu jatanato be the sole speaker
kulnulu kulnulu jatanato talk repeatedly
kunti jatanafor mosquitoes to hum
kurukutukutujeli jaura jatanato make a speech when everyone else is quiet
malka jatanaprominent symbols; glaring [i.e. loud, gaudy] symbolic colours
manabakapirna jatanato tell, to speak loudly and fluently
manamiri jatanato state everything openly
mandikilla jatanafor waves to lap, lash
mandra jatanafor a stomach to rumble
manka jatanato say the opposite
mankamanka jatanato [make demands] (speak) from both sides
mankarli jatanato talk slowly; to speak with emphasis
marabakapirna jatanato speak very guickly; to whizz out the words
marda jatanafor a stone to ring, rattle
mauarli jatanahungrily to speak
milingeru jatanato be talking always
miri jatanato speak highly, to speak with a raised voice
mita jatanafor ground to thud
mudla jatanafor one's face to tell
muntjurunga jatanafor flies to buzz, for flies to hum
ngadani jatanato tell afterwards
ngandangandarina jatanato be unable to say
ngapa jatanafor water to murmurs ripple
ngapitja jatanato speak in one's dream
ngara jatanafor the heart to say
ngara jatanafor one's heart to tell
ngaru kura jatanato speak with a hoarse voice
ngaru pirna jatanato speak with a loud voice
ngopera jatanafirst to tell; first to announce
ngura mandrani jatanato talk in the middle of the camp
ngurungururina jatanato keep on speaking more firmly, more sharply, more loudly
ninjilbana jatanato speak very sharply
nintali jatanato talk in a shy manner
nurujeli jatanato talk fast
paja jatanafor a bird to talk, for a bird to make a noise
paja jatanafor birds to sing out
panki jatanato speak in a roundabout way; to speak figuratively; to speak ironically
panpari jatanato talk continually
parapara jatanato speak loudly
parawarana jatanato talk in a delirium
pilki jatanato speak differently
pingani jatanato speak to a troop of blood-avengers
pirrapinta jatanafor a [tribal] law instructor to speak
pita jatanafor a tree to sigh [in the wind]
talara jatanafor rain to swish [e.g. on the sand]
tali kunarku jatanato talk over top of a person, to interrupt or interject
talpani jatanato speak into someone's ear
tapibana jatanato encourage to stay
tidnamara jatanafor frogs to croak
tjautjau jatanato speak out of turn
tjika jatanato talk in a wrong way
tjutju jatanafor spiders etc. to emit a shrill sound
ulu jatanato speak straight out
warawararina jatanato be [too] shy to speak
warukati jatanafor emus to emit a [drumming] sound [from the throat]
watara jatanafor wind to whistle (or) howl
watawata jatanato tell freely, to tell intrepidly
wirpibana jatanato keep in check by talking
wokarani jatanato tell behind someone's back
wolja jatanaabout to tell
worku jatanato talk differently
jatanani kalakalarinato be annoyed over gossip (rumours)
jatantinato speak or call out after someone
jatijatibanato make someone talk
jatijiribanato speak on another's behalf
jatinganato give notice, [to give someone a piece of one's mind]
maraltja jatinganato inform, to let know, to instruct in passing
murtjana jatinganato give a hasty bit of one's mind in passing; to snarl at in passing
jama, karku, kirra, jaua witjinato leave a fishing-net, a lump of ochre, a boomerang, and small [wild] onions to dry
jauasmall type of [native] garlic onions
jauaplant with seed pods
jauafruit that [can be] eaten
jaua balupeeled onions
jaua baluribanato peel 'jaua' [bulbs]
jaua deribanato clean 'jaua' onions
jaua dia marranew 'jaua' patch
jaua kulikiricleanly-peeled 'jaua'
jaua kurlakarupeeled 'jaua'
jaua kutu mantralkanato keep a seed-cache in good condition
jaua marka wilkanato go out beyond a day's journey to dig up 'jaua'
jaua mulkanato pick out [wild] onions
jaua ngankanato produce small wild onions
jaua ngirkinafor grass to multiply
jaua ninjilbanato peel small [wild] onions
jaua paranafor 'jaua' to be available
jaua pirakanato pick out bulbs, to cull out bulbs
jaua pirnalot of 'jaua'
jaua pitipatch where [bulb] grows
jaua tajinato eat small onions
jaua talapeel of small 'jaua' onions
jaua tandra mulurusmall grains of 'jaua'
jaua tarauanato peel small [native] onions
jaua tatjanato dig up small onions [bulbs]
jaua wajina tandrafruit that [can be] eaten
jaua wajiwajinitype of tree
jaua wilkanato dig up small [native] onions
jaua womalaold [native] onions
jaua wonkanato enchant the [wild] onions
jauaja kapakaparaboss of wild onions
kangu jauanato spread perspiration
jauani kuterinato cast a magic spell over 'jaua' wild onions
jaupalalu[act of] spreading out
jaupalaluact of spreading out
jama jaupanato spread out a fishing-net
jaupanato spread out; to lay out, to stretch out; to disseminate
jaura jaupanato spread news; to disseminate information
kangu jaupanato spread out warmth
kanta jaupanato spread out grass, in order to lay eggs on it
narikanta jaupanato line [the interior of] a grave with grass
ngalara jaupanato spread out sand
ngalara ngurani jaupanato sprinkle sand inside a hut
pata jaupanato spread moist earth on top of a wurley
paua jaupanato spread out [edible] seed
poto jaupanato spread things out
punku jaupanato spread out flax
tara jaupanato spread out a rug
jaupanaterinato spread something out on one's own behalf
jaupanietjaspreader, disseminator
jaupanietjaspreader, disseminator
baku jaurafutile, meaningless words
burubani jaurawords that break up a marriage
danini jaurawords of farewell; parting words
danini-jauraparting words; words of farewell
dauadauani-jauraforbidding words
dauadauani-jauraforbidding words
jauraword; news
jaura balusmooth naked words
jaura balurinafor words to become smooth
jaura buljubuljuprovocative speech
jaura dakangandranato cast words aside
jaura datjanato stir up [past] remarks; to expose things that are half-forgotten
jaura daturu kaukaubanato speak slowly and intelligibly
jaura dikalkanato bring back news
jaura dikalkanato bring back news
jaura dikanato say words
jaura dilpanato arouse words, to conjure up lots of words
jaura dukaranato search out words, to pick out words
jaura duldruwanato confuse a conversation
jaura duljaduljamanato twist one's words
jaura dunkabad words
jaura dunkawords or teachings from time immemorial
jaura jakalkanato investigate information
jaura jakalkanato enquire after news
jaura jatala kounable to make a speech
jaura jatanato make a speech; to say some words
jaura jatanato speak; to utter words
jaura jatana ngirkingirkinato talk repeatedly
jaura jaupanato spread news; to disseminate information
jaura jelawords in common
jaura jeninato reject news, to reject information
jaura jerra padakanato take news yonder
jaura jigleriquick, speedy news
jaura jinpanato send, forward news
jaura kaldruforceful words
jaura kalikalibanato reject somebody's words
jaura kalinato wipe out words
jaura kampanato collect words
jaura kantikantinato dust out words
jaura kantiterinato pour out words
jaura kantjihonest words
jaura kantjirinafor words to come forth
jaura karitjimalkanato twist, distort words
jaura karitjinaroundabout news
jaura karlibananot to accept words
jaura kaukaucurious for information
jaura kaukaubanato relate news
jaura kidniljurkavery juicy words
jaura kiririnato learn rules and regulations; to rehearse rules and regulations
jaura kudinafor news to remain suppressed, for information to remain suppressed
jaura kulnoone word
jaura kurahoarse words
jaura kuranato make a definite statement; to stipulate; to leave word
jaura kuranato come to a decision
jaura kuranafirmly to establish [certain information]
jaura kurirbisecret news, secret information
jaura kurirpisecret words
jaura kurlatrue words
jaura kurukurusecret information
jaura kutibanato keep a message secret
jaura kutibana nandranato silence someone by killing him
jaura kutikutiriambiguous words
jaura madlentjibad words
jaura mamanato take back words that were given away, to rescind a promise
jaura maninato bring news
jaura maninato receive news, information
jaura manjukind, gratifying words
jaura mankaother words
jaura mankanews for elsewhere
jaura mankamankawords from this side and words from that side
jaura mankanafor news (words) to spread
jaura mankarinato turn away news
jaura mankibanato share one's conversation
jaura mantralkanato hold fast to [certain] words
jaura mapanato collect, gather news
jaura mapibanato go and bring news
jaura marapumany words
jaura marapumany words; gossip
jaura marranew words
jaura matiweighty words
jaura mati ngankanato make the words impressive, important
jaura milamilanot stimulating or exciting words
jaura miliri ngananafor words to get small
jaura miliri ngankanato make words small
jaura milkilato be aware of a rumour
jaura miltjamiltjatender words, gentle words, [polite] words
jaura mindrimindrinafor news to flow in from all directions
jaura mindrinafor news (or an event) soon (quickly) to become widely known
jaura mintjimaribanato renew words
jaura miribanato raise one's voice
jaura miririnafor words to assume importance
jaura mitirito be of varied opinions
jaura mokuword bone
jaura mokurinafor words to become dry
jaura morla ngumuwords more good
jaura morlalutrue words, honest words; the truth
jaura morlaludefinite information
jaura morlaludefinite information
jaura mulkanato choose one's words
jaura muluruwords of little importance
jaura murlapeaceful news, peace information
jaura mutulutrue words
jaura najinajibanato deliberate upon, to discuss news
jaura nampanato bury one's words
jaura nanganato pour out words, to speak out
jaura nangaterinato empty oneself of words
jaura natanato check one's words; to reserve one's speech
jaura ngadaiapakarulater dispatched news [or information]
jaura ngamalkanato have news
jaura ngamalkana[to hold onto the information]; not to surrender the information
jaura ngamparawords of a hollow piece of wood
jaura ngandaraextent of news
jaura ngankamalinato confer with one another
jaura ngantjanato want information
jaura ngapuwithout a word
jaura ngaranato hear words
jaura ngaribanato draw attention to news
jaura ngarilkanato carry down news
jaura ngarinaludeep words
jaura ngirkinafor words to multiply
jaura ngokanato add a word
jaura ngopera first word; first news
jaura ngudanato spread news (words) to tell others
jaura ngujamanato understand a language
jaura ngukingukibanato add some remarks; to add one's affirmative opinion
jaura ngumugood, nice words
jaura ngumugood news
jaura ngumurinafor words to improve
jaura ngundrala ngirangirarinaalways to be pondering over the same news
jaura ngundranato ponder [certain] words; to reflect on [certain] news
jaura ngundranato consider, ponder the words
jaura ngundrijirbanato reflect on what someone else has said
jaura nguntjamanato be familiar with the words
jaura nguratrue, honest, right words
jaura nguralicontinually to have something to say
jaura ngurusignificant words, news
jaura ngurungurusharp, hard words
jaura njinjarucontradictory news
jaura nururinato quicken one'swords; to talk faster
jaura padakaterinato go along with one's own ideas
jaura padakaterinato pass on one's own remarks (or news); to take away one's own ideas
jaura pajirilong speech
jaura paka pilkiwords of a different nature
jaura pakinafor words to burst forth
jaura palangandranato divulge information
jaura palaraclear, straightforward remarks
jaura palaraniundisguised words
jaura paldrinafor words to multiply
jaura palinafor news, information to die
jaura palpasome words
jaura paniwithout a word; not a word
jaura paniwithout a word
jaura paniribanato make fewer words
jaura pankiwayside gossip
jaura pantjinato develop into rumour
jaura paparinafor words to grow louder and louder
jaura paranafor there to be news; for a rumour to exist
jaura pararafull of words
jaura pararaterinato carry news across oneself
jaura parlaobscene words
jaura parlaparlawords that don't impress
jaura parliempty words
jaura parumanato spread word
jaura paruparurumours everywhere
jaura paruparuribanato spread words
jaura paruparurinafor news (words), reports or rumours to spread
jaura patanato remember the words
jaura pilkiother words
jaura pilkianother language
jaura pilkirinafor words to undergo a change
jaura piltjarudissipated words
jaura piltjarurinafor words to spread, for information to spread, for news to spread
jaura pinpitaranafor words to rebound
jaura pirnaweighty, important words
jaura pirnaribanato spread news further afield
jaura pitistarting-point of a rumour or of news
jaura prantjalkuclear, obvious words
jaura pratjanaall words
jaura pudlamandrudeceitful words, double-tongued words
jaura pundupunduoutdated news, words
jaura punmanato hide words
jaura puntibana[to disseminate news]
jaura puntinafor news to spread
jaura puranato fragment words
jaura puribanato utter the words freely; [to make a frank statement]
jaura puribanato cast words on someone
jaura putukusuperabundant information
jaura talpanews leaf
jaura tandranato leave information behind
jaura tankanato add some more remarks (words)
jaura tapaljulies that have been spread around
jaura tapinafor a rumour to cease
jaura taranafor words to arise
jaura tarauanato broadcast news this way and that
jaura taribanahurriedly to send away word
jaura tatanato dispatch news
jaura taururibanato stifle, to suppress words
jaura tida[deep] verbal incision
jaura tidatidacontradictory words
jaura tikalkanato bring back news
jaura tinkaripublic remarks
jaura tinkaririnafor words to become obvious
jaura tintanato forget words
jaura tintjanato give no heed to words [of advice]
jaura tiriangry words
jaura tiringanato forward information on
jaura tiwicurt remark
jaura tjankapeace-loving words
jaura tjautjaucontradictory news, contradictory information
jaura tjautjau ngankanato twist words around
jaura tjerkarasharp biting words
jaura tjikawrong words
jaura tjilauanato mince words
jaura tjirinafor words to become misconstrued
jaura tokurear side of words
jaura toku mandrutwo rear sides of words
jaura tokuni mirifresh news on the back of the other [news]
jaura tulastrange words; strange language
jaura uluhonest words, fair words, just words
jaura ulurinafor words to turn out right
jaura wakawords of little significance
jaura walpanato cover up words
jaura waltanato carry words away
jaura wapalkanato broadcast news
jaura wapanafor words to get twisted
jaura warapanato utter [certain] words
jaura warluindefinite news, [only] half-intelligible news
jaura warulawords from olden days
jaura warupotoall the words side-by-side
jaura wilparinato recall words
jaura winpanato investigate remarks
jaura wiralkanato divulge news
jaura wirarinafor rumours to be going around
jaura wirdilong speech
jaura wiringanato pass by with information (news)
jaura wokaralkanato bring news
jaura wokaranafor news to turn up
jaura wokaribanato intercept news
jaura wokarinato run out of words
jaura wolaraspate of words
jaura woninafor a rumour to start up
jaura wonjurawords of mediocre importance
jaura wonkidefinite words, precise words
jaura wontapassing news, information
jaura wontinato look for news
jaura woranato give information
jaura woranganato query a rumour [or report]
jaura woraranato leave word behind, to leave news behind
jaura wordufew words
jaura worduconcise abrupt words
jaura woritanews from far away
jaura wuldrufew words
jaura wulucertain words
jaura wutjulong speech, conversation
jedibani jauradeceptive words
jutju jauratrade discussions; [business jargon]
kalabani jauraresponding information
kana jaurawords of people
kindala jaurabellowing of dogs
kuma jauranews of someone's death
kurukutukutujeli jaura jatanato make a speech when everyone else is quiet
manabakapirnali jaura kaukaubanato relate news fluently
maramanjujeli jaura ngankamalinato confer or deliberate with one another in peace
mudla wariwarini jaurato be of divided opinion
muntju jaurahumming of flies
mura jaurainformation [to say] that a sacred ceremony is going to be performed
nari jauranews of a death; information that someone has died
ngarimata jauranews of a flood
nulia milingeru jaura burulkaihe always holds his counsel
paja jauracrying of birds, screeching of birds
patipatieli jaura wapalkanato carry out something contrary to instructions
pinga jauranews that a troop of blood-avengers is on the way
pirrapinta jaurawords of the [tribal] law instructors
wapani jauranews of (someone's) wanting to go
windri jauraonly words
jauraetjaspeaker, spokesman
jauraia kampanato gather [the people] together for some news
jauraia karkamalinato summon one another together to hear news
jaurala mujarinafor a speaker to stop
jaurala ngundraterinato think of an informer
jaurali dakanato stimulate; to aggravate; to prod; to tease
jaurali dakanaverbally to hit home (or) to touch the sore spot
jaurali danganato draw attention to (certain) danger
jaurali dilpanato incite; to urge
jaurali duriduribanato speak in such a way that everybody is satisfied
jaurali jertapaterinato defy a [certain] word
jaurali jinkinato give because of encouraging words
jaurali kalalu ngankanato cry down with words
jaurali kaparinaverbally to hard press
jaurali karakaranato touch or grasp by word, to hear a rumour
jaurali katibanato cool down with words, to pacify with words
jaurali katukaturinato grow stronger in [the use of] words
jaurali ketjaketjanato suffer from words that have been spoken
jaurali kimarinato be brimful of words
jaurali kipanato give a verbal prod
jaurali kudnakutibanato cover over with words
jaurali kurukurubanaverbally to admonish
jaurali makumaniterinato brag about oneself; to display verbal zeal
jaurali manju ngankanaby one's words to put in a friendly (peaceful) mood
jaurali manamirifull of words
jaurali mankaribanato advice caution
jaurali marangokanato offer verbal support; to encourage
jaurali mararibanato urge on by word of mouth
jaurali milkitjenmipanaverbally to open somebody's eyes
jaurali murtjanaverbally [or figuratively] to boil over; verbally to tear the hearts of one's listeners
to shreds
jaurali nandranato strike with words
jaurali nandranato beat with words, to convince; to persuade; to cry louder than
jaurali nandranato beat with words
jaurali ngapu ngankanato put to silence with words
jaurali ngarlarinato feel comforted by talking to oneself
jaurali ngarungaruparibanato terrify with information (words)
jaurali ngaruparibanato startle with news
jaurali ngirkibanato ridicule in so many words
jaurali ngukingukibanaterinato accumulate more for oneself by means of talking
jaurali pakinato break forth in words
jaurali pankipankinato pride oneself above others in the matter of speech
jaurali pankipankinato be proud of one's words
jaurali patijiritjibanafor news to cause alarm
jaurali patipatibaterinato avail oneself of words
jaurali pirimaribanaby [force of] words to lead people to a two-fold opinion
jaurali puldrurinato break forth in words
jaurali pururu ngananato be full of words to the point of bursting
jaurali tiri ngankanato make angry by what one says
kana jaurali piltjaruribanathrough one's words to cause people to disperse
jaurandru marakana taranato crawl out of words
jaurani dukaterinato ride on the back of somebody's words
jaurani gilbarinato ignore what is said
jaurani kalkanato wait for news
jaurani karlapankarinato reject an invitation
jaurani kintjakintjabored by words
jaurani ko[ignorant of] news
jaurani konot to be aware of a rumour
jaurani korinato forget news
jaurani kurutaranato forget news
jaurani kuterinato be sick of [so] much talk
jaurani mandrakaurajealous over a conversation
jaurani mangapunkoignorant of words
jaurani manjamanjarinato tremble at news
jaurani mankinato be delighted at news
jaurani manngarinato feel ashamed over somebody's remarks
jaurani matantarinato stick to one's word
jaurani mauarlilongingly waiting for news
jaurani munkurarinato grow quiet within, as the result of a speech
jaurani munkuruto be lost in contemplation over certain words, to be rather quiet
jaurani ngaruparanato be surprised or startled at news
jaurani ngatjinato beg for news
jaurani ngujarinato linger over discussions
jaurani nirinirimankanato be shocked by news (words)
jaurani njinjaru ngananato hold onto one's words
jaurani pankinato obey words
jaurani parawaranato become confused over words
jaurani pariparinato be on the lookout for news
jaurani patipatiignorant of [the meaning of] words
jaurani taururinato grow silent at news; to quieten down at words of the [tribal] instructors
jaurani wadlietjaverbal peacemaker
jaurani wirinato go in among the words
jaurani wodakanato listen to the words in silence
jaurani wurburuanxious before [receiving] news
jaurantowith some news, with information
jaurapatawithout a word
jaureli pururu ngankanato fill with words
jedibalalutelling lies; [the habit of] lying
jedibanato belie; to deceive
jedibanaterinato deceive someone for one's personal advantage
jedibani jauradeceptive words
putu jedibanifalsified goods
jedila tikanato turn back in order to tell lies
jedila wondawondanato tell someone to tell lies
baku jedinato lie in jest
jedinato tell a lie
jedina wirinato come along with lies
kana jedinato lie to people
kulnulu kulnulu jedinato tell lies again and again
ngantini jedinato lie about meat
ngapani jedinato tell lies about [a supply of] water
marali jekibanato query with [a gesture of] the hand
parapara jekibanato ask continuously
jaura jelawords in common
jelatogether; in close company
jela jatajatanaall chattering at once
jela jindranato cry together
jela jinpanato send together
jela ngamanato sit side by side
kanani jelain company with [other] people
kanta marra jelatogether with newly-grown grass
manu jelaunanimous of one mind
maua jelaall together hungry
ngaru jelacombined voices
ngaru jelaall together as one voice
punga jelawurleys one alongside the other
tiri jelaall together angry
windrila jela ngamalabefore sitting down together
wolkareli jela ngamalajoyfully to sit down together as friends
jelali ngankanato do things together; to work hand-in-hand; to co-operate
jelalu[all] together, without exception
jelaniwato some place
jelaribalalu[act of] coming together
jelaribanato put (something) together; to mix (something) together
jelarinato come together
jelauandrufrom somewhere
billi-jelbiedge of a string-bag
buturu-jelbibeginning of a dust-storm
dako-jelbiend of sandhills
jama-jelbiend of a fishing net
jelbiedge; seam, hem; end
kalka-jelbiverge of night
kana-jelbiend of people
kanta jelbi dankanato come across a green oasis
kati-jelbiend of a garment
katu-jelbiend of a windbreak
kilpa-jelbiend of the cold weather; end of winter
kilpa-jelbiverge of winter or cold weather
Kunari-jelbiedge of Cooper Creek
makamba-jelbiextent of a large conflagration
manjura-jelbilimit of 'manjura'
marda-jelbiedge of stony plains
miljaru jelbiverge of night
mita-kamaneli-jelbiextent of friendly territory
muntja-jelbipoint of sickness
ngalpuru-jelbiverge of darkness
ngara-jelbilimit of water
ngura-jelbiboundary of a camp
palto-jelbiend of a road, end of a track
para-jelbiend of hair, hair tip
paratara-jelbiedge of a plain
pitaru-jelbiextent of drought
poto-jelbitrading border
poto-jelbiend of things
punga-jelbiedge of wurley
tarli jelbitip of the tongue
tidna-jelbiextent of footprints
woldra-jelbibeginning or end of summer
wondiri-jelbiedge of a boundary
dalpakaldru jeli karkibanakindly to request what is mine
kurukutu[kutu]jeli najinato look at in silence
moku jeli palinato die from bone-[pointing]; to die as the result of sorcery
pungarla-jeliextent of shade
kana jeljujeljuhypocrite
ngulku jeljujeljuto have a wide mouth
Jelkabalubalunaname of ancestral being
jelkaracertain [type of] string around the neck
jelkara widmanato hang a decoration around the neck
Jeltjaniname of dog of 'muramura'
Jeltjaniname of ancestral being
jendrangundrujatherefore; for that reason; on that account
jendrangutaonce; in those days; once upon a time
jendraniatherefore for that reason
jenibalalu[act of] leaning up against
muna jenilaequal to one another in size
jenildramatalikewise; in like manner; in the same way
jeniluhere as there
jaura jeninato reject news, to reject information
jeninato hang on securely; to lean [firmly] against
jenina turaranato sleep cramped up together
kana jeninato hang onto a person securely
manu jeninato hold firmly to one's opinion over against others
muna jeninato push one's chest away
narini jeninato help bury a dead man
ngara jeninato press against the heart
ngura jeninato erect one's wurley close to camp
poto jeninato refuse things, to reject things
turu jeninato approach a fire
watarani jeninato lean firmly against the wind
jeninietjaone who leans up against
jeniparasame, identical
jeniterinato hang onto something securely
buka jenpanato withhold food
jenpananot to take into consideration; to keep, to hold back, to withhold (something); not
to give anything
jinka jenpananot to give any string
marda jenpanato withhold a millstone
mura jenpanato withhold one's ceremonial [or totemic] song
nari jenpanato prevent from killing
nganti jenpanato withhold meat
ngapa jenpananot to give any water
paru jenpanato withhold [some] fish
paru jenpananot to give any fish; not to allow to fish
pitjiri jenpananot to give any chewing tobacco
poto jenpanato withhold [some] things
jerathis way, in this direction
jera padakanato bring here, hither
jera punpanato come in this direction, to step in this direction
jera wokarahalf-way here
widla jera padakanato [go and] fetch a woman
jeranguntjaone who comes this way
jerankarion the other side
kajiri jerankarion the other side of the creek
panto jerankarion the other side of the lake
dako kirra jeri(crooked) sandhill like a boomerang
kajiri kirra jericreek [that twists and turns] like a boomerang
mangatandra marda jerihead as hard as a stone
manu mita jericharacter comparable to the ground
mita-tali jeri kadiwirinato roll like a landslide
paltu kirra jeri(crooked) track like a boomerang
tula jeristrange-like
winkara ngakana talara jerifor 'winkara' edible plants to fall down like rain
jeribakalike; similar to; resembling
kana jeribakalike a man
kupa jeribakalike a child
nariwonpa jeribakalike a grave-mound
ngapa jeribakalike water
ngaperi jeribakalike [his or her] father
tataru jeribakalike fog
tula jeribakalike a stranger
widla jeribakalike a woman
jeribakalaone who resembles
jeribakarinato become like; to resemble
jerita wonkanato enchant people [with yaws]
jeritali palinato die of sores (or) yaws
jerkala mantranato hold the throat tight
jerkala muntjasore neck
jerkala ngumustrong throat
jerkala patanato grab by the neck
jerkala tepihealthy neck
jerkala terkanafor one's neck to stand
jerkala tidarecess of the neck
jerkala tiltjaneck muscles; two glands
jerkala wapanato twist one's neck
jerkala wutjulong skinny neck
jerkilalu[act of] burning
ditji jerkinafor the sun to burn
jerkinato burn
kanta jerkinafor grass to burn
karku jerkinato burn ochre
mana jerkinato burn one's mouth
mangatandra jerkinafor one's head to be on fire
manu jerkinafor the temperament to be burning
manu jerkinafor ones' emotions to be on fire
mara jerkinato burn one's hand
mita jerkinafor ground to be burning
mudla jerkinafor one's face to be on fire
nganti jerkinafor meat to burn
ngara jerkinafor the heart to burn
ngara jerkinafor one's heart to burn
palku jerkinafor one's body to be on fire
parapara jerkinato burn fiercely
poto jerkinafor things to burn
punga jerkinafor a wurley to burn [down]
tidna jerkinafor one's feet to burn
tudna jerkinato burn lime, to burn gypsum
turu jerkinafor a fire to burn
turu manabakangarrana jerkinafor a fire to crackle
turujeli jerkina maritjinato emit cries of pain at being scorched (burnt) by the fire
punga jerkinani kalupakinato experience a sense of shock, when a wurley catches alight
jerkinaterinaon one's own behalf to set fire to something
jerkinietjaburner, fire-lighter
jaura jerra padakanato take news yonder
jerrathere; in that direction
jerra kampanato collect there
jerra najinato look that way, in that direction
jerra ngadatikanato return that way, in that direction
jerra ngamanato sit down [or camp] over there
jerra padakanato take there, thither
jerra palinato die there
jerra punpanato go in that direction, to step in that direction
jerra waltanato carry in that direction
jerra wapanato go in that direction
jerra wokarahalf-way there
jerra wonkanato sing there
jerraguntjaone who stays away
palpa jerranguntjaseveral [people] who are absent, who always stay away
jerratokuon the other side; on the opposite side
jerratokuother side of a lake; opposite bank
jerratoku dilkaprickles on the other side
jerratoku nari[to have] died on the other side
jerratoku ngamanato sit [or camp] on the other side
jerratoku nguracamp on the other side
jerratoku wirarinato walk about on the other side
jertabalalu[act of] relying on oneself
delkina jertapaterinato oppose the suggestions, proposals, plans
japanguru jertapaterinafearlessly to stand in the way (or) interpose
jaurali jertapaterinato defy a [certain] word
jertapaterinato rely upon something; to interpose, to stand in the way of someone's will
jertapaterina bakunato go on digging
jertapaterina ngamanato remain in spite of danger
jertapaterina wapanato go in spite of danger
jertapaterina wondiri ngankanadefiantly to close off the boundary
mardanto jertapaterinato rely on one's millstone
mati waltana jertapaterinato bid defiance to anything heavy or weighty
mili wolarali jertapaterinato object because of the many servants
mita kamanelini jertapaterinato defy one's traditional country; not to let oneself be driven from it
murani jertapaterinato brace oneself against a [lengthy] ritual ceremony
nejieli jertapaterinato rely on one's elder brother
ngapani jertapaterinato swim against the stream
noajeli jertapaterinato intercede on a wife's behalf
pirrali jertapaterinato oppose, interpose with [the aid of] a shield
pitali jertapaterinato withstand, resist with the spear
potuni jertapaterinato be defiant regarding [certain] articles; not to give them up
punga ngumujeli jertapaterinato resist (the rain) by means of a well-built (good) wurley
tirieli jertapaterinaangrily to interpose
tirila jertapaterinato oppose, object to the fighting
widlanto jertapaterinanot to be scared in the company of one's wife
woldrani jertapaterinato brace oneself against the heat
jertapaterinaterinato rely on oneself
jertapaterinietjaone who is obstinate, one who is defiant
jerto morlasatisfied more
jerto ngankanato satisfy, to satiate
jerto paninothing to eat
jerto pantjinato feel satisfied
jerto patanato describe country as satisfying
jerto pirnavery satisfied
jerto wirarinato walk around [very] satisfied
manu jertocontented nature
ngura jertosatisfied camp
pratjana jertoeverybody satisfied
jeru wakasmall flame
jerujathus; in this way; in this manner
jeruja ngankanato do it like this
jeruja turaranato sleep this way
jeruja wapanato go like this
kana jerujerulively man, active man
jerulualways like that
jeruniaso long; as long as that
jeruntjaso many
jeruntjaiajeraso many in that direction
jeruntjaiajerraso many in this direction
jetja wakafew words
jidipintadowny feathers of an eagle; fast-moving washed-out rain clouds
jidnatype of lizard
jidnakurlayou for sure
jidninguntjayou are the one; the better one
jaura jigleriquick, speedy news
jigliribusy; industrious; quick
jiglirilaludiligence; industry
jiglirinato become busy, to become industrious
jikaplant with seed pods
jikafruit that [can be] eaten
jika tajinato eat a type of fruit
jikalalu[act of] squeezing out
jikanato dip into (water), to plunge into (water); to press, to squeeze
pua jikanato squeeze out pus
jikauratype of weasel
jikaurawild [or native] cat
jikaura pirkinato scare children with fire-brands
jikaura wirarinato wander around without a brother
jilderafoam on the water; white clouds
jildiniwag, clown, buffoon
jildini pirkinato play not always [able] to hear; [to play the clown, to play a tomfool]
kana jildiniclown
jindilalunodding of the head
jindinato nod; to drop one's head
jindina ngarinato nod with the head
jindinga puntinawhen a 'wiljaru' leaves [the camp]
jindinietjanodder, one who droops his head
baku jindranato cry without reason
daturu jindranato keep wailing in one monotonous tone
jela jindranato cry together
jindranato cry, to thunder
jindrana miltjamiltjarinacontinually to cry
jindrana ngarinato sit down and cry
kupa wokarani jindranafor a child to cry on one's neck
ngaurongaurojeli jindranato weep out of grief
panpari jindranato cry continually
talara jindranafor thunder to roll; for it to thunder
tjika jindranato cry for the wrong person
warlu jindranato hear thunder in the distance
wolkareli jindranawistfully to cry
jindranaterinato cry for one's own sake
jindri pirnaloud howling (or) wailing
jindri tjautjau ngankanato forbid wailing
jindri ngukingukibanato add one's tears
jindri panirinafor shouting [or wailing] to subside
jindri parlaparlainsensitive to gossip
jindri parlisubsiding weeping and wailing
jindri puldrurinafor wailing to break out
jindri tapinafor crying, wailing to cease
jindri taururinafor wailing to subside
jindri wonjurathunder that has half died away
jindrili kulkaterinato save oneself by crying
jindrinietjaone who cries, weeps
jindripata ngamalasitting down without weeping and wailing
milki jindririwatery eye
jinka dantopliant string
jinka jenpananot to give any string
jinka jutju matantaribanato hang around a [piece of] string
jinka kamanato withhold string
jinka kudna kutibanato send away for a length of time one who has been circumcised
jinka kumaball of hairstring
jinka kurijiribanato save up string
jinka malkamalkavariegated string
jinka manduribanato tie string together into a knot
jinka matithick string
jinka mokubundle of string
jinka murabiggest bundle of string
jinka ngankanato twist into string [or yarn]
jinka ngantjanato like [some] string
jinka ngiringiritangled [piece of] string
jinka ngokanato add onto a string
jinka ngudanato stretch out a string
jinka nguraribanato stretch a [human hair] string
jinka ngurungurustrong string
jinka pajirilong [piece of] string
jinka pajiriribanato lengthen a string
jinka pakibanato tie a [piece of] string around
jinka palpaonly a little string
jinka paltostring [trade] route
jinka paniwithout string
jinka parumanato pull out a string
jinka patanato grab [a piece of] string
jinka pintaknot on a string
jinka pirkinato play string games
jinka pirnalarge bundle of string; long [piece of] string
jinka pudlamandrudouble thread, double string
jinka punmanato roll up [a bundle of] string
jinka pururuthickly-rolled hank of [human hair] string
jinka tandranato pile up string; to collect more string
jinka tepinew string
jinka tidathin [hair] string
jinka tjilpiknots in a string
jinka turpanato wind [or make] into string
jinka wakalittle string
jinka waltanato carry string on top of one's head
jinka warulastring from olden days
jinka warupotoentire string
jinka wikanato shred twisted string
jinka wirdilong [piece of] string
jinka wiribanato paint the string [with ochre]
jinka witjinato let string dry out
jinka wokaribanato tear off string
jinka wokarinafor string to tear off
jinka wondrabig (fat) roll of string
jinka wontinato look for [some] string
jinka woranato tie string around
jinka workamandranato tie string into knots; to tangle it up
punku-jinka muruwanato smooth out flaxen threads
jinkaia ngamihook by means of which hair is spun into thread
jinkajinkatype of plant
jinkali dijanato fell with string, to slay with a piece of string
jinkali nandranato hit with string
jinkali nandranato beat with [a piece of] string
jinkani milkirinato begrudge [someone the possession of] his string
jinkani ngirangirarinaalways to be spinning (or twisting) thread
jinkani tjampatjampanato beg for string
noa jinkaniyour spouse
putu jinkaniyour belongings
jinkarinato become string
jinkawirini wapanato travel on a string
jinkila ngundranato think of giving
warawararina jinkilato be undecided whether to give
jinkilalu[act of] giving
jinkimalila kalabanato give a positive reply during bartering [of goods]
dantjumana mankara jinkimalinato give girls away legitimately
dantjumana poto jinkimalinato deal fairly; to trade honestly
jinkimalina mankamankato exchange articles of trade whilst sitting opposite each other
kalkani poto jinkimalinarecently things back and forth to have given
noa jinkimalinato give each other marriage partners
putu jinkimalinato barter goods, to exchange goods
tjautjau jinkimalinato exchange [articles of trade] irregularly
ulu jinkimalinato exchange properly
bakujeli jinkinato give, to present gratuitously
buka jinkina ngarinato hand down food
buljubuljujeli jinkinato give away in a spirit of anger
dantjumana jinkina taralkanato hand up carefully to one another
jaurali jinkinato give because of encouraging words
jinkinato give
jinkina ngarinato hand down
jinkina pararanato hand over
jinkina tankanato give still more
jinkina tapibanato give (someone something) to induce (him) to stay
jinkina tatanato urge to give
kalala jinkinato give in exchange
kalumiltjamiltjarinali jinkinato be charitable, to give out of sympathy
karuwarli turumanja jinkinato give the uninitiate a firestick
ketjaketjana jinkinato cause pain, to bring about suffering
kulkungana jinkinato miss out on someone
kurukutukutujeli noa jinkinaquietly [or secretly] to give a man or woman in marriage, without having made it publicly
malka jinkinato give signs
manawalkurali jinkinasecretly to give
mangapunkujeli jinkinato give away unknowingly
manjujeli jinkinato give freely and cheerfully
manka jinkinanot to give to one to whom (some)thing was promised
marali jinkinato hand over, to give
marawarpina jinkinato extend a hand to give
milingeru jinkinato be giving always
milkieli malka jinkinato gesture with the eyes, to wink
minakulno mara jinkinato place something into [another's] hand
moku jinkinato point the bone
mudana jinkina tatanato cease to give to push back
muntja jinkinato give illness, to infect with illness
murla jinkinato offer peace
murlali jinkinato give kindly and willingly
nari jinkina ngarinato hand down a dead man
ngadani jinkinato give later
ngandangandarina jinkinato be unable to give
ngaruparibana jinkinato give a person something at which he is surprised
ngujara jinkinato give instruction
ngulkuieli jinkinato indicate by secret means; to betray
noa jinkinato give a marriage partner
nuru jinkinato give quickly
putu jinkinato give, hand things over
tandrana jinkinato give (something) and put (it) down
tinkari jinkinaopenly to give
tinkari pirranguru jinkinaopenly to give a de facto wife
tirieli moku jinkinato hand over a [magic] bone in anger
tjautjau jinkinato give by mistake
tjika jinkinato give away by mistake
tjuru jinkinato impart understanding
walkurali jinkinaquietly to whisper and hand over
wolja jinkinasoon to give
wolkareli jinkinalovingly to give
wondawondana jinkinato select what one would like to give
mankara jinkinali ngukingukibanaterinato accumulate more personal possessions by giving away one's daughters [in marriage]
doku jinkiterina wapanato leave with one's hands behind one's back
jinkiterinato give oneself; to surrender oneself
jinpalalu[act of] sending
jaura jinpanato send, forward news
jela jinpanato send together
jinpanato send [away]; to send to a [certain] place
jinpana ngarinato send to go down, to send away
jinpana tatanato urge to hurry away
kakara jinpanapositively to send
kalala jutju jinpanato send a deputation to convey condolences
kana katukatu jinpanato send a healthy man
mankamanka jinpanato send out in all directions
paja jinpanato chase birds away, to scare birds away, to enchant birds
talara jinpanato drive away rein
walkurali jinpanaquietly to send
jinpanaterinato send something in one's own interests
jirangalean; meagre; withered
kana jirangathin, skinny man
jirangarinato grow lean; to lose physical condition
jirauathreshing floor
jiraua darpanato sweep the threshing-floor
manawalkurali danidani jiribamalinato speak quiet words of encouragement to each other to elope together
dalpawonki jiribanato whisper into each other's ear; to disturb each other; to hard-press each other,
jirijiriconfused (in the head); mentally disturbed
jirijiri morlavery bewildered, very confused
jirijiri pirkinato play at being silly, delirious
jirijiri wirarinato wander about in confusion
kana jirijiricrazy man; idiot
kana jirijiriinsane or mentally deranged
mangatandra jirijiriconfused or delirious mind (head)
jirijiribalalu[act of] commanding
manawalkurali jirijiribamalinaquietly to encourage one another as to what to do
jirijiribanato order, command
kanali jirijiribanato command people [or men]
kupani jirijiribanato command (or) instruct children
pitarali jirijiribanadictated by drought
jirijiririnato become delirious, to become confused
talara palku kant jirinafor rain clouds to come up
Jiripitjinaname of dog of 'muramura'
jama pa jiriribanato lengthen a fishing-net
jiritjibalalu[act of] awakening; [the act of] erecting
jiritjibanato arouse wake up; to set up; to erect
jiritjibanaterinato set something up for one's own benefit
jiritjibanietjarebel, insurgent
burka jiritjinafor emotions to get up
dankubana ngankana jiritjinato get up next morning for work
dantjumana jiritjinato get up, to stand up cautiously
jiritjinato get up; to rise
jiritjina taranato rise; to sit upright
kalala ngopera jiritjinato take turns in getting up first
kanta jiritjinafor grass to come up
katukatu jiritjinato get up early
kilpani jiritjinato get up in the cold weather
mandikilla jiritjinafor waves to move [up and down]
mauarli jiritjinato be hungry on getting up
milja jiritjinato get up and abstain [from food]
mukandru jiritjinato rise from sleep
muntjandru jiritjinato get up from one's sick [bed]
ngumu jiritjinato rise in good health
nuru jiritjinato stand quickly, to get up quickly
paja jiritjinafor birds to awake
palku jiritjinafor one's body to rise
paparina jiritjinato make the first move to get up
pilpa jiritjinato lift up the forehead
tiri jiritjinato raise oneself in anger
tjutju jiritjinafor snakes to wake up (or) become aroused
wonina jiritjinato start getting up
jitja warapanato converse with one another on the way
jua jatanato speak in opposition to one another during the night
jua ngurashouting, tumult all the time
kalkaura jua jatanato hold a meeting (assembly) at night
juajuanganato howl, to wail
juajuanganaterinato howl and wail in one's own interests
juajuanihowling; wailing
juanato creep along slowly, to crawl along slowly
juaristout person, corpulent person
kana juarifat man
judalizard hole
juditjisecretive affair; secret thing
judlakurlayou two for sure
judlantitype of plant
judlantingakatype of plant
kalkani ngaiani paru jukana paraiarecently we went fishing
markali paru jukanato stay out of doors for the night during a fish drive
ngapa jukarispring-water
ngapa jukari kaldrisalt spring
ngapa jukari karpakarpaspring where water wells up out of the ground at various points
jukuthin wood
juku japinato kindle [some] light undergrowth
juku wiriwirinafor a small shrub (bush) to flare up
julantiedible plant
julantiplant with seed pods
julantitype of tree
julantifruit that [can be] eaten
julanti ja dankakaldri dapanato eat 'julanti' and 'dankakaldri'
julanti murushrivelled up half-dried 'julanti' plants (grass)
julanti tajinato eat 'julanti' type of plant
manjujeli juldra wokaranato arrive unexpectedly. At the same time, however, [the expression] indicates that
one is pleased at the arrival
julkanato swallow, to devour, to gulp down
julkana ngarinato swallow; to swallow the wrong way
katjirimana julkanagluttonously to devour and swallow
ngaltja julkanato swallow one's sputum
julku wordu[small flooding of a creek]
julkumitipubic covering for women
jundra ngankanato send away
woderu jundru ninaia dankana warai?where did you meet him? (or) where did you find him? (or) where did you run into him
whilst searching?
jundrukurlayou certainly
junga kanpucushion sound
junga manamirifull waterbag
junga manamirifull water-bag
junga mulurusmall water-bag
junga nandranato beat a bag
junga ngoperafirst to beat time with hand-cushions
junga pakinafor a skin-waterbag to burst
junga tepiunpunctured waterbag
junga wapalkanato take along a water-bag
ngapa-junga giltjanato pull off [a skin for] a waterbag
ngapa-junga karlaempty waterbag
jungantatype of plant
jungantaplant with seed pods
jungantatype of seed
jungantafruit that [can be] eaten
junkaangry; vexed; irritable; easily provoked
junka duldruwanato mix dissatisfaction, to be mutually discontented
junka pantjinato become surly, to become disgruntled
junka pirnavery vexed, very angry
junka puldrurinafor one's anger to break forth
junka purinato tend to get angry, to incline to get angry
junka terkanato stand annoyed
junka tikanato come back in a huff
junka walkinapeevishly to tear oneself loose
marakarla junka pantjinaas poor, to grow dissatisfied,
pratjana junkaeverybody annoyed, upset
junkaetjaone who is vexed (or) easily annoyed
junkalaluanger; vexation
junkali karkarkanaangrily to entice away
junkali ngukingukibanaterinato extort more for oneself by getting angry
kana junkapanifriendly man, agreeable fellow
kana junkapirnapeevish man, sulky man, disagreeable fellow
junkarinato get annoyed, to get upset; to become irritable
kalala junkarinato take turns in getting angry
mauarli junkarinato become irritable for having received nothing to eat
jupalalu[act of] torturing
jupanato torture, to annoy; to hard press, to belabour
murali wokara jupanato accompany with a ceremonial [or totemic] song
kana jupaniquarrelsome man
jupanietjatorturer, tormentor
jura manjufeverless [veins]
kupa juramy people
daturu jurakokanato praise in uniform measure
kalala jurakokaterinafor one to boast in the presence of another
murali jurakokaterinato boast of one's ceremonial [or totemic] song
juranikurladefinitely yours
jurborilalucoming inside
jurborilkanato bring inside; to lead inside
dalpakaldruieli jurborinato turn up guilelessly
jurborinato come inside
kalkani jurborinain the evening to come in, to come home in the evening
kalkaura jurborinato come [into camp] at night
karuwarlila jurborinato bring in a young lad who is to be circumcised
kaukau jurborinato come inside begging
kurukuru jurborinato arrive unannounced
juriblood-vessel [or artery]
jurishort and stumpy
juri ngankanato stretch lengthwise
juri ngurunguruprominent (thick) veins
juri pataterinato keep one's blood-vessel [or artery] sealed
juri taranafor arteries to swell up
tidna juriarteries of foot
Juri-wuluname of constellation
Jurijurininame of dog of 'muramura'
ngopera jurka tajinato eat something at first
kalkujieli billi jurkujurku dakanato plait a [shoulder] string-bag out of reeds
jurkumanato hang around; to suspend
jurkumaterinato hang (something) around oneself
jurlifruit that [can be] eaten
Jurluparaniname of dog of 'muramura'
pira jurrahalf or first-quarter moon
pira jurra kudinamoon in its last quarter
mita jurraniplace where one prefers most of all to stay
juta pirna wirarinato have gone out and caught a large booty
jutajuta wirarinato have gone out in vain
jutali mankinato be pleased with booty from the chase
jutani gilbarinato run away, to make one's escape
jinka jutju matantaribanato hang around a [piece of] string
jutjuarticle for exchange trade; article of barter
jutju jauratrade discussions; [business jargon]
jutju ngankanato make responsible; to place under an obligation; to bind by duty
jutju padakanato convey goods thither for exchange
jutju wokaribanato pay a debt
kalala jutju jinpanato send a deputation to convey condolences
kirra jutjudays named before a [big] hunt
jutjuja karkamalinato summon one another together for an exchange of trade
jutjujai mandraone who announces that exchange-gifts which are still owing have [now] arrived
jutjuwonta tirisharp stone knife
kabuluruman's feather-cap
kabuluru deribanato rip off a feathered cap
diltja kadacreaking of bones
kadasound, tone, ring, echo
mana kadachattering of teeth
mandikilla kadawashing of waves
mara kadaclapping of hands
marda kadaclatter of stones
ngapa milla kadamurmuring of water
pita kadatree sound
pita kadawood sound
punga kadarain sound
talpa kadaringing or humming in the ears
tidna kadasound of footsteps
turu kadacrackling of fire
wima kadaceremonial sound
kadanganato make a sound
kana kadanganato hear the clash of weapons
kumari kadanganafor blood to sound
kadangijiribanato make a resounding noise
buka kadihalf-baked bread
buka ngara kadidoughy bread [on the] inside
diltja kadisound muscles
kadiraw, uncooked
kumari kadifresh or healthy blood
mita kadiuninhabited country
nganti kadiraw meat
ngapa kadicool water
ngara kadicool heart
watara kadicool wind
kadilirilirifruit that [can be] eaten
Kadimarkaraname of ancestral being
kadimarraboth brothers-in-law
kadiwiribanato cause (something) to disappear; to scare or chase away
watarali kadiwiribanafor the wind to chase away
kadiwiribanietjaopposing song-maker
japali kadiwirinato crawl or hide away in fear
kadiwirinato go right inside, to disappear
mita kadiwirinafor the ground to collapse
mita-tali jeri kadiwirinato roll like a landslide
mita-tali kadiwirinafor a landslide to disappear [over the edge into the abyss]
mita-tali kadiwirinafor a landslide to speak, for the earth to utter [a sound]
mitani kadiwirinato slip into the ground
ngapa kadiwirinafor water to recede, to drain into the ground, to soak into the ground
ngapa-kudna kadiwirinafor a waterhole to disappear
ngura worla kadiwirinafor camp-wurleys to disintegrate and disappear
paja kadiwirinafor birds to dive under water
paru kadiwirinafor fish to disappear and die
kadnitype of lizard
kadnitype of lizard
kadni gildilizard fat
kadni kanjafireplace where lizards have been roasted
kadni kapishingleback lizard eggs
kadni manilizard fat
kadni mardu
'kadni' totem
kadni muruscabrous 'kadni' lizard
kadni pudlayoung lizards
kadni tajinato eat a type of lizard
kadni tidnalizard track
kadni wipalizard hole
kadni-kapilizard eggs
Kadniname of ancestral being
Kadni-kanjaname of constellation
kadniliriliritype of plant
kadniliriliriplant with seed pods
kadniliriliritype of tree
kadnimurutype of plant
kadninunti tiristinging scorpion
kadninuntieli matanafor a scorpion to sting
kadniwarlubakanato keep watch from the top of a hill [or rise]
kadniwipalizard mound
kadranguwhite cockatoo
Kadriname of constellation, Milky Way
Kadridanparlaname of constellation
Kadrimitjiname of constellation
Kadrimitjirlbarlaname of constellation
Kadringuraname of constellation
Kadriwodrawodraname of constellation
kajaribed of a stream; Milky Way
kajari manamimiboth banks of a creek
kajari pariwilpaMilky Way
kajari wirdilong creek-bed, long river-bed
kajari wordushort creek-bed, short river-bed
ngapa kajaricreek-bed, river-bed
kajira tandranato paste on or wrap around a symbol of 'katatara' feathers
kajirani matantarinato stick to a creek, not to leave a creek
kajirani ngarinato go down into a creek
kajirani ngariterinato go down into the creek oneself
kajirani pararanato cross straight over the creek
kajirani taranato walk upstream along a creek
kajirani tertiin the middle of a creek
diritjia kajiricreek in which coarse sand is to be found
kajiri damanato wash out a creek, to deepen a creek
kajiri dampudampuracreek that takes a bend
kajiri dinganato walk along the edge of a creek
kajiri dirkalabank of a creek
kajiri dulkurudeep creek-bed
kajiri duru karitjinafor a creek to take a sinuous bend
kajiri jerankarion the other side of the creek
kajiri kalikalibank of a creek
kajiri kamanelifriendly watercourse
kajiri karakaranear-by creek
kajiri karitjinafor a channel to change course
kajiri karlatributary, subsidiary creek; ana-creek
kajiri karlaempty creek or watercourse
kajiri karpakarpariver that divides into various channels
kajiri katusteep-sided bank of a creek
kajiri kirra jericreek [that twists and turns] like a boomerang
kajiri kokodeepest spot in a creek-bed
kajiri kudugouged out waterhole in a creek-bed
kajiri kurla naujatathis is certainly a big creek
kajiri kutikutiriwinding creek, curved creek
kajiri manamouth of a creek
kajiri manamiricreek full
kajiri mandramiddle of river-bed, middle of creek-bed
kajiri mandra paratarabroad smooth untimbered creek-bed
kajiri mandurinafor two creeks to flow together to become one
kajiri mankanafor a creek to spread out
kajiri mankarinafor a creek to take a bend
kajiri mantralkanato stick to s creek, not to leave a creek
kajiri marruwide creek
kajiri miriupper course of a creek
kajiri mudlamargin of trees [or the treeline] along a creek
kajiri mulurusmall creek
kajiri murawidest creek
kajiri nampanato choke up a creek with sand
kajiri ngalburushady (dark) creek
kajiri ngalpacreek-bed
kajiri ngampangampawidth of a creek-bed
kajiri ngandrariver delta
kajiri ngankanato wash out a creek, to undermine a creek
kajiri ngapafloodwater
kajiri ngokanafor one creek to link up with (or) run into another
kajiri ngudaterinafor a river-bed or creek to extend a long way
kajiri ngumufine, well-watered creek
kajiri ngurarinafor a winding creek eventually to flow straight on
kajiri pajirilong creek
kajiri pajiririnafor a creek to extend a long way
kajiri palparushallow creek
kajiri paniwithout a creek
kajiri parkuluthree creeks
kajiri pratjanaall the creeks
kajiri puntinafor a side-creek to branch off
kajiri pururu ngankanato fill a water-channel
kajiri taraana-branch of a creek
kajiri taranalaluupstream; up a creek
kajiri tidanarrow [section] of a creek
kajiri tindipitielbow [or bend] in a creek
kajiri titarismall tributary [or subsidiary] creeks
kajiri tjupatjuparacreek tapering to a point
kajiri todinato choke up a creek
kajiri tulastrange creek
kajiri ulustraight creek
kajiri wakasmall creek
kajiri wapanafor a creek to flow
kajiri warupotoall creeks
kajiri wirdilong creek, long watercourse
kajiri wondirisand-drifted creek
kajiri woninafor a creek to take its origin
kajiri woraranato withdraw from a creek
kajiri wordushort creek
kajiri wuldrunarrow creek
kajiri wutjunarrow creek [or channel]
kajiri-bankiedge of a stream
kajiri-kaparamain creek [or watercourse]
windri kajirionly creeks
Kajiri karitjinafor the Milky way to change [direction]
kajirini ngarinato walk down a creek
Kajiworananame of dog of 'muramura'
Kakalpunaname of ancestral being
kana kakamaraman who has sisters
kakarafor sure; indeed; positively
kakara dijanaactually or positively to strike the target
kakara dikanadefinitely to turn back
kakara jinpanapositively to send
kakara nandranapositively to kill
kakara palkanadefinitely to go
Kakarlatajirinaname of dog of 'muramura'
kakatjitype of small insect
kakatjitype of edible caterpillar, type of edible grub
kakatji tarauanato pick grubs out of the ground
Kakatjiname of ancestral being
kakatjieli wotinato build an ant-hill
kakaturu[type of] waterbird
dako kakinisandhill that towers above the rest
kana kakupaniman without brothers or sisters
Kakurupillawulunaname of dog of 'muramura'
mandra kala morlastomach empty more
barieli kalabanafor lightning or distant sheet-lightning to give an answer
ditji pitikilkanali kalabanafor a falling star to provide an answer
jinkimalila kalabanato give a positive reply during bartering [of goods]
kalabanato answer
kau kalabanato answer yes
kintalali kalabanafor a dog to answer back
kirrali kalabanato reply with a boomerang
kunjakunja nandrana narieli kalabanafor a dead man to answer at the banging of two small sticks
marali kalabanato answer with [a wave of] the hand
mitali kalabanato reply with dust (earth)
naribillieli kalabanafor a death-cap to give the answer
narieli kalabanafor death to give an answer
pajali kalabanafor a bird to answer
parieli kalabanafor fish to respond
pitali kalabanafor a tree to respond
talara Murali kalabanafor the totemic rain-ancestor to answer
talara wondrujeli kalabanaa strip of rain provides an answer
turu dakanali kalabanafor fire-rubbing to provide an answer
turu malkali kalabanato answer with a fire [signal]
watarali kalabanafor the wind to respond
kalabani jauraresponding information
kalabanietjarespondent; one who comes up with a quick answer; refuter
kalabaterinato answer for oneself
katali kalabaterinato make oneself heard in echoes
kintala kalabaterinafor dogs to make themselves heard
kirrali kalabaterinato respond with a boomerang
mukala kalabaterinafor a sleeper to answer
nari kalabaterinafor a dead man to answer
pitala kalabaterinafor a speared (pierced) man to answer
kalabijiribamalinato answer one another; to answer back and forth; to reply to and fro [across the way]
kalajitatype of plant
kalakalanietjahater; one who gets easily annoyed
kalakalaribanato hate
kalakalarilkijiribamalinato hate one another; to be vexed at one another; to be unwilling to tolerate one another
billini kalakalarinato be annoyed over a string-bag
bulu ngatjinani kalakalarinato feel vexed over one's useless begging
dilkani kalakalarinato be annoyed at the prickles
ditji turuni kalakalarinato loathe the sun's fire
jamani kalakalarinato be annoyed over a fishing net
jatanani kalakalarinato be annoyed over gossip (rumours)
kalakalarinato hate
kalakalarina jatanato speak angrily
kalakalarina kuranato get an idea into one's angry head
kalakalarina najinato look annoyed, to look away in anger
kalakalarina ngamanato sit and fret
kalakalarina tikanato come back in a temper
kalakalarina woranain annoyance to leave sitting
kamanelini kalakalarinato hate one's friend
kuntini kalakalarinato be annoyed at the mosquitoes
mana kaldrini kalakalarinato be angry with scandalmongers
mangawaruni kalakalarinato feel unfavourably disposed towards a widow, to feel disinclined towards a widow
mardani kalakalarinato be annoyed at the stones
mitani kalakalarinato dislike a country, to leave a country [or district]
muntjani kalakalarinato be bored (or fed up) with sickness
muntjuni kalakalarinato be vexed at the flies
noani kalakalarinato hate one's husband/wife
pitjirani kalakalarinato be annoyed over tobacco
potuni kalakalarinanot to accept gifts (things)
talarani kalakalarinato dislike rain, to be sick of rain
terini kalakalarinanot to tolerate young men
tertieli kalakalarinato be tormented by thirst
tidnani kalakalarinato detest [someone's] footprints
tinkani kalakalarinato grow weary of the night
watarani kalakalarinato be annoyed at the wind
kalalareprisal, retaliation; recompense, repayment; substitute, exchange (in barter trading)
kalala jutju jinpanato send a deputation to convey condolences
kalala bukani wirarinato take turns in searching for food
kalala buruburulkanato follow secretly out of revenge
kalala damanato cut with a stone knife in revenge
kalala dikidikibanato vow vengeance
kalala duljaduljamanato scatter out of revenge
kalala godana karitjinato close in from all sides and take retaliatory action
kalala jatanato speak in return, to contradict, to answer back
kalala jinkinato give in exchange
kalala junkarinato take turns in getting angry
kalala jurakokaterinafor one to boast in the presence of another
kalala karina dikanato come and go in turn, to bring back
kalala karkarkaramalinato seduce each other in turn
kalala karkaterina wapanato go oneself and demand an exchange gift
kalala kupa maninato take girls in marriage by way of exchange
kalala kurini terkanato steal in retaliation
kalala maninato receive payment
kalala marangokanato help in return
kalala milkinanot to come back again out of revenge
kalala mindrintinato carry on continuous revenge
kalala mukaturaranato take turns in sleeping
kalala najina dikanato take turns in looking after
kalala nandranato strike back in retaliation
kalala nari nandranato kill in revenge
kalala ngapa tapanato take turns in drinking water
kalala ngapu dikanato return silently in retaliation
kalala ngatjiterinato demand a barter-trade debt
kalala ngilpi ngantjanaas an opponent to act in retaliation
kalala ngopera jiritjinato take turns in getting up first
kalala ngungawakanato hesitate in handing over gifts of exchange
kalala noa patanato take for a wife in exchange
kalala nunkangu mindrintina warairevenge pursued him relentlessly
kalala nura terkanato get up in order to wreak vengeance
kalala padakijiribanato take along for mutual exchange
kalala patananot to let go out of retaliation
kalala pinta tjautjau ngankanato upset an agreement out of revenge
kalala pirkinato take turns at dancing
kalala tajinato eat or chew some substitute
kalala terkanato take the place of
kalala toda ngamanato take it in turns for the midday siesta
kalala winpaterinato demand a gift in exchange
kalala wiringanato bypass in retaliation
kalala wondiri ngankanato close a boundary in retaliation
bakalali kalalu ngankanafor cold weather to prevail
jaurali kalalu ngankanato cry down with words
kalaluwhilst; meanwhile; in the meantime
kalalu ngankanato conquer, to prevail over, to surpass, to subdue
kalalu ngankanali pankipankinato be proud of one's victory [or success]
kalalu ngankijiribamalinato outdo each other, to surpass each other
manabakapirnali kalalu ngankanato be able to speak better
palkujeli kalalu ngankanato surpass physically
pitali kalalu ngankanato subdue by means of the spear
talarali kalalu ngankanafor rain to fall here
tirieli kalalu ngankanato surpass in bad temper
kalalungankanietjavictor, winner, superior
kalankaplant with seed pods
kalanka tandrafruit that [can be] eaten
kalantablack and white rat
kalarastone axe