Index of Reuther Dictionary Diyari Glosses
This is an index of all the glosses (word translations in English) that appear in entries and sub-entries in Reuther's Diyari dictionary (Specialist Edition).
It was created by Edward Garrett and checked and edited by Peter K. Austin. Clicking on any Diyari expression in green colour
will take users to the relevant entry or sub-entry in the main dictionary.
(c) 4 October 2024, Peter K. Austin and Edward Garrett
Creative commons licence
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
--> CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
woraranaterinain one's own interests to abandon the company of others (or) part company
ngura warulaold abandoned camp
tiri panifor anger to abate; for fighting to subside
maua ngirkinganafor drought and famine to intensify and then abate
baka purinafor one's natural forces to abate
talara taururinafor rain to abate
talara wokarinafor rain to abate
talara wodakanafor rain to abate, for rain to ease off
watarali tintjanafor wind not to abate
talara mudani malkaindication of rain abating
kurikarilkanietjaabductor; thief
mankamankaribanietjatempter; abductor
ngurarinato abide forever
muramura ngurarinawhere the 'muramura' died, there he 'ngurarina' [abides for ever]
talara ngankani pankipankinato be proud [of one's ability] to produce rain
koko wiriwirinafor a hollow tree to flare up, for a hollow tree to become ablaze
kanta wiriwirinafor dry grass to become ablaze
mara wiringana[to be able] to reach further with one's hand than others
pirrapinta ngumuable instructor in [tribal] law
kupa mantaterinafor a child to be no longer able
woldrali paja patapata paranafor birds to be no longer able to fly on account of the heat
morla dantomore soft, softer, able to be torn more easily; more pliable
kupani mangapunkurinano longer [able] to recognise a child
minka wombananot [to be able] to find a burrow
kirra wombananot to [be able to] find a boomerang
ngapitja ngujamanato be able to interpret a dream
manabakapirnali kalalu ngankanato be able to speak better
malka kurala korinato be no longer able to decorate oneself properly
kanani korinato be no longer able to recognise people
kurukutukuturina mura ngaralato be quiet so as [to be able] to hear a sacred ceremony
karpakarpa ngankamalinato negotiate on disagreeable terms, not to be able to come to an agreement
jildini pirkinato play not always [able] to hear; [to play the clown, to play a tomfool]
burlu najinato see clearly; to [be able to] see a long way
njurlu najinato see vaguely or indistinctly; not [to be able] to see clearly
milki karpakarpauneven, abnormal eye
Aboriginal doctor
kapura kutjadilly bag in which a Aboriginal doctor keeps and stores his secret and sacred objects
kunkieli tepi ngankanafor a Aboriginal doctor to restore to health
kunkijeli katibanafor an Aboriginal doctor to cool [something] down
kunkieli kana nandranafor an Aboriginal doctor to kill people
kunki maninafor an Aboriginal doctor to restore or make (people) well
kunki wirarinafor an Aboriginal doctor to wander about
kunki ngumuskilled Aboriginal doctor
kunkieli pankinato boast of one's cleverness [or shrewdness] as Aboriginal doctors
kunki ngankanato make an Aboriginal doctor
kunki pataterinato pass oneself off for an Aboriginal doctor
pirrapinta dikanato proclaim [Aboriginal] laws
kunki terkanato stand as an Aboriginal doctor
kunki karkanato summon an Aboriginal doctor [or medicine-man]
kanaia manginiway[s] and custom[s] of the Aboriginal people
markaoutside of the camp; [out bush; out of doors]; not at home; (to spend the night) in
the open; (to stay away) a long distance from camp; (to remain) in another tribal
country; (to live) abroad
worduetjaabrupt offhandish [type of] person
jaura worduconcise abrupt words
manu wordushort, abrupt temperament
kututucore of an abscess [or festering sore]
ngulku kimagum-boil, abscess in the gums
widla kurikarinafor a woman to abscond
delkinato be disobedient; to be unwilling; to oppose, to resist, to contravene; to abscond;
to circumvent; to break loose; to dislike
kutinganato sneak off; to escape; to flee, to abscond; to run away; to disappear, to vanish
from sight
kurikarinietjaescapee; absconder
kutinganietjarunaway, escapee, absconder
punga dantjumananot to damage a man's house when he is absent
manu worraonly half sitting absent-minded
palpa jerranguntjaseveral [people] who are absent, who always stay away
daturu ngananato be steadfast; to be continually absent
ninta danganato attempt to absolve someone from disgrace
wirkali ngapa dapaicracks in the earth absorb the water
pariwilpa tjumpurkanafor air to absorb moisture
wona marujeli tapanafor an old 'wona' digging stick to absorb water
mitali ngapa tapanafor ground to absorb water
munkurulaluact of being self-absorbed
munkuruetjaone who always wanders about quietly and is absorbed in his own thoughts
ngapitjarinato dream; to be absorbed in a dream
noa marra miljafor a married couple to abstain from each other
milja jiritjinato get up and abstain [from food]
nankaterinato press oneself, to abstain from doing; to restrain oneself
milja ngamanato sit down and abstain [from food], to fast
paia kapini miljaabstaining from birds' eggs
pitjiri miljaabstaining from chewing-tobacco
buka miljaabstaining from food
kaljuna miljaabstaining from human flesh
widlani miljatemperate in respect to women, abstaining from women
miljatemperate, abstaining from; avoiding
manamiri punmanato withhold from one's abundance; not to give away of one's abundance
tjandatjandalaluabuse; insult[s]
tjandatjandanato abuse, to insult; to call names
pajali tjandatjandanato be abused by birds
tjandatjandanietjaone who abuses, one who insults
mita-tali kadiwirinafor a landslide to disappear [over the edge into the abyss]
teri purinafor a young man not to accept a girl promised to him
poto karlibananot to accept gifts
potuni kalakalarinanot to accept gifts (things)
widla karlibananot to accept women
jaura karlibananot to accept words
tatabanietjaone who rejects something ("pushes it away"); one who doesn't accept anything
palku maninato accept (fetch) a dead body, to partake of human flesh at a burial
tintjaterinato accept nothing personally; to accept no advice
poto karli tatanato accept things as unpleasant
mankinali maninato accept with pleasure
warawararina potunito be too shy to accept goods
karlakarlanato dislike; not to accept; to be dissatisfied with; unable to tolerate; to despise;
to hold in contempt
maninato fetch; to take, accept
mara manngarinato hesitate to accept anything; to wait until one has something to offer in exchange
ngujara maninato receive, accept teaching or instruction
karlibanato refuse an offer; to decline; not to accept; not to listen to; not to obey
kalikalibanato reject, to refuse, not to accept [something]
kana tintjanato turn people away, to accept no advice
karlibaterilaluact of not liking or not accepting
mara dalpurahand that accepts nothing
mana wondiri[point of] access across the border
tjika burunato fall by accident
kanani karlibanablindly to accompany people
karlikarlinablindly to accompany; unwillingly to go along with
manujeli karinain spirit to follow; in spirit to accompany
pingaetjaone who is keen to accompany a vendetta group
kurukuru tarpinasecretly to turn back and not to accompany any further
murali wokara jupanato accompany with a ceremonial [or totemic] song
matjait is accomplished, it has been done
milja tikanato return without having accomplished anything
talarapalku tjelapalkaterinafor [rain] clouds to separate of their own accord
pirra tjelapalkaterinafor a coolamon to split of its own accord
marda tjelapalkaterinafor a stone to crack of its own accord
mita tjelapalkaterinafor earth to develop cracks of its own accord
wuldrurinaterinato become narrow of its own accord
pakiterinato burst of its own accord
nguljiribanaterinato discharge gum spontaneously, of their own accord
wiriwirinaterinato flare up of its own accord
tjankarinaterinato get wet of itself; to grow moist, to become soft of its own accord
tjelapalkaterinato split of itself; to burst of its own accord; to tear of itself
tilinganaterinato trickle out of its own accord, to ooze out of its own accord
kaukaunganato respond; to act in accordance
woldrali paja patapata paranafor birds to be no longer able to fly on account of the heat
ngaperani ngaurongaurogrieved on account of one's father
parawaranaterinaon one's own account to become mentally confused
kupani ngaurongaurosad on account of a child
jendrangundrujatherefore; for that reason; on that account
mauarli kaldrintjarinato be irritable on account of being hungry
mitatalini tauru ngananato be quiet on account of a landslide
pildripildrini tauru ngananato be quiet on account of the thunder
ditjiditjirinato become exhausted on account of thirst
woldrali kaparinato burn on account of the heat of the sun
woldrali nampaterinato cover oneself up on account of heat
pitarali palinato die on account of [prevailing] dry conditions
kilpali munkanato embrace on account of the cold
pitarani kalumiltjamiltjarinato feel regretful on account of the drought
pitimokujeli kidakidanato groan on account of lumbago
tapali ngirikidanato groan on account of one's wounds
palkujeli ngirikidanato groan on account of stomach pains
woldrali maritjinato groan on account of the heat
kilpali munkurarinato grow cold; to freeze on account of cold weather
talarani pidarinato hurry on account of rain
kanani mararinato hurry on account of the people
talarani mararinato hurry on account of the rain
watarani mararinato hurry on account of the wind
woldrali muka paranato lie down and sleep on account of (or during) heat
tidna dilkali kunkanato limp on account of a spike in the foot
pantja kimali kunkanato limp on account of a swelling of the knee
waparali kaparinato perspire on account of the humidity
malkali piriterkanato stand on one's toes on account of beautiful markings
mitali ketjaketjanato suffer [pain] on account of or due to sand (ground)
mauarli darpina dikanaunable to continue any further on account of hunger
tertieli darpina dikanaunable to continue on account of thirst
ngaiani kilpali kalungarraiwe are shivering on account of the cold
talarapalku tankanafor more rain clouds to accumulate
paua ngirkinganafor seed to accumulate, multiply, and then diminish
ngapa ngirkinafor water to accumulate
ngapa pratjijirbanato accumulate all the water
tjampatjampanato accumulate by begging
poto kaluwanato accumulate goods
tjampatjampanali ngukingukibanaterinato accumulate more for oneself by begging
jaurali ngukingukibanaterinato accumulate more for oneself by means of talking
mankara jinkinali ngukingukibanaterinato accumulate more personal possessions by giving away one's daughters [in marriage]
poto tankanato accumulate more possessions
poto karkarkanato accumulate possessions
poto mapanato accumulate property
talara mapanato accumulate rain
paua kampana pitaraiato accumulate seed [for food] in the event of drought
pita mapanato accumulate weapons
kampaterinato collect [for] oneself; to accumulate; to become reconciled with another person;
to gather together again, to unite what was separated or scattered; to restore to
completeness the divisions in a fellowship to which one belongs; to become reunited,
to make one's peace with another person; to rectify something
kampibanato collect for other people; to accumulate things for other people
tandranaterinato collect, accumulate something on one's own behalf
katjirimanato store up; to accumulate
katjirimanietjaone who greedily or selfishly accumulates [or hoards up]
paratara ngapawater that accumulates on a hard flat claypan
tandralalu[act of] accumulating; [the act of] ejecting, emptying
ngokarinato keep on accumulating
nguna ngumudeadly-accurate arm
nguna ulustraight, accurate arm
ngulkucheek; accusation, indictment
ngulku tjautjauconflicting accusation
ngulku balurinafor an accusation to become unanimous
ngulku tapinafor an accusation to cease
ngulku paruparurinafor an accusation to spread
ngulku ngurusecret accusation
ngulku pirnaserious accusation
ngulku pirnaserious accusation
ngulku burinato state the accusation
ngulku marapunumerous accusations
ngulku tikanato come back with accusations
ngulku puntinato forward accusations hither and thither; various accusations
ngulku mankamankato lay accusations here and there
ngulku wirarinato walk around making accusations
ngulkuterkijirbamalinato accuse one another
tjikatjika duldruwanato accuse someone of numerous misdemeanours
ngulkuterkanato accuse; to betray, to disclose
ngulku terkanato accuse; to inform against
ngulkuterkanato disclose, to betray; to accuse
ngulku wapanato go off and accuse
ngulku puldru ngankanato kill the accuser
ngulku mudanato cease accusing
ngulkuni wirinato incite to anger by accusing
kulno parana kiririnato grow accustomed to sleeping alone
kuldru patanafor one's back to ache; [to have back-ache]
munakadra patanafor one's chest to ache
diltja patanafor one's muscles to ache
pilpiri kaparinafor one's shoulder to ache
pilbiri patanafor one's shoulder to ache
mandra milkanastomach-ache; gripes
kutjera bururina kidakidanato groan because of ear-ache
mandra dakanato have indigestion, to have stomach ache, to have gripes
mandra ketjaketjanato have stomach-ache
mandra patanato have stomach-ache
diltja-kaparaAchilles tendon
kapaketjaketjanaaching hips
noa ngujamanato acknowledge one's husband
paltuni konot acquainted with the track
ngapa nguntjamanato be acquainted with water, to know where to find water
nguntjamanato be familiar with, to be acquainted with; to know; to be informed about
paka karitjinato acquire a different appearance
nguja pilkirinato acquire a different nature
manumanjurinato acquire a friendly disposition; to become friendly
wondiwondinaterinato acquire a lot of possessions for oneself
buru ngankanato acquire by barter; to purchase
waru terkana taranato acquire dropsy
kurujeli ngukingukibanaterinato acquire more for oneself
papiririnato acquire pods, to develop pods
pirrani kiririnato acquire the art of making a wooden dish
tjururinato acquire understanding
noani tajipaterinato aspire after a wife; to exert every effort to acquire a wife
pakarinato be of a certain species; to acquire the right appearance
njurdurinato grow or acquire hair
poto tinkarithings that one has acquired legitimately
danka pilkiwater that has acquired a peculiar colour
ngukingukibalalucollecting; acquiring; adding to
kalumarana mamaterinato be always acquiring more and more, yet never satisfied
pita kunarku[obstructive] piece of wood lying across the track
mana wondiri[point of] access across the border
pararibalaluact of bringing (something) across
paparina tarakanafor more and more [people] to swim across
tarakanatarakanafor several to swim across; often to swim across
kunarkuetjaone who always walks across
pararanietjaone who brings (something) across
nurujeli pararaterinaquickly to venture across
talara pankalkararain extending across the entire sky
manka pararaterinaslowly to venture across
kalabijiribamalinato answer one another; to answer back and forth; to reply to and fro [across the way]
winpana pararanato ask across, to enquire across
tarakana wontjanato attempt to swim across
pararaterinato betake oneself across; to venture across
wokaribana pararanato break off across
kipana pararanato bump across; to stumble across
karkana pararanato call across
kirra wilimanato carry a boomerang across one's shoulder
billi wilimanato carry a dilly bag across one's shoulder
kalti wilimanato carry a spear across one's shoulder
turu wilimanato carry firewood across one's shoulder
poto pararijirbanato carry goods across for someone else
nganti pararijirbanato carry meat across for someone else
jaura pararaterinato carry news across oneself
taralkanato carry something across a creek-bed
pararijirbanaterinato carry something across for oneself
pararijirbanato carry something across for someone else
wilimanaterinato carry something across the shoulders for oneself
nari dankanato come across a dead [man]; to search for a dead person
kanta jelbi dankanato come across a green oasis
tidnani dankanato come across footprints, to meet up with footprints
potuni dankanato come across things; to find things
wokarala pararanato come across; to come over
pararanato come across; to go across; to cross over; to go straight through
dako wokaribanato cut straight across a sandhill
nandrana pararanato fight [or kill] across
mandra munkanato fold one's arms across the stomach
tajila pararanato go across to eat
ngarana pararanato hear across
kata ngarana pararanato hear the sound [floating] across
pitani kulkunganato jump across the (fallen) trunk of a tree
kurarana pararanato lay across
najina pararanato look across
kiri najina pararanato look across covetously
dankanato meet up with; to chance upon; to seek out; to find; to run into, to come across
tudnupari woranato paint a black stripe across the chest
dukarana pararanato peer across, to peep across
kunarkuribanato place, lay, or tie something across
kangi pirkinato play with a dog's tail tied across one's nose
talpadakana pararanato promise across
tarana pararanato run across
kunarku mindrinato run across another's path
wondrana pararanato show across, to point across
maritjina pararanato sing out [e.g. across the water, for someone] to come over
ngamana tapana pararanato sit to drink to lie across
panimana pararanato smell across
tampana pararanato sneak across
jatana pararanato speak across
ngulukana pararanato spy across
tarakana pararanato swim across
tarakanaterinato swim across for one's own benefit
manina pararanato take across, to fetch across, to bring across
dijana pararanato throw across
kunarku dijanato throw across, to aim from the sidelines
mirlana pararanato throw the earth out of a hole across
karana pararanato touch or catch hold of, to feel across, to notice what someone's secret designs
are; to sense someone's ideas
tilpana pararanato urge across, to induce from across the way
mukaia pararaterinato venture across in order to have a sleep
pantuni purkanato wade across a lake
purkana pararanato wade across water
wipani pararanato walk straight across a valley
kurlakarurilalu[ act of] turning white
muturibalalu[act of becoming] a reality
tandralalu[act of] accumulating; [the act of] ejecting, emptying
tankatakalalu[act of] adding repeatedly
tjirkatjirkarilalu[act of] adorning, decorating
ngirangiraribalalu[act of] always doing the same thing
jakalkalalu[act of] asking, enquiring after
wontjawontjalalu[act of] attempting, trying
jiritjibalalu[act of] awakening; [the act of] erecting
kulnulalu[act of] being alone
wondawondalalu[act of] betraying
palturibalalu[act of] blazing a new trail
puldruribalalu[act of] breaking forth
wokaribalalu[act of] breaking off
wokaralkalalu[act of] bringing along
wotilalu[act of] building
jerkilalu[act of] burning
waltalalu[act of] carrying
wilimalalu[act of] carrying (something) on one's shoulder
wirilkalalu[act of] carrying inside
pandraribalalu[act of] causing blood to congeal
pariparibalalu[act of] comforting
jelaribalalu[act of] coming together
wokaralalu[act of] coming, act of arriving
jirijiribalalu[act of] commanding
wintamalalu[act of] counting
walpalalu[act of] covering up
nguljilalu[act of] discharging gum
paruparubalalu[act of] disseminating or spreading
witjibalalu[act of] drying [or of] spreading out [to dry]
tjutjuluwiribalalu[act of] escaping
tampurilalu[act of] falling in; collapse
purinalalu[act of] falling over
jinkilalu[act of] giving
wapalalu[act of] going
pidaribalalu[act of] hurrying
woldrankalalu[act of] hurrying
wijawijabalalu[act of] inducing, motivating
jenibalalu[act of] leaning up against
worakalilalu[act of] looking round, looking back
tjundurulalu[act of] making lame
tjilaualalu[act of] mixing
tarliribalalu[act of] naming, act of designating; act of flattening (of a weapon)
wiringalalu[act of] passing by
kulkalalu[act of] protecting
tatabalalu[act of] pushing aside
tjiringalalu[act of] putting aside
widmalalu[act of] putting inside
jertabalalu[act of] relying on oneself
wiribalalu[act of] rubbing in
taribalalu[act of] scattering; cleaning
piltjarulalu[act of] scattering; the dispersion; dissemination
wikaterilalu[act of] scraping, stripping off
wontilalu[act of] searching, seeking
jinpalalu[act of] sending
tjerkaralalu[act of] sharpening
tiwilalu[act of] shattering to smithereens
tjindirilalu[act of] shining
worduribalalu[act of] shortening
wondralalu[act of] showing
japilalu[act of] singeing, scorching
woramukalalu[act of] sleeping on one's side
palangandralalu[act of] smashing up
panimanalalu[act of] smelling
tampalalu[act of] sneaking along
pankalkaralalu[act of] spreading out
jaupalalu[act of] spreading out
ngulukalalu[act of] spying
jikalalu[act of] squeezing out
terkalalu[act of] standing
wodataralalu[act of] standing firmly
parumalalu[act of] stretching
warpilalu[act of] stretching oneself
wonparilalu[act of] taking along in one's company
puralalu[act of] tearing
wonjunkalalu[act of] tearing oneself free
warumalalu[act of] threatening; a threat
jupalalu[act of] torturing
paualalu[act of] turning to seed
turutururibalalu[act of] warming
workamandralalu[act of] wrapping round
matantaribalaluact of attaching or hanging
tjampitjampibalaluact of befriending [others] by presenting [them with] gifts
maramanjurilaluact of being friendly
munkurulaluact of being self-absorbed
kutikutirilaluact of bending, act of twisting
marulaluact of blackening
pakijirbalaluact of breaking (something) open
tintjalaluact of breaking through
padakalaluact of bringing
pararibalaluact of bringing (something) across
todilaluact of burying, act of covering up
wiralkalaluact of carrying (something) around
paparilaluact of carrying out; act of executing
mandralaluact of carrying; carrying
naranalaluact of chasing or scaring away
kurijirbalaluact of concealing
wonjukaluact of confinement
tundribalaluact of covering
parara ngankalaluact of covering up
nampalaluact of covering up or of burying
kudnakutibalaluact of covering up, covering over, or submerging into deep water
ngurlungurluribalaluact of darkening or obscuring
milkirilaluact of envying with the eyes, act of lusting with the eyes
kurijiribalaluact of erection; act of building
manilaluact of fetching
njenmalaluact of filling in, act of burying, act of covering up
kurutaralaluact of forgetting
njurdulaluact of growing hair
kutibalaluact of hiding
kuraterilaluact of hiding [something] for oneself
kunkalaluact of hobbling or limping
njinjaru nganalaluact of holding on firmly
mantralkalaluact of holding secure
kurakuralaluact of improvising, act of finding out, act of erecting
waruribalaluact of inflating
punmalaluact of keeping secret; act of concealing
njurlilaluact of killing by strangulation
nandralaluact of killing, murdering
nandralaluact of killing; [murder]
tintalaluact of losing
pankaralaluact of making something smooth or even
karlibaterilaluact of not liking or not accepting
pankilaluact of obeying; obedience
mulkalaluact of plucking, act of tearing off
turaralaluact of pounding [into flour]
nangalaluact of pouring into
kuraralaluact of pouring into or of saving up
wirpibalaluact of preventing, holding back, warding off
mararibalaluact of prompting or urging
ninjilbalaluact of pulling faces
worangalaluact of querying, act of doubting
manamunjimunjirinalaluact of remaining silent; silence
muruwalaluact of scratching fingernail marks
kulpilaluact of searching
kungakungalaluact of selecting or finding out
tjelapalkalaluact of separating
mintjilaluact of shining
kurliribalaluact of smelling
jaupalaluact of spreading out
multibalaluact of sprinkling [or wetting]
tilingalaluact of squeezing out
tapilaluact of staying; constancy, steadfastness
marajeruwanilaluact of stretching out one's hands
ngudanalaluact of stretching; extension
kunpalaluact of stroking or fondling
mamalaluact of taking away [or of taking back]
mankarilaluact of turning or changing, etc
woliwolimalaluact of warding off, preventing
turibalaluact of wetting, act of moistening
kurlangalaluact of withholding
paralaluact of withholding, act of holding back for oneself
kalala ngilpi ngantjanaas an opponent to act in retaliation
wonilalubeginning; [act of] commencement
nakalubeing there; act of staying there
tjilpilalubranching out like a fork; [the act of] dissociating oneself
kurikarilaluescape; act of escape
nururinalaluhaste; the act of hurrying
ngujamanalalurecognition; [act of recognising]
tarpilalureturn; [act of] returning
mindrilalurunning; act of running
ngatatani kuterinato act as one's younger brother's deadly enemy
moku ngundrijirbanato ponder an [act of] sorcery
dantjamanato ransom; to redeem; to release; to act as guarantor; to go surety; to make oneself
responsible for
kaukaunganato respond; to act in accordance
pingaia karkamalinato summon one another together for [an act of] blood-revenge
pirkinietja panpariactor who doesn't stop acting
paraparalaluintense action
mangini kutinanot to feel disposed for action, to have no inclination for action
dako dintjanisandhill breached by [the action of] wind or water
kalala godana karitjinato close in from all sides and take retaliatory action
patijiritjibanato disturb, to stir into action; to agitate; to incite to alarm
pantja manjuagile knee, active knee
ngaltja tepirinafor one's saliva to become active
kana jerujerulively man, active man
pirkinietja panpariactor who doesn't stop acting
dantjumanietjaone who acts carefully
pirra mutuluactual moon
talarapalku mutuluactual rain clouds
mutulureal, actual, true, genuine
kakara dijanaactually or positively to strike the target
kantji dukaranaactually to take out
kantji godanaactually, really to fall down
morlalulalurilkijiribamalinamutually to verify (something); to let something actually happen to each other
najinajinato take a quick look at (something); to observe (something) acutely
ditji tankanato add [a few] more days
ngapa ngukingukibanato add [some] water
paru ngokanato add [to the supply of] fish
kupa ngamibanato add a child
kupa ngukingukibanato add a child to one's own
nari ngokanato add a dead man
widla ngukingukibanato add a second wife to the present one
jaura ngokanato add a word
kupa ngokanato add another child
nari ngukingukibanato add another dead person
ngura ngokanato add another wurley
tankanaterinato add for one's own sake, to append something for one's own sake
nganti tankanato add more animals
poto ngukingukibanato add more articles
katu ngokanato add more branches
pirra tankanato add more moons
paua tankanato add more seed
turu wanganato add more wood to the fire
tankanato add on to
ditji ngokanato add one or more days
punga ngukingukibanato add one wurley to the other
billi ngokijirbanato add one's dilly bag
manu ngokanato add one's disposition
milki ngukingukibanato add one's eyes
mana ngokanato add one's mouth
marangokanato add one's support; to help; to lend a hand
jindri ngukingukibanato add one's tears
potuni ngokaterinato add one's things to those of somebody else
tankaterinato add oneself
jinka ngokanato add onto a string
kana ngokanato add people
tankatankanato add repeatedly
paua ngukingukibanato add seed
poto ngokanato add some articles
jaura tankanato add some more remarks (words)
jaura ngukingukibanato add some remarks; to add one's affirmative opinion
paua ngokanato add some seed
kinka ngukingukibanato add to laughter
mirtja ngukingukibanato add to shouting
ngukingukibanaterinato add to, to collect, to beg for, to extort more for oneself
wanganato add up; to stir up
ngapa ngokanato add water, to wet, to moisten
ngukingukibanato add, to contribute
ngokanato add, to join, to put (something) together; to unite
ngukingukibijirbanato collect for someone else; to add to what is his
turu miribanato kindle a fire; to add wood
turu kuranato lay on firewood, to add firewood
turu ngokanato lay on more firewood; to add more firewood
malkankuravery venomous snake, leaping adder
tankatakalalu[act of] adding repeatedly
ngukingukibalalucollecting; acquiring; adding to
ngukingukibanietjaone who adds, one who contributes
mana dirtjibread baked in the ashes to which coarse granules of sand adhere which find their
way between one's teeth
tidna njinjaru nganana buluranifor feet to adhere to clay
madlentjani kalikalinato adhere to evil
mita mantralkanato safeguard one's country, to adhere to one's own country
miliservant; subordinate; follower; [adherent]
kupaadherents of 'muramura'
marka tidaspace between two groups of people standing adjacent to each other
ulu ngamanato sit immediately adjacent
bankini turaranato sleep adjacent to
ulu turaranato sleep directly adjacent
talpana pararanato warm the next person lying adjacent
pita karlaadjoining branch (of a tree); fork
dako karlaadjoining sandhill
maramanjujeli ngankijiribanacarefully to prepare; properly to balance or adjust, to be unselfish or unself-seeking
in barter trading
mita-worangani-bukameal upon [expressing] one's admiration of the country
najiterinato observe oneself; to look at oneself; to admire one's own strength
bakanamatareport; admission; confession; disclosure
maramanjujeli kurukurubanakindly to admonish; to offer friendly admonition
kapariaetjaperson who never ceases to urge or admonish; one who easily perspires
kurukurubijiribalinato admonish one another
noa kurukurubanato admonish one's wife
kurukurubaterinato admonish oneself
kupa kurukurubanato admonish the children
kapakapara kurukurubanato admonish the headman or ringleader of a travelling column
dauadauanato advise caution and discretion; to admonish to be careful
jaurali kurukurubanaverbally to admonish
pirrapintamarali kurukurubanato be admonished or taught by the instructors in [tribal] law
kurukurubanietjaone who constantly admonishes
kurukurubalaluadmonishing; teaching
maramanjujeli kurukurubanakindly to admonish; to offer friendly admonition
kurukurubanaterinato bear in mind the words of admonition for one's own good
tjinpirinaterinato adorn oneself with cicatrices for personal [prestige]
tjirkatjirkarinato adorn oneself, to decorate oneself
tjirkatjirkanato adorn, to decorate; to make something [look] beautiful
widmaterinato dress oneself; to decorate, adorn oneself
tjirkatjirkarilalu[act of] adorning, decorating
madlentji ngankanato commit adultery; to fornicate
marda maramaninato procure a millstone in advance
poto ngoperaribanato send things in advance
wombanaterinafor some personal advantage to lose one's way
mangapunkuribanaterinano longer to (want to) recognise something, to one's own advantage; to be ignorant
of something for one's own benefit
maramanjurinaterinato be friendly to one's own advantage, i.e. in one's own interests
murtjanaterinato be greedy for one's own advantage
piriterkanaterinato be self-opinionated for one's own benefit or advantage
patijiritjibanaterinato become agitated for one's own advantage
tularinaterinato become estranged for one's personal advantage
waruribanaterinato become puffed up for one's own advantage; to cause something to become fat [in
one's own interests]
tertirinaterinato become the centre, to one's own advantage
mintjimaribaterinato bring something old once more into prominence for one's own advantage
pandraribanaterinato cause a man's blood to congeal for one's own advantage
ngiringiriribanaterinato cause oneself to become wrinkled to one's own advantage
pinpitaribanaterinato cause something to come loose or burst open for one's own advantage
tampuribanaterinato cause something to fall in to one's own advantage, to cause to collapse to one's
own advantage
manngaribanaterinato cause to feel embarrassed to one's own advantage
pupenaterinato charm something to one's own advantage
tampanaterinato crawl along stealthily to one's own advantage
jedibanaterinato deceive someone for one's personal advantage
tjikaribanaterinato do something wrongly for one's own advantage
kurutaranaterinato forget something to one's own advantage
miljarurinaterinato grow dark of itself; to be to someone's advantage for night to fall
nururinaterinato hurry oneself for one's own advantage
tidnani njinjaru ngananaterinato keep on following a trail for one's own advantage
tintanaterinato lose oneself for some personal advantage
ngapurinaterinato observe silence for one's own sake, to one's own advantage
wariwarinaterinato over-exert oneself for one's personal advantage
maruribanaterinato paint oneself black to one's own advantage
tidarinaterinato pass between two hills for one's own personal advantage
taranaterinato proceed on the way up for one's own advantage
ngujamanijirbanaterinato recognise something for oneself, [i e. for one's own advantage
ngadaiapakarurinaterinato remain behind to one's own advantage; to arrange things in such a way that one
is the last to arrive
muruwanaterinato scratch oneself with fingernail marks for one's own advantage
wondranaterinato show oneself for one's personal advantage
tinkaririnaterinato show oneself to one's own advantage
manawilparinaterinato speak up for one's own sake or to one's own advantage
manakaldririnaterinato start getting cross to one's own advantage
ngurakatibanaterinato stretch something for one's own advantage
ngirkibanaterinato tease someone for one's own advantage
tirinaterinato get angry for advantageous reasons
tintjaterinato accept nothing personally; to accept no advice
jaurali mankaribanato advice caution
jaura tintjanato give no heed to words [of advice]
manjujeli ngamalkanato take good care of; to give good advice or encouragement to
kana tintjanato turn people away, to accept no advice
dantjumana tatanato advise caution
dauadauanato advise caution and discretion; to admonish to be careful
ngarranaaerial region [or atmosphere]
juditjisecretive affair; secret thing
pirakaterinato investigate one's own affair
patipatirinato become simple-minded, foolish; to get off the beaten track; to lose one's way;
to become confused; to make a mistake in one's own affairs
murani kaldruwell versed in ceremonial affairs
ditji dakanafor the sun to affect one
woldrala parawaranafor a heat-affected person to grow delirious
talarala parawaranafor a person [affected by] the rain to have a headache
kutjila parawaranafor a person affected by the devil to be out of his wits; to be obsessed
mitali karakaranato be [affected by] homesickness
muntjali karakaranato be affected by illness
kilpali dakanato be affected by the cold, to be overwhelmed by the cold
kantani parawaranato be affected out in the bush
kanani milamilarinato be inwardly affected because of the people
milamilarinato be inwardly moved, to be affected
kupani milamilarinato feel emotionally affected because of a child
kupani maraltjaaffectionate towards a child
manu tjankagentle disposition; cheerful, affectionate [nature]
noani maraltjagentle, affectionate towards one's wife
ngara miltjamiltjasensitive heart, soft heart, gentle heart, affectionate heart, tender heart
mitani maraltjatender, affectionate (feelings) for home; homesick
maraltja ngananato be affectionate, to be sensitive
manu wokaranafor affections to arrive
manu woranato set one's affections on something
dalpadakanato assure; to promise; to invite; to raise hopes; to affirm
jaura ngukingukibanato add some remarks; to add one's affirmative opinion
ngarrana ngarinato affix or stick on top
mura paruparurinafor a deity to spread further afield
talara paruparurinafor rain to extend further afield
jaura pirnaribanato spread news further afield
tatauralalu[state of] being afraid
muka wondawondana[to tell someone] not to be afraid to sleep here
narini japaafraid of death
dilkani japaafraid of prickles
kararani japaliafraid of the hot wind
tjutjuni wirpinato be afraid of a snake
Murani wirpinato be afraid of the 'Mura'
kaparani wirpinato be afraid of the [local] headman
ngalpurani manngarinato be afraid of the darkness
Murani japalito be afraid of the deity
turuni wirpinato be afraid of the fire
talara pildripildrini kalupakinato be afraid of the lightning
mukani wirpinato be afraid of the sleepers
milki manngarinato be afraid to look at
paltuni manngarinato be afraid to step in the way
tinkarietjavery sociable person; one who is not afraid
marra punkanato grow afresh; to grow anew
ditji kunarkumid-afternoon
ngadaniafterwards; later
ngadani tajinato eat afterwards
ngadani wapanato go afterwards; to go later on
ngadani jatanato tell afterwards
ngadani ngundranato think about later; to reflect upon afterwards
pata purinaas a man of the same age to be slain in another's stead
kaluka mulurumember of the female sex who has only just reached the age of puberty (maturity)
kalumarrasomeone of equal age; a contemporary; one of two born on the same day
womalarinato age; to grow old
kirrarinaterinato curve (e.g. a stick) for oneself; to become bent with age
warurinato grow old; to age
kintjakintjaribanato aggravate, to annoy
ngara bakumalinato dig into one anothers' hearts; mutually to provoke, to torment each other, to aggravate
one another
jaurali dakanato stimulate; to aggravate; to prod; to tease
pantja manjuagile knee, active knee
ngara patipatibanato agitate the heart, to ruffle the heart, to give the heart no respite
patijiritjibanato disturb, to stir into action; to agitate; to incite to alarm
ngura tiricamp in which the people are agitated
ngara waluwalunganafor a heart to be agitated
mirka patijiritjinafor ants to become agitated, when someone disturbs them
manu patijiritjinafor one's spirit to become agitated
kana patijiritjinafor people to become agitated or stirred up
muntjujeli tepi ngankanato be agitated by flies, to be woken up by flies
patijiritjibanaterinato become agitated for one's own advantage
patijiritjibamalinato upset one another; to cause agitation among one another
kana titaraagitator, stirrer
pitjiri warulachewing-tobacco from long ago
nganana wontiwas a long time ago
nganala wiriwas several days ago
nganana paraiawas several months ago
tarli palaru ngananato agree in a conversation
kumakumari mandurinato agree to become reconciled over a dead man
manamandurina karkanato agree to invite
ngulku mandurinato agree to kill
kana junkapanifriendly man, agreeable fellow
pintaagreement; alliance; marriage
manu balurinafor ideas to meet with agreement
mankara pintagirl agreement
kidniljurkarinato become juicy; to be baggy; to get moist; to get soft; to be important; to reach
manukulnurinato become unanimous; to reach agreement; to be of one mind
mudla mandurinato join faces, to become reconciled to each other; to reach agreement with each other
karpakarpa ngankamalinato negotiate on disagreeable terms, not to be able to come to an agreement
manamandurinato reach agreement; to become unanimous
kalala pinta tjautjau ngankanato upset an agreement out of revenge
manu nururinafor the spirit to hurry onward, to be ahead of oneself in thought
morla wulumore straight, straight ahead
pankietjaperson who doesn't walk straight ahead
pakina kurana wapanato burst open; to verify; to go ahead
ngopera wapanato go first; to go on ahead
ngoperarinaterinato go on ahead for one's own benefit
ngoperaribanato push to the front; to send on ahead; to place in the lead
kupa ngoperaribanato send a child on ahead
ngoperaribana punga wotinato send on ahead to build a wurley
manu ngoperaribanato send one's disposition on ahead
wulu nandranato strike right ahead
ngoperarinato thrust oneself forward; to run on ahead; to get in front of
milkina ngarinato walk in front; to go on ahead
mita ulu wapanato walk straight ahead
pirrali jertapaterinato oppose, interpose with [the aid of] a shield
milki madlentjibad, short-sighted, ailing eye
patipatieli dijanacarelessly to aim at someone who has done nothing [wrong]
kulnujelildra kulnujelildra paja dijanaeach man for himself to take aim at birds
watawatali dijanafearlessly to aim at
pita dijanato aim at a bush
nganti dijanato aim at an animal, to aim to kill
paja dijanato aim at birds
paja nandranato aim at birds
paja dijanato aim at birds
kana dijanato aim at people
paja pirinerkanato aim at the centre of a flock of birds
ulu dijanato aim straight
paru dijanato aim to kill fish
mangapunkujeli dijanato aim unintentionally (unwittingly) at
parapara dijanato aim vigorously; to throw with all one's might
ngandangandarina woranato be incapable of taking aim
tjikatjika dijanato miss one's aim
parawarana dijanato take aim at something while in a state of delirium
wombana dijanato take erratic aim
tjika dijanato take erratic aim; to miss
kunarku dijanato throw across, to aim from the sidelines
dijanato throw; [to aim at]
pitali karakaranafor spears to fall upon [me], to be aimed at [me]
karlani terkana tikanato have wandered around aimlessly and to have returned home on the same day
baku wirarinato wander about aimlessly
karlani wirarinato wander around aimlessly
paja ngarrananibirds in the air
talpurali talara kaukaubaicalm air will bring on rain
punga dalpuradraught-proof (air-tight) wurley
paru darranafor a fish to snap its jaws in the air
pariwilpa tjumpurkanafor air to absorb moisture
kilpa ngakanafor cold air to be falling
pariwilpa kurukutukutufor the air to be still (calm)
palti panino breeze (or) cool air
ngararankanato breathe quickly; to puff, to pant, to breathe hard; to gasp for air
bururu ngankanato fill with air; to enlarge
mita woranato throw sand in the air, to throw dust in the air
mankarali pankinato give oneself airs because of girls
jaurali patijiritjibanafor news to cause alarm
mokujeli patijiritjibanato alarm someone by [pointing] the bone [at him]
patijiritjibanato disturb, to stir into action; to agitate; to incite to alarm
tjuru patijiritjibanato stir (somebody's) mind to [the point of] alarm
wiljaru patanani kalupakinafor an uncircumcised youth] to feel deeply alarmed when sentenced to be punished for
immoral conduct
kutjieli patijiritjibanato be [deeply] alarmed by the devil
japali ngaruparanato become frightfully alarmed
ngaruparanato wonder at; to be alarmed at
nirinirimankinietjaone who frightens, scares, or alarms
pingani tepirinaout of fear of the vendetta to be alert and [very much] alive
milki dakanato lift up one's eyes; to be alert, to be on the look out
talpalalukindling; setting alight
punga jerkinani kalupakinato experience a sense of shock, when a wurley catches alight
japinato kindle; to set alight
kanta japinato set grass alight
mita japinato set the ground alight
pratjana tepieverybody awake, alive
paru tepifish that is still alive
ngura tepirinafor a camp to come alive
nari tepirinafor a dead man to come alive
kana tampurinafor a man to fell [e.g. into a hole], and be buried [alive]
dako tepirinafor a sandhill to become alive
mita tepirinafor earth to come alive
pindri patijiritjinafor grasshoppers to come alive
murala tepirinafor performers of a sacred ceremony to come alive
pingani tepirinaout of fear of the vendetta to be alert and [very much] alive
tepi patanato believe someone to be still alive
manu mudanato allay one's feelings
pintaagreement; alliance; marriage
pinta panino alliance
kupa mankijiribanato allocate children amongst one another
ngapa tjirimalkanato allocate water, to divide up water
mankara piltjaruribanato allocate young girls
nari kulkananot to allow death to be avenged [or requited]
paru jenpananot to give any fish; not to allow to fish
njinjarulaone who doesn't allow himself to be deterred; one who is undaunted
nguja maninato allow oneself time; to pick a variety
manunikuranato permit, allow
ngapani miljanot allowed to go near water
dirtji wonpamound of alluvial sand
ngampu ngalpurualmost dark
ngampu patana waraialmost grabbed
tajipaterina jatamalinaalmost to devour one another in a verbal battle
ngampu palinaalmost to die
ngampu wapanaalmost to go
ngampu nandraterina [warai]almost to have killed oneself
ngampu tintaterinaalmost to lose one's way; almost to become confused
ngampualmost; nearly
ngampualmost; nearly
ngampu patanato almost grab
ngampu nandranato almost kill
burujulkanato burp, to belch, to swallow the wrong way [as almost to choke]
ngaruta palilapalawhen the voice sinks so low during a song that one almost falls to sleep
marajeruwanato hold one's arms aloft; to stretch out one's fingers
maraterkana taranato raise one's hand aloft
kulnulalu[act of] being alone
kulnulu tirialone angry
ngamirilalubeing single or alone
pita tjirinafor a tree to stand isolated and alone
worani!leave it alone!; stop it!; don't have anything to do with it!
kiri!leave me alone
patapatailet go! leave it alone!
kulnupatanot alone
tjilpilaone who stands alone in his opinion
windrilaluonly; alone; merely; solely
marakulnosingle-handed, alone
nganangananaterinato be alone, on one's own
kulnulu parana tikanato camp (sleep) alone out bush and then come back
maraterkibana-kuranato desert, to leave alone, to leave behind
kalunguru wirarinato go alone
kulnulu wapanato go alone
kulno parana kiririnato grow accustomed to sleeping alone
tandrana kuranato let lie; to leave alone
pilki ngamanato sit down alone
turarana dupuruto sleep alone
kulno terkanato stand alone
tjilpi terkanato stand alone in one's opinion
milkiterkanato stand on one's own; to be alone
kulnulu darpinato turn back alone
potujeli kulnurinato withdraw alone with one's goods and chattels
wokaralkalalu[act of] bringing along
tampalalu[act of] sneaking along
wonparilalu[act of] taking along in one's company
munawirdialong the chest
dirkalawirdialong the shore
karlikarlinablindly to accompany; unwillingly to go along with
turu tirinafor a fire to continue creeping along
woma tirinafor a snake to crawl (or creep) along
tjutju wondiwondinafor a snake to hurry along
palto wapanafor a track to run along
witjikura wapanafor a whirlwind to go along
watara purinafor a wind to come along
buturu wapanafor dust to blow along
nguja nururinafor kind or species to move fast; to swing one's body whilst walking along
parapararibanaterinafor one's own sake to force a matter along
kana tampanafor people to sneak along
talarapalku tirinafor rain clouds to keep moving along
talara wapanafor rain to go along
tjutju wapanafor reptiles to crawl along
ngapa wondiwondinafor water to hurry along
ngapa wonjunkanafor water to wind and meander along; for water to meander out from somewhere
mandikilla wapanafor waves to move along
watarali waltanafor wind to carry along
wiralkanaterinain one's own interests to take (carry) something along
padakijirbanaterinain self-interest to take along something [for someone else]
wirdilong; along
kana tutumaraman who hollows his spine when he walks along
kajiri mudlamargin of trees [or the treeline] along a creek
wokaralkanietjaone who brings (something) along
pankilaone who likes to live or walk along slopes
kurieli padakanasecretly or thievishly to take along
terti wapanathirstily to go along
wiljaru tampanathose punished for [moral] misconduct to come slinking along
mudla padakanato bring along (somebody's) nose
ngara padakanato bring along one's heart
tidna padakanato bring footprints along
wokaralkanaterinato bring something along for one's own benefit
kurikarilkanato carry (something) off; to take (something) along; to induce to elope
turumanja padakanato carry along a firestick
wiralkanato carry around; to take along
ngajimarla padakaterinato carry one's outstretched neck along for oneself
padakijirbanato carry something along for someone else
mita milkila karkarkanato coax [someone to go] along to get to know the country
kampinganato collect for going away; to pack; to gather while passing by; to take along one's
things while passing the camp
jedina wirinato come along with lies
tampanaterinato crawl along stealthily to one's own advantage
juanato creep along slowly, to crawl along slowly
paltuni ngarinato descend along a track, to walk along a track
nganka parumanato drag along by the beard
dapana kuranato drink and leave, to drink while going along
dapinganato drink while going along
dapingana palkanato drink while going along and then to continue on
puturu wapalkanato drive along dust
warukati wapalkanato drive along emus
paru tatanato drive along the fish
deltjideltjinganato emit a ringing or rattling sound whilst going along
ngudaterina ngakanato flow further downhill; to proceed further along
paltuni dukaterinato follow another [person] along the same track
mardani tampanato glide along on stones; to tread lightly
ngapa wilpa karitjinato go along a channel
palto dinganato go along a track
jaura padakaterinato go along with one's own ideas
panki wapanato go around along the edge; to walk around close-by
karkarkana mararibanato hard-press [someone] to go along
diltjali kunkanato hobble along
mankarli kunkanato hobble along slowly
butju padakanato lead along a blind man
muntja padakanato lead along a sick man
mulkana kuranato pick out something and take it along
worduwordu kaluwinkanato pick up small articles from close alongside a track and bring them along
ngaru wapanato proceed along thoughtfully
danku terkanato say: "slowly!" whilst walking along
widla matantaribanato send a woman along too
paltuni wirpinato shrink from going along a [certain] track
pantjali wapanato shuffle along on one's knees
tampatampanato sneak along again and again
kurujeli tampanato sneak along stealthily
dantjumana dampalkanato sneak along, crawl forward [stealthily] without a sound
tampanato sneak along; to tread softly
palto woninato start walking along the track
mura padakaterinato take (carry) along one's own 'mura' [song or ceremony]
kupa wiralkanato take (carry) the child along
turu patanato take (some) fire along
kirra padakanato take a boomerang along
kupa padakanato take a child along
kupa wapalkanato take a child along
paua padakaterinato take along [edible] seed for oneself
kutja padakanato take along a bundle of feathers
paraitji patanato take along a firestick
moku wiralkanato take along a magic bone
kalti, billi, jama wiralkanato take along a spear, a dilly bag, a fishing net
junga wapalkanato take along a water-bag
mudla tiri padakanato take along an angry face
manjujeli wiralkanato take along and carefully look after
poto padakijirbanato take along articles for someone else
buka wapalkanato take along food
buka padakijirbanato take along food (bread) for someone else
kalala padakijiribanato take along for mutual exchange
mindrilkanato take along in one's company
wonparilkanato take along in one's company a group of people
kirra mindrilkanato take along one's boomerang
wona maninato take along one's digging-stick
kindala padakanato take along one's dog
kindala wiralkanato take along one's dog
palku padakaterinato take along one's own body
kindala padakijirbanato take along the dog for someone else
ngapa wapalkanato take along water
manina kuranato take along; to take along for company
pirnaru wiralkanato take an old man along
poto padakaterinato take certain things along for oneself
pitjiri padakanato take chewing-tobacco along
buka padakanato take food along
ngapujeli maninato take in silence; to take along without saying anything
kirra wiralkanato take one's boomerang along
widla wiralkanato take one's wife along
padakaterinato take oneself along; to take along for oneself
kana padakanato take people along
patipatieli maninato take something along without having turned it over in one's mind
ngapa padakanato take water along
manjujeli ngundranato think along peaceful, conciliatory lines; to speak in the interests of peace
manu puribana padakenato throw away one's mood [end] take along
mankarli wapanato travel along slowly
banjibanjinato trot, to jog along
milamila wapanato walk along in silence
kajiri dinganato walk along the edge of a creek
kalikali palkanato walk along the ridge
kajirani taranato walk upstream along a creek
paltupataalongside a track
ngokanietjaone who always places his things alongside those of somebody else; one who readily
attaches himself to others
ngura wulpuruone wurley alongside the other in camp
ngokijirbanato add; to place alongside 0f
paru kaluwinkanato fetch fish from somewhere alongside a track
paua kaluwinkanato fetch seed for bread-making from somewhere alongside tracks
pita kaluwinkanato fetch spears (weapons) from somewhere alongside a track
worduwordu kaluwinkanato pick up small articles from close alongside a track and bring them along
kirra ngokijirbanato place one's boomerang alongside of others
ngura ngokaterinato set up one's camp alongside that of somebody else
narini wadakanato sit alongside a dead person
muntjani wadakanato sit in silence alongside a sick man
tidna manngarinato turn aside in one's footsteps, to step alongside; to tread carefully upon
punga jelawurleys one alongside the other
bankilaone who sits aside or aloof; lurker, ambushman; one who doesn't like to live in camp;
recluse, hermit
manawilparinato open one's mouth; to begin to talk; to talk aloud; not to keep silence; not to
conceal anything; to defend oneself
karliko[already, more or less]
karlitaalready, in fact
matjaalready, previously; ready; finished; it is enough
karlialready, yet
talara matja mudanafor rain to have already stopped
muntja matja mudanafor sickness to have already ended
watara matja mudanafor wind to have already ceased
tajina tikanato return after having already eaten
kaluka karanato touch a woman who has already borne a child
kalku budascraped and dried reeds, also: sun-tanned reeds
pintarani paua ngankanato gather seed where one's father also did
bakanatoo; also; and also; not only... but also
bakanatatoo; also; and also; not only... but also
pilkirinato alter, to undergo a change; to step aside
dikiri wonki
'dikiri' bush that has always been standing there
(chief) who always likes a crowd of people around him; birds that fly around in flocks
ngirangiraribalalu[act of] always doing the same thing
jerulualways like that
manu nguraalways moody
wokara nguraalways on his back
mita nguraalways sand
marda nguraalways stones
ngaru wonkialways the same tune (voice) - when a person always sings the same thing
watara kulnulu kulnulualways the same wind
ngirkingirkina bakunaalways to be digging out a new hole
ngirangirarinaalways to be doing the same thing
kupani ngirangirarinaalways to be good to a child
ngirkingirkina nandranaalways to be killing another man
pirrani ngirangirarinaalways to be making coolamons
kalarani ngirangirarinaalways to be making stone axes
jaura ngundrala ngirangirarinaalways to be pondering over the same news
jinkani ngirangirarinaalways to be spinning (or twisting) thread
billini ngirangirarinaalways to be weaving dilly bags
jamani ngirangirarinaalways to be working away at the nets
ngirangirarinaterinaalways to do the same thing for oneself
ngirkingirkinaalways to do the same thing, repeatedly to do the same thing
tapina ngamalkanaalways to keep
milingeru ngaranaalways to listen
kulnulu tjandatjandanaalways to send someone on his own
dampudampura ngankaterinaalways to sit down together, to band together; to gather in a mob
ngapa nguraalways water
piti mandranafor two to always walk together
nulia milingeru jaura burulkaihe always holds his counsel
ngaraualalake that is always brackish
ngadanietjalast one; person who always arrives too late
kana terti pirnaman who is always thirsty
kirra mindra wuluname given to two friends who have always been known as bosom friends
tikanietjaone who always comes back again
karlaetjaone who always comes home empty-handed
woljaetjaone who always does something soon
mankaetjaone who always does the opposite
ngirangiraribanietjaone who always does the same thing
ngapitjaetjaone who always dreams; [a dreamer]
tokulaone who always enters at the rear
parawaranietjaone who always gets confused
duruetjaone who always grabs from the rear
taralkanietjaone who always has something special to say
palparuetjaone who always inhabits the plain
ngarulaone who always lets his voice be heard
wolaraetjaone who always likes a crowd
mudanietjaone who always likes to stop
malkamalkatjaone who always paints himself gaily; a colourful one
ngokanietjaone who always places his things alongside those of somebody else; one who readily
attaches himself to others
ngandangandandarietjaone who always pretends to be incapable
ngiringiribanietjaone who always screws up (wrinkles) his face
ngamanietjaone who always stays at home, one who seldom travels about
todaetjaone who always stays at home; a stay-at-home
ulurietjaone who always strikes the right target
tjilpietjaone who always thinks differently
parlaparlarinietjaone who always voices his objection or opposition
kunarkuetjaone who always walks across
workurinietjaone who always walks around close at hand
munkuruetjaone who always wanders about quietly and is absorbed in his own thoughts
mankaetjaone who always wants or does something else
tukanietjaone who always wants to carry on his back
nintalupilkaone who does not feel at ease, but is always shy or bashful
mangapunkurinietjaone who forgets; one who is always ignorant
wokaribanietjaone who is always demolishing, one who always tears down
ngoperalaone who is always first
mankinietjaone who is always happy
pidarilaone who is always in a hurry
parparaetjaone who is always loud or quick
wangiwangietjaone who is always poor, lean
manngarinietjaone who is always shy, bashful
ngaruetjaone who is always singing out
ngadaiapakaruetjaone who is always the last to arrive
tertietjaone who is always thirsty; one who always gets thirsty
ngalpaetjaone who likes to sleep next to somebody else in order to keep himself warm; child
that always wants to sit on its mother's lap
kidakidanietjaperson who always complains straightaway
kalkalkanietjaperson who always picks and chooses; one who is very selective
pankipankinietjaperson who is always conceited
kaldrietjaperson who is always nagging or finding fault
kana nurulaperson who is always quick
ngarlarilaperson who is always satisfied
pilkietjaperson who is always wanting something different
milamilarilaperson whose tender feelings are always immediately aroused
dako wonkisandhill that has always been standing there
palpa jerranguntjaseveral [people] who are absent, who always stay away
palku ngiringirishrivelled together, wrinkled body (e.g. among old people); one who always pulls an
offensive face
karitjinietjasneaker; one who is always hanging around near-by
karlikarlibanietjasomeone who always finds fault
mararinietjasomeone who is always in a hurry; an anxious person
marda wonkistone that has always been there
ngurastraight; over, always, continually
ngurkumanietjathat which always warms
kalumarana mamaterinato be always acquiring more and more, yet never satisfied
milingeru tajinato be always eating
milingeru tiririnato be always fighting
milingeru jinkinato be giving always
milingeru jatanato be talking always
milingeru ngankanato be working always
ngirangiraribanato make (or command) to do always the same thing
windri dikidikibanato only threaten; to always threaten
jildini pirkinato play not always [able] to hear; [to play the clown, to play a tomfool]
pita wonkitree that has always stood there
murkulawaterhole in which there is always murky water to be found
marda ngandruribanato amass [or collect] a heap of stones
jaura kutikutiriambiguous words
bankilaone who sits aside or aloof; lurker, ambushman; one who doesn't like to live in camp;
recluse, hermit
manujieli wapalkanato lead [a man] away amiably
manjurinaterinato be amicable for one's own sake
ngapa karlijerrawater that stands amidst scrub
tudna mintjinafor [white] gypsum (among other colours) to catch the eye
kana mungara ngamingamibaterinafor the spirit of a deceased person to enter camp and settle down among the people
palku ngiringirishrivelled together, wrinkled body (e.g. among old people); one who always pulls an
offensive face
mana pulpaspot where a secret discussion among men has taken place
kanani ngananato be among people
patipatibana ngarinato distribute; to divide among
pitani tjutjuluwirinato escape among the trees
jaurani wirinato go in among the words
pirna nguntjanguntjamanato pick out the biggest from among a large number of things
kirra nguntjanguntjamanato recognise one boomerang from among a whole number of others
billi nguntjanguntjamanato recognise one dilly bag from among many others
kana nguntjanguntjamanato recognise one person from among many others
kana pirinerkanato take central position among people
patijiritjibamalinato upset one another; to cause agitation among one another
mankijiribanietjaone who divides up somebody else's property amongst various ones
kupa mankijiribanato allocate children amongst one another
mankijiribanato distribute amongst one another
pitjiri mankijiribanato distribute or apportion the tobacco amongst one another
punga nguntjanguntjamanato select one particular style of building from amongst variously-constructed wurleys
poto tjutjuluwirinato select some articles from amongst numerous others
bakapirnaamorous fool, [profligate, sensualist], one who is mad after men, respectively women
pauani kalupakinato be surprised at a large amount of seed
bukali pankipankinato boast of a large amount of food
kumari paparina [tintana]to lose an increasing amount of blood
tjutjulaone whose 'mardu' is an amphibian
kanta putukuample [supply of] edible grass
naapa putukueverything full of water; amply provided with water
kulkunganaterinato jump around for one's own amusement
kangirinato play for amusement
tarli ngapaljerracomic language, amusing language, amusing tongue
kajiri taraana-branch of a creek
karlabranch; ana-branch; spur
kajiri karlatributary, subsidiary creek; ana-creek
talara Murali kalabanafor the totemic rain-ancestor to answer
muramurani ngaurongaurogrieved over one's primeval ancestor
muramura wondawondanato disclose one's [totemic] ancestor
mura dikanato name the totemic ancestor
muramura[primeval] ancestors
muramurali mita tala tarliribanafor [primeval] ancestors to have given the [various] places their names
muramura tidna pitarinafor footprints of the [primeval] ancestors to turn into trees
muramura ngura pitarinafor the camp of the [primeval] ancestors to turn into trees
muramura nari pitarinafor the place, where the [primeval] ancestors died, to turn into a tree
muramura paltopath of [supernatural] ancestors
muramuraia miliservants of the supernatural ancestors
murali pankinato focus one's attention only on supernatural ancestors
muramura pantjinato turn into [supernatural] ancestors
Jelkabalubalunaname of ancestral being
Killawilinaname of ancestral being
Kujumokunaname of ancestral being
Dimpiwalakananame of ancestral being
Nurawordubununaname of ancestral being
Mandramankananame of ancestral being
Wadlakurukurumalkananame of ancestral being
Pirraname of ancestral being
Turupillananame of ancestral being
Pitiburunaname of ancestral being
Karaworaname of ancestral being
Wanduwanduname of ancestral being
Marikillaname of ancestral being
Wiparuname of ancestral being
Widlapirna wulananame of ancestral being
Kadniname of ancestral being
Tampangaraname of ancestral being
Kadimarkaraname of ancestral being
Darananame of ancestral being
Pampu wuluname of ancestral being
Godagodananame of ancestral being
Kumankaraniname of ancestral being
Kekiljananame of ancestral being
Maniwalkununame of ancestral being
Mandraparkulununame of ancestral being
Killalpaniname of ancestral being
Kudnawakununame of ancestral being
Mululdrununame of ancestral being
Munjuruwaniname of ancestral being
Bukataniname of ancestral being
Noanandraniwuluname of ancestral being
Ngatanimarumaruname of ancestral being
Ngatanimaraljename of ancestral being
Pirnawarankananame of ancestral being
Jeltjaniname of ancestral being
Ngurrakarlananame of ancestral being
Paraitjimandraniname of ancestral being
Kimilinaname of ancestral being
Kirrapajirkananame of ancestral being
Balungopinaname of ancestral being
Wapijaname of ancestral being
Markanjankurlaname of ancestral being
Wiringujunaname of ancestral being
Mankara-wuluname of ancestral being
Minalajerkinaname of ancestral being
Ditjiname of ancestral being
Mardaburutuparaname of ancestral being
Miritirananame of ancestral being
Kakatjiname of ancestral being
Kutiname of ancestral being
Malkumalkuwuluname of ancestral being
Milinganame of ancestral being
Kapiriname of ancestral being
Kantalpadiname of ancestral being
Karlaturaname of ancestral being
Ngujupuntunaname of ancestral being
Makatirinaname of ancestral being
Matjamarpinaname of ancestral being
Pintanganinaname of ancestral being
Karuwandirinaname of ancestral being
Karluworankananame of ancestral being
Wariliwulaniname of ancestral being
Warmapaname of ancestral being
Tirawuldrunaname of ancestral being
Kuterintjaname of ancestral being
Kakalpunaname of ancestral being
Ngardutjelpaniname of ancestral being
Tidnaparkuluname of ancestral being
Marupillakaniname of ancestral being
Miralinaname of ancestral being
Marluname of ancestral being
muramuralathings of tribal ancestral origin
ngapakudna dunkaancient soakage
ditji warulaancient sun
pita warulaancient tree
warulafrom [or in] ancient times
marra punkanato grow afresh; to grow anew
junkalaluanger; vexation
tiri parlidried up anger
milki ngarauaeye that rolls in anger
tiri panifor anger to abate; for fighting to subside
junka puldrurinafor one's anger to break forth
kana murtjamalinaheatedly to rebuke one another in anger; to devour one another
kintjakintjaribanietjaperson who likes to anger or annoy other people
kuterilalusorcery; anger
Mura ngilbi ngankanato anger the deity; to murmur or complain against the deity
kaldri puribanato assail someone in [bitter] anger
tirieli pururu ngenanato be filled with anger
tirieli tajipaterinato be unable to restrain one's anger
tiri pakiterinato burst out in anger
tiri puntinato depart in anger
buljubuljujeli jinkinato give away in a spirit of anger
tirieli matanato grind one's teeth in anger
tirieli moku jinkinato hand over a [magic] bone in anger
tiri dilpanato incite to anger
ngulkuni wirinato incite to anger by accusing
tiri terkakanato incite to anger; to enrage
tiri winpanato incite, provoke to anger
tiri wapanato leave in [a fit of] anger
kalakalarina najinato look annoyed, to look away in anger
tirieli mujarinato make a sour face in anger
tirieli pankipankinato pride oneself above others on the point of anger
tiri jiritjinato raise oneself in anger
tiri wondawondanato rationalise a man's anger
tiri maritjinato shout in anger
tiri wondranato show anger
tiri wondraterinato show, display one's anger
tirieli pankipankinato take pride in one's anger
tirieli makumaniterinato talk magnanimously of oneself in anger
tirindru kalungarranato tremble at the anger [of others]
tiri kalkanato wait in anger
talarapalku kutikutiri[rain]cloud that stands at an oblique angle
talara ngurawarukanafor wind to drive rain at an oblique angle
tirieli wombatjaranaangrily to boast of being somebody important
tirieli walkinaangrily to break loose
junkali karkarkanaangrily to entice away
tirieli jertapaterinaangrily to interpose
tiri karipaterinaangrily to pursue
tirieli piriterkanaangrily to stand on one's tiptoes
tiri warapanato burst out angrily
kalakalarina jatanato speak angrily
tiri jelaall together angry
kulnulu tirialone angry
palku tiriangry body
mudla mujaangry face
mudla womalaangry face
jaura tiriangry words
buljubuljuangry, annoyed, vexed, discontented
junkaangry; vexed; irritable; easily provoked
kana tiririnafor a man to get angry
morla tirimore angry, very angry
kaldrintjanietjaone who is angry, annoyed
tiri balusmooth angry
mana kaldrini kalakalarinato be angry with scandalmongers
kuterinato be angry, to be vexed, to be annoyed; to enchant, to bewitch; to despise, to disregard
kaldrintjarinato be annoyed, to be angry, to be irritable
kintjakintjarinato be dissatisfied, to feel peeved, out of sorts; to be tired or fed up, to be annoyed
or angry
pupanani tiririnato become angry at having "fie" said behind one's back
buljubuljurinato become angry, to become annoyed, to become-discontented
tiri pirna pataterinato describe oneself as being very angry
junkali ngukingukibanaterinato extort more for oneself by getting angry
kalakalarina kuranato get an idea into one's angry head
wijikurubanani tiririnato get angry at being called behind one's back
tirinaterinato get angry for advantageous reasons
kaldririnato get angry, to become annoyed; to grow crooked
tiririnato get angry, to become cross, to become upset, to become annoyed
madlentjarinato get angry; to commit oneself to wickedness in ever increasing measured
kaldrintjarina wapanato leave in an angry mood
jaurali tiri ngankanato make angry by what one says
kaldri ngankanato make bitter; to make angry
tiri woninato start getting angry
mudla tiri padakanato take along an angry face
kalala junkarinato take turns in getting angry
junka purinato tend to get angry, to incline to get angry
mudla tiri palaraniundisguised angry face
kaldri pirnavery annoyed; very angry
junka pirnavery vexed, very angry
ngara japaanxiety, anguish of heart
wonjukarla[safely] confined woman; animal that has given birth
nganti pilaranianimal [sitting] outside
wolka ngamuruanimal bereft of its parents
nganti mokuanimal bone
nganti minkaanimal burrow
nganti tidnapirrianimal claws
nganti ngaialaanimal noises
nganti noamarraanimal pair
nganti tiltjaanimal sinews
nganti kanpuanimal sound
nganti wonjukaanimal that has brought forth young
pitaruetjaanimal that has survived the drought
nganti woltjaanimal thigh
nganti kuldruanimal's back
nganti talpaanimal's ear
nganti mangatandraanimal's head
nganti wokaraanimal's neck
nganti njurduanimal-skin hair
ngantianimal; meat
nganti worraapportioned animal
nganti tokuback of an animal
nganti palkubody of an animal; flesh, meat
nganti naridead animal
ngantiminkapitideepest part of an animal's burrow
minka kududeepest spot in an animal warren
nganti paka pilkidifferent species (or) breed of animal
nganti-minka muraextremely large [animal] burrow
nganti ngandrifemale animal
nganti ngoperafirst animal; animal running in the lead
nganti nurufleet-footed animal
nganti pakinafor an animal to burst
nganti pakinafor an animal to burst asunder
nganti wirinafor an animal to slip into
nganti tarpinafor an animal to stop
nganti tapinafor an animal to stop running
nganti walkinafor an animal to toss around
nganti mankarinafor an animal to turn
nganti purkanafor an animal to wade [into water]
nganti baluhair-singed animal
nganti tepihealthy animal, lively animal
nganti wonkihibernating animal
turukangaroo-like animal that inhabits stony hill [sides]
pintanganikind of aquatic animal, [frog]
nganti wangiwangilean animal
nganti madlentjilean animal; lean meat
nganti kekiljalimp animal, pliable animal, flexible animal
minka ngandrimain entrance to an animal warren
nganti pundupundumalodorous, rotting (decomposing) animal; carcase
nganti mudlanose of an animal, face of an animal
nganti pirnaruold full-grown male animal
nganti kulnuone animal
nganti dupuruonly animal
putatjaopossum-like [animal]
nganti waruwarupale or white-coloured [animal]
nganti murlalipeace-loving animal
ngantilaperson who continually eats meat; animal that devours other animals
tala winjiwinjiripuckered skin, wrinkled [animal-]skin
nganti mutulureal animal
nganti-bankiround about an animal
para njurdurug made of animal skins
nganti kurlapalkushin of an animal
nganti muntjasick animal
bankiside (right or left), bank (of a stream), edge (of a track), confines (of a locality),
shore (of a lake), edge (of a grave), side (of a hill, tree, stone, or animal), border,
frontier; side (of a wooden dish, bowl, or dilly bag), [direction] where the sun rises,
(south-west, etc.), sideways, askance
nganti mulurusmall animal
nganti wakasmall animal
nganti kinkaljusmooth [skinned] animal
nganti kunngarasound of an animal
nganti wondrastrong, fat animal
nganti njinjarutenacious animal
nganti dijanato aim at an animal, to aim to kill
ngantini tajipaterinato be unable to restrain one's desire for an animal; to exert oneself to grab it
ngantini karinato chase an animal
nganti workamandranato close up a gutted [or disembowelled] animal
ngantini marakanato creep up on [or to stalk] an animal
ngantini manngarinato crouch (duck) down, to hide oneself from an animal
nganti damanato cut open the stomach of an animal
duru tajinato eat 'duru', a type of animal
kantu tajinato eat 'kantu', a type of animal
kanunka tajinato eat 'kanunka', a type of animal
karapana tajinato eat 'karapana', a type of animal
putatja tajinato eat 'putatja', a type of animal
worderi tajinato eat 'worderi', a type of animal
pilinga tajinato eat a [type of] water animal
dukali tajinato eat a [type of] water animal
kokula tajinato eat a type of animal
mardakura tajinato eat a type of animal
nganti mankamankanato find an animal
datjanato find out; to discover; to make a track; to pave the way for the first time; to
pursue a track still further; to trace an animal to its [very] hole or warren
nganti kanpuru ngaranato hear the pitter-patter of animal feet
dunkingalkanato help another person through a crowd; to somewhat enlarge a hole, so that an animal
can get through
ngantini karipaterinato hunt an animal
nganti nandranato kill, slaughter an animal
nganti wailpanato knock an animal to the ground
nganti tintanato lose an animal
nganti moku kata ngirbanato make an animal bone rattle by tearing off the flesh with one's teeth
nganti wondranato point out an animal
nganti kuraranato put an animal or meat into
nganti kulpinato search around for an animal
nganti japinato singe hair on an animal
nganti baluribanato singe the hair off an animal
nganti giltjanato skin an animal
mundingna dakanato stitch up an animal
nganti njurlinato strangle an animal
nganti warumanato threaten an animal
nganti panparitough living animal that doesn't easily die
ngaratjitype of animal
tukalitajinitype of animal
muntukatype of animal
womparkuratype of animal
tjilkanitype of animal
maritiritype of animal
buljurutype of animal
minkatjinatype of animal
mardakatakatatype of animal
pikiritype of animal
mintingatype of animal
mudlanatype of animal
mundrupatype of animal
pirratype of animal
pirramokutype of animal
murlatjiatype of animal that is now extinct
paljaratype of extinct animal
kuraltatype of extinct animal
nganti warluunrecognisable animal
nganti jaolawarmth of a gutted animal
nganti japawild animal
nganti kuparuyoung animal
nganti pratjanaall animals
nganti warupotoall animals
nganti paruparuanimals everywhere
nganti woritaanimals far away
matamalinietjaanimals that are mutual enemies
mita pitaruarea devoid of water and animals
nganti piltjarudispersed animals
nganti mardu paninafor [different types of] animals to give off an odour
ngantieli tintjanafor animals to break through
nganti tampurinafor animals to collapse
nganti miltjamiltjarinafor animals to crush each other
nganti palinafor animals to die, starve to death
nganti patarinafor animals to diminish in number
nganti piltjarurinafor animals to disperse
nganti tjelarinafor animals to disperse
nganti puntinafor animals to disperse, run away [in separate directions]
nganti palparinafor animals to dwindle in number
nganti pitarurinafor animals to get into poorer and poorer condition
nganti ngarinafor animals to go down
nganti ngumurinafor animals to improve in appearance
nganti patijiritjinafor animals to move about restlessly
nganti paldrinafor animals to multiply
nganti wiringanafor animals to pass by
nganti tikanafor animals to return
nganti mankanafor animals to scatter, to spring [or jump] apart
nganti terkanafor animals to stand
nganti taranafor animals to waken from their winter's sleep
nganti wirarinafor animals to wander about
ngantieli mita piranafor land to be covered with animals
wolka nangaterinafor young (animals) to be born
nganti kamanelifriendly animals
nganti ngamiherd of animals
nganti kunjilalodging-place of land animals
nganti ngandrumob (pack) of animals
nganti wolaramob of animals
ngantilaperson who continually eats meat; animal that devours other animals
nganti kurieli tajinathievishly to devour meat or animals
nganti parkuluthree animals
nganti tankanato add more animals
nganti patanato catch game animals
nganti pirnaribanato cause animals to get bigger
ngantini pitarinato change into a stick [while hunting] for animals
nganti pupanato charm animals
nganti piltjaruribanato chase animals apart, to drive the animals apart
nganti wintamanato count animals
nganti tiringanato keep animals on the move
ngajiti paparinato keep on killing other animals after catching the first
ngantini pariparinato look around for [some] animals
nganti pirkinato play as animals
ngantini mankinato rejoice over animals caught in the hunt
nganti wikanato request that animals should grow lean
nganti naranato scare away animals, to hunt away animals, to chase away animals
nganti patijiritjibanato shake animals up
ngantini tampanato sneak up on animals
ngantieli katinato surpass in [the number of] animals
nganti warapanato tell where lots of animals are to be found
ngantini wirarinato walk about in search of game (animals)
ngaialavoice; noises [of insects and animals]; sharpness; projection
ngamawoman's breast; udder (of animals)
mankarani tepirinato feel animated by girls
kumali tepirinato feel freshly animated by news
tidna palkajoint of foot; ankle-joint, talus
paja ngarimata kaukaubanietjabirds that announce [the approach of] a flood
paja talara kaukaubanietjabirds that announce [the approach of] rain
paja watara kaukaubanietjabirds that announce an oncoming storm
paja kutji kaukaubanietjabirds that announce the devil to be in the vicinity
kawalkali nari-kuma kaukaubaicrows announce a murder
ngopera jatanafirst to tell; first to announce
ngura dalpadakanato announce in camp; to inform the camp
danina kuranato announce or confirm [the time of] one's departure
talara kaukaubanato announce rain
ngarimata warapanato announce that a flood is coming [down]
pinga warapanato announce that a troop of blood-avengers is on the way
muntja warapanato announce that someone is sick
kaukaubana tatanato announce to push
warapanato declare; to state openly; to announce; to read
ditji tarlidefinitely announced day
paja pinga kaukaubanietjabird that announces [the approach of] a blood-avenger troop
paja nari kaukaubanietjabird that announces a death
jutjujai mandraone who announces that exchange-gifts which are still owing have [now] arrived
kintjakintjaribanietjaperson who likes to anger or annoy other people
kintjakintjaribanato aggravate, to annoy
jupanato torture, to annoy; to hard press, to belabour
dilpana tatanato urge to annoy, to tease
buljubuljurilkijiribamalinato vex each other, to annoy each other
kalakalarina woranain annoyance to leave sitting
buljubuljuangry, annoyed, vexed, discontented
muntani kintjakintjaannoyed with a sick man
nejini kintjakintjaannoyed with one's elder brother
mudla markiannoyed-looking face
pratjana junkaeverybody annoyed, upset
mukala kaldrintjarinafor a sleeper to be annoyed
kalakalanietjahater; one who gets easily annoyed
kaldrintjanietjaone who is angry, annoyed
kintjakintjarinietjaone who is constantly annoyed
junkaetjaone who is vexed (or) easily annoyed
tiri wakaonly slightly annoyed
kuterinato be angry, to be vexed, to be annoyed; to enchant, to bewitch; to despise, to disregard
jamani kintjakintjarinato be annoyed about a fishing-net
kuntini kalakalarinato be annoyed at the mosquitoes
dilkani kalakalarinato be annoyed at the prickles
talarani kaldrintjarinato be annoyed at the rain
mardani kalakalarinato be annoyed at the stones
watarani kaldrintjarinato be annoyed at the wind
watarani kalakalarinato be annoyed at the wind
jamani kalakalarinato be annoyed over a fishing net
billini kalakalarinato be annoyed over a string-bag
jatanani kalakalarinato be annoyed over gossip (rumours)
pitjirani kalakalarinato be annoyed over tobacco
kupani kintjakintjarinato be annoyed with children
piranguruni kuterinato be annoyed with one's de facto wife
kaldrintjarinato be annoyed, to be angry, to be irritable
kintjakintjarinato be dissatisfied, to feel peeved, out of sorts; to be tired or fed up, to be annoyed
or angry
marki ngananato be vexed or annoyed
buljubuljurinato become angry, to become annoyed, to become-discontented
tiri pantjinato become annoyed, to become vexed
markirinato become vexed, annoyed, indignant
tiri tapinato cease being annoyed
minkani kintjakintjarinato feel annoyed about a hole
pungani kintjakintjarinato feel annoyed about a wurley
kanani kintjakintjarinato feel annoyed with people, to want nothing to do with them
kaldririnato get angry, to become annoyed; to grow crooked
tiririnato get angry, to become cross, to become upset, to become annoyed
ngapani tiririnato get annoyed about water
junkarinato get annoyed, to get upset; to become irritable
kalakalarina najinato look annoyed, to look away in anger
junka terkanato stand annoyed
kaldri pirnavery annoyed; very angry
markivexed, annoyed, out of sorts
tjutju tiriannoying insects that bite
tajipaterina jatamalinaalmost to devour one another in a verbal battle
ngirkingirkina nandranaalways to be killing another man
palku pilkianother body
kilpa nguruanother cold [season], winter
waruka pilkianother dense [or thick] cluster
mana mankaanother doorway to a wurley
mara pilkianother hand
ngara pilkianother heart
jaura pilkianother language
tali pilkianother language, dialect; different mode of expression
kalu pilkianother liver
talara mankaanother rain
paka pilkianother variety
ngaru pilkianother voice
watara mankaanother wind
wurburuanxious; to be in a difficult situation (in which one can see no proper way out);
to be [seriously] tempted for one reason or another
pata purinaas a man of the same age to be slain in another's stead
muna jenilaequal to one another in size
talja ngakanafor (another variety of) resin to run down
noa patamalinafor a married couple to cling to one another, for a married couple to embrace one
warukati patamalinafor emus to hang onto one another
tidna puntinafor footprints to lead off, branch off [in another direction]
tidna duldruwanafor footprints to merge into one another
ngili wirinafor one cloud to hide behind another
kajiri ngokanafor one creek to link up with (or) run into another
potuni dukaterinafor one thing to lie on top of another
kalala jurakokaterinafor one to boast in the presence of another
mungara najimalinafor souls to look at one another, to count the number of souls
pirnalu - pirnalufrom one important person to another
nguralunguralufrom one place to another
ngapalufrom one water[hole] to another
kana murtjamalinaheatedly to rebuke one another in anger; to devour one another
kalunguru ngankijiribamalinamutually to encourage one another
ngoku mamaniname given to a dog that takes the meat away from another
mitatidanearest distance from one camp to another
iaura pudukuone thought concealed in another
kana-kangione who elopes with another man's wife
wailpanietjaone who flings [another] to the ground
mandramitione who has assisted in the killing of another man
ngunakampuone who kills another person unintentionally
pitaetjaone who readily stabs [or kills another man] with a spear
ngurdiribanietjaone who turns [another] to debris
munani wapanaopposite one another
markaoutside of the camp; [out bush; out of doors]; not at home; (to spend the night) in
the open; (to stay away) a long distance from camp; (to remain) in another tribal
country; (to live) abroad
manawalkurali jirijiribamalinaquietly to encourage one another as to what to do
talarapalku mankarain clouds in another direction
tankanietjasomeone on whom one thing is heaped upon another
poto wilpa njenmanathings hole to plug; to discharge a debt; to balance one article of trade with another
tjuru mankathoughts in another direction
ngulkuterkijirbamalinato accuse one another
kupa ngokanato add another child
nari ngukingukibanato add another dead person
ngura ngokanato add another wurley
kurukurubijiribalinato admonish one another
kupa mankijiribanato allocate children amongst one another
kalabijiribamalinato answer one another; to answer back and forth; to reply to and fro [across the way]
tirimalinato argue, to wrangle with one another
milamilaribanato arouse another person's inner feelings
ngatjiribanato ask on another's behalf
poto karitjimalkanato barter or exchange goods, to offer one article for another
wondiwondijiribamalinato betray one another
puapuaribanaterinato bring about another man's decay for one's own benefit; to kill someone who wants
to kill me
mudla warijiribamalinato bypass one another without looking at one another
pajamokujeli wilpina karkamalinato call on another by whistling into a bird-bone
nari waltanato carry death [into another camp]
pupamalinato cast a spell on one another
naramalinato chase one another away
patijirbamalinato cling to one another's arms, to embrace
mandramalinato cling to one another, to hold on firmly to one another; to embrace one another;
to grow together, to become intertwined
kampaterinato collect [for] oneself; to accumulate; to become reconciled with another person;
to gather together again, to unite what was separated or scattered; to restore to
completeness the divisions in a fellowship to which one belongs; to become reunited,
to make one's peace with another person; to rectify something
maramanjujeli jaura ngankamalinato confer or deliberate with one another in peace
jaura ngankamalinato confer with one another
nari ngundrijirbanato confer with someone about the cause of another's death
tjakakana kiliribamalinato contradict one another
jitja warapanato converse with one another on the way
dikidikijiribamalinato curse one another
tajimalinato devour one another
nari dukanato die one after another
ngara bakumalinato dig into one anothers' hearts; mutually to provoke, to torment each other, to aggravate
one another
mankijiribanato distribute amongst one another
pitjiri mankijiribanato distribute or apportion the tobacco amongst one another
murlali puntibijiribamalinato divide peacefully [between one another], without an argument arising
dantjudantjumalkijiribamalinato do carefully to one another
munkamalinato embrace one another
paljangani, kudnijinka, kapiri, majaru, kapita, kindala, marukutu, karawora [wonkana]to enchant resin, wood-grubs, type of goanna, rats, another type of rats, dogs, [dark
pink] ochre, and eagles
munmanato endanger another person's life
paltuni dukaterinato follow another [person] along the same track
ngura ulu wapanato go directly from one camp(place) to another
ngulkulu-ngulkuluto go from one place to another and betray
wondiwondina najimalinato grin at one another
dantjumana jinkina taralkanato hand up carefully to one another
patamalinato hang onto one another; to cling together
kalakalarilkijiribamalinato hate one another; to be vexed at one another; to be unwilling to tolerate one another
ngamalkijirbamalinato have one another
dunkingalkanato help another person through a crowd; to somewhat enlarge a hole, so that an animal
can get through
marangokijiribamalinato help one another
dijamalinato hit one another
kamamalinato hold (something) back from one another
kumalkijiribamalinato incite one another to prance about
minkaia dalpadakijiribamalinato invite one another to the "Hole"
daturu karkamalinato invite or summon one another urgently or pressingly
mara mandurinato join hands, to help one another
paltuni ngokanato join up with another track
ngulukijirbamalinato keep one another under observation
paparina turu japinato kindle one fire after another
mankinali ngantjamalinato love one another for joy
mana ngankanato make a doorway; to remove an entrance [to another side of the wurley]
dalpura ngankamalinato make one another calm
mudlapiriwidmanato meet and pass one another
dankamalinato meet one another
dankamalinato meet one another, to come together, to pair, to mate, to copulate (of snakes),
to stumble against; to hit upon something
buljubulju ngankijiribamalinato murmur; to complain against one another
ngura kulno ngura kulno dalpadakanato notify one camp after another
milki piltjanato open another person's eyes
mara piltjanato open another person's hand
mana piltjanato open another person's mouth
kantikantijiribamalinato part from one another
kurarijiribamalinato pick up (something) for one another
maraia ngankanato place into another's hands; to hand over
minakulno mara jinkinato place something into [another's] hand
pirkilkanato play with one another; to encourage someone to play
ditji taramanato postpone [the time] from one day to another
nankamalinato press one another, to push one another, to jostle one another
kapa mandramalinato press the hips against one another
kulkanakulkanato protect one thing and another
noa dantjumanato protect or look after another person's husband/wife
dauadauarijiribamalinato protect yourselves against one another
parumanaterinato pull something out for oneself; to drive oneself, for one reason or another, quickly
to leave a place
tatalkijirbanato push something towards another person; to slip something into another person's
ngujamanijirbamalinato recognise one another; to know one another again
ngujamanijirbanato recognise something for someone else; to recognise another person's things
murlali najimalinato regard one another in a friendly manner
njinjaru ngankijirbamalinato remain firmly attached to one another
parlaparlarilkijiribamalinato resist one another
pilki tikanato return by another route
dukamalinato ride around on one another
tukanato ride; to get on another's back
muruwanato rub (another person); to scrape, to scratch with the fingernails
kunarku mindrinato run across another's path
mudla muruwanato scratch (another person's) nose
pilpa ngankanato send from one place to another
kindala ngokanato send out another dog
markani puntinato separate from one another out bush
maritjina karuwanato shout from (inside of) one hut to [the occupants in] another hut
dukaterina ngamanato sit astride (behind) another man's back, to ride piggyback
ngamana wirarinato sit down and go for another walkabout
ngaru kulnulato speak another language
jua jatanato speak in opposition to one another during the night
jatijiribanato speak on another's behalf
banki ngankamalinato speak to one another from a side position
muntja padakijiribanato spread a contagious disease; to carry an epidemic into another area
terkana wontiwontikanato stand still and have another look around
tarpina karitjinato stop and turn in another direction
njurlimalinato strangle or kill one another
karkamalinato summon on- another together; to call out to one another
pingaia karkamalinato summon one another together for [an act of] blood-revenge
malkiraia karkamalinato summon one another together for a ceremonial meal
karuwalia karkamalinato summon one another together for a circumcision
wimaia karkamalinato summon one another together for a corroboree
pirkinaia karkamalinato summon one another together for a game
bukaia karkamalinato summon one another together for a meal
muraia karkamalinato summon one another together for a sacred ceremony
jutjuja karkamalinato summon one another together for an exchange of trade
jauraia karkamalinato summon one another together to hear news
kana kudnakutibanato surpass [another] person
bamamalinato take away the best from one another
pankipankilkijirbamalinato take pride in one another
kalumarana mamamalinato take things away from one another and never to be satisfied
ngirkijirbamalinato tease one another, to ridicule one another
dakamalinato throw something at one another
milki mindrinato transfer to another tribe
tidnani dukaterinato tread in another's footsteps
patijiritjibamalinato upset one another; to cause agitation among one another
kalkamalinato wait for one another
jamani paparinato weave [another section] onto a fishing-net
karpana matantaribanato weave or attach a piece of fishing-net onto another [net]
ngara bakumalinato dig into one anothers' hearts; mutually to provoke, to torment each other, to aggravate
one another
talara wondrujeli kalabanaa strip of rain provides an answer
pajali kalabanafor a bird to answer
nari kalabaterinafor a dead man to answer
kunjakunja nandrana narieli kalabanafor a dead man to answer at the banging of two small sticks
naribillieli kalabanafor a death-cap to give the answer
kintalali kalabanafor a dog to answer back
ditji pitikilkanali kalabanafor a falling star to provide an answer
mukala kalabaterinafor a sleeper to answer
pitala kalabaterinafor a speared (pierced) man to answer
narieli kalabanafor death to give an answer
turu dakanali kalabanafor fire-rubbing to provide an answer
barieli kalabanafor lightning or distant sheet-lightning to give an answer
talara Murali kalabanafor the totemic rain-ancestor to answer
kalabanietjarespondent; one who comes up with a quick answer; refuter
kalabanato answer
kalabaterinato answer for oneself
kalabijiribamalinato answer one another; to answer back and forth; to reply to and fro [across the way]
marali kalabanato answer with [a wave of] the hand
turu malkali kalabanato answer with a fire [signal]
kau kalabanato answer yes
kalala jatanato speak in return, to contradict, to answer back
tjutju mirkaant
mirka ngandriant queen
mirka paltoant track
mirka pitiant-heap [or anthill]
mirkangandrimother ant
katjiririmother ant
katjiriri kurlakarunaked mother-ant
kakatjieli wotinato build an ant-hill
mirka tirivicious ant
mangatandra pirraanterior part of skull
marda mangatandraanterior side of a millstone
mirka pitiant-heap [or anthill]
japa ngundranato contemplate with fear; fearfully to anticipate something
manujeli ngujamanato have a portentous nature that senses or anticipates
poto warulaold antiquated things
poto womalaold things; antiques
mirka tandraants' eggs
mirka maramarrubusy ants
kurlu-kapi kurlakaruclean ants' eggs
mirka tjautjauconfused ants
mirka japafear of ants
mirka patijiritjinafor ants to become agitated, when someone disturbs them
mirkali karakararanafor ants to bite
mirka miliri ngananafor ants to disperse
mirka ngirkinafor ants to increase
matieli matanafor large ants to bite
matjurali matanafor red ants to bite
mirka ngandruheap (mob) of ants
mirka pirnamany ants, big ants
mirka japinato burn ants out
mirka patijiritjibanato disturb ants
karlukapi tajinato eat ants' eggs
mirka darpanato scatter ants
mirka wontjanato try out ants
mirka kutjawings of flying ants
kantjawaru kutjawings of flying ants
kudnapitianus; rump, posterior; topknot
piti terkanafor one's anus to stand
pitietjaone who likes anuses; homosexual
ngara japaanxiety, anguish of heart
munkuralaone who is tormented by worry, anxiety, sadness
wurburuetjaone who suffers anxiety
kalumiltjamiltjarina palkanato go because of [a feeling of] anxiety
wurbururibanato make anxious; to cause anxiety
wurbururilalu[the state of] being anxious
pariwilpa diltjani wurburuanxious about the reddening of the sky
jaurani wurburuanxious before [receiving] news
pildripildrini wurburuanxious before a thunder [storm]
watarani wurburuanxious before a wind[storm]
talarani wurburuanxious before rain
kana wurburuanxious restless person
milkimilki wurburuanxious spy
wurburuanxious; to be in a difficult situation (in which one can see no proper way out);
to be [seriously] tempted for one reason or another
ngara burkabroken heart; anxious and worried conscience
wurbururinaterinafor one's own sake to become anxious
mararinietjasomeone who is always in a hurry; an anxious person
wurbururinato become anxious
wurbururibanato make anxious; to cause anxiety
milki patijiritjibanaanxiously to look around (to lift one's eyes); to reconnoitre
mangawaru wurburu tikanafor widows to return timidly, anxiously to camp
munkurali najinato look anxiously upon
wurburu wapanato proceed anxiously
wurburu tikanato return anxiously
tidnani mararinato search around anxiously for footprints
wurburu ngamanato sit [there] anxiously
munkuru ngamanato sit anxiously
mantralkana ngamalkananot to give up or hand over to anybody else
marakulnuetjaone who doesn't let anybody else help him
manamunjimunjirinato become silent; to grow reticent; not to speak anymore
kurietjaanyone who is particularly fond of eating the creature inside of a mussel
ngamungamurunickname for anyone who has no relatives
wiriwiribanietjaanything readily inflammable
panduetjaanything that immediately gets blunt all the time
pandulaanything that is blunt
tapaljerilaluanything that is slippery
pundupundulaanything that smells [bad]; carcase
mangatandrahead; crown (of a tree); highest point of anything
worani!leave it alone!; stop it!; don't have anything to do with it!
jenpananot to take into consideration; to keep, to hold back, to withhold (something); not
to give anything
tatabanietjaone who rejects something ("pushes it away"); one who doesn't accept anything
kurukuru wirinasecretly to enter, without asking or saying anything
morlalu kamanasure to keep everything; not to give anything more away
kulnulu patanato be the only one to catch anything
mati waltana jertapaterinato bid defiance to anything heavy or weighty
kurutaribanato cause [or try] to forget something; not to want to know anything more about a thing;
not desirous to think any more about something
wata ngankanato do nothing, not to tell someone anything
pintara kulkanato guard, protect anything that originates from a most intimate relationship
mara manngarinato hesitate to accept anything; to wait until one has something to offer in exchange
manawilparinato open one's mouth; to begin to talk; to talk aloud; not to keep silence; not to
conceal anything; to defend oneself
milja tikanato return without having accomplished anything
marakarla ngamanato sit down without anything
ngapujeli maninato take in silence; to take along without saying anything
mangaupper part of an article or anything
tidna piripirifoot on which the toes are [spaced] far apart
tidna piltjarufoot whose toes are spaced far apart
nganti mankanafor animals to scatter, to spring [or jump] apart
tidna milkifour toes [on a foot] apart from the big toe
piti mankasmall neighbouring hut,[standing] somewhere apart from the big one
marapratjanaterinaten for myself, me included; nine apart from myself, in my favour
taldrarinato burst; to tear apart
nganti piltjaruribanato chase animals apart, to drive the animals apart
turukanja pirakanato clear away (or) spread apart the coals of fire
tirinato move apart, to separate, to spread out, to stretch, to unfold, to keep moving
buruburubanato tear apart; to drive off; to chase away; to tear away; to disturb; to ward off,
to restrain, to prevent
bankini wapanato walk apart or aside; to walk around within a short distance
ngura witiwurley standing apart, near-by
pungani kalunguruapathetic regarding a house
narini kalunguruapathetic towards a dead man
kupa parlaparlastoical apathetic child; head-strong stubborn child
parlaparlastoical, apathetic; insensitive
kalungurujeli najina tatanaapathetically to look on
mana piriaperture of mouth
tinkariapparent; manifest; open; public
ngura pakinafor a camp to emerge; for dawn to appear
kupa kantjirinafor a child to appear
malka pakinafor marks to appear
kuri tinkaririnafor shoots to appear
pirra kantjirinafor the moon to appear
mangawaru wondraterinato appear as a widow or widower
ngaurongauro wondraterinato appear as sorrowful and grief-stricken
kantjirinato appear; to turn up; to come in sight; to become visible
tinkaririnato become evident; to appear
pariwilpa paka waruatmosphere (sky) with a pale (white) appearance
mita paka pilkiearth with a different appearance
talara manapintafirst fringe [or appearance] of an ascending rain cloud
mangawaru kantjirinafor a widow to put in an appearance
punga ngudaterinafor a wurley to take on a nicer appearance
baka pilkirinafor an appearance to change
nganti ngumurinafor animals to improve in appearance
milki pilkirinafor eyes to take on a different appearance
kana baka karitjinafor people's appearance to change or be transformed
ngulungaltja dunkanafor rain clouds to ascend in foam-like appearance
kana tula kantjirinafor strange people to put in an appearance
karuwalila kantjirinafor uninitiates to put in an appearance
ngapa karitjinafor water to change [appearance]
tinkarilaone who puts in an appearance again
pariwilpa paka marusky with a black appearance, black-looking sky
ditji paka pilkisun with a different appearance
paka karitjinato acquire a different appearance
pakarinato be of a certain species; to acquire the right appearance
nakarinato gather, congregate; to put in an appearance; to come together; to arrive at
ngapa paka pilkiwater with a different appearance than usual
pariwilpa prantjalkuyellowish appearance of the sky
pariwilpa malkamalkavarious appearances of the sky
ngarlaribanato comfort; to soothe; to appease, to pacify; to silence
tankanaterinato add for one's own sake, to append something for one's own sake
matantaribanato append (something to someone); to hang around
tipa matantaribanato append a string of tails
matantaribanaterinato append something to someone
mara kanpumanual applause
paltuetjaname applied to those who do not deviate from the track
mara kuranato apply a hand; to handle; to set to work; to begin
kalkalkaterinato appoint oneself, to nominate oneself
kalkalkaramalinato choose each other, to favour each other, to appoint each other
ditji mudanafor an appointed day to be over
nari dilpanato warn a death target, to caution a man who has been appointed to die
pitjiri mankijiribanato distribute or apportion the tobacco amongst one another
nganti worraapportioned animal
nganti kalikalibananot to appreciate meat
japali tikanato return in a state of apprehension
japali kalupakinato have fearful apprehensions
pingani japaapprehensive about a troop of blood-avengers
japalitimid; fearful; nervous; apprehensive
pungandru kalupakinato be apprehensive, nervous about one's house
paja pinga kaukaubanietjabird that announces [the approach of] a blood-avenger troop
paja ngarimata kaukaubanietjabirds that announce [the approach of] a flood
paja talara kaukaubanietjabirds that announce [the approach of] rain
kutjia paltodevil's line of approach
turu jeninato approach a fire
piri mankamankato approach from all directions
manka dunkanato approach from the opposite direction
niljiterkanato ascend, to approach
ngarimatani kalupakinato be (pleasantly) surprised at the approach of a flood
karakararinato draw nearer; to approach; to move in closer; to come closer
turu karinato follow up a fire, to approach a fire
talara tataurarain that approaches in full force
watara tataurawind that approaches in full force
watara karakaraapproaching storm
manjujeli mura wonkanato sing one's totemic song with due reverence; to observe the [appropriate ritual]
forms during the ceremonial chant
mita kaukauappropriative of land
minaetja?what is [his] occupation? what is [he] in the habit of doing? what is [his] aptitude?
pintanganikind of aquatic animal, [frog]
milki duruarch above the eyes
mudla duruarch of the nose
mana durucerebral arch
kurikirra duru terkanato stand stooped like [the arch of] a rainbow
punga wokaraupper arch of a wurley
punga duruarched [roof] of a wurley
punga dampudampurafinely-arched wurley
durulaluthat which is bent, that which is curved, that which is arched, that which is crooked
wolkari panino desire; no ardent longing
wolkarinietjaone who is wistful, one who is ardent, one who is passionate
wolkaralalupining; longing; ardent desiring; wistfulness
kamanelini wolkareliardently longing for one's friends
noani wolkareliardently longing for one's wife or husband
wolkarinato become wistful, to become ardently desirous; to develop a yearning, to develop
a longing for
palaribalalu[an area] devoid of growth
mita pitaruarea devoid of water and animals
billi kokoarea inside of a string-bag
ngulku ngampangampaarea inside of blown-up cheeks
tjuru piriarea of understanding
ngura wokaracentral area of a camp
ngura mandracentre of a camp area
talara dinganafor rain to bypass a certain area
palaribanaterinain one's own interests to level off (the ground), to clear [an area] of bushes
kanta ngandrulot of grass in one area
panto mandramiddle of a lake; entire surface area of a lake
mitani konot to know the country, unfamiliar with an area
mita pulpaplayground area
piri marruspace [or surface] area between two points
punga kokospace inside a wurley; room area
minka ngampangampaspace of area inside of a tunnel
marda palara ngampangampasurface area of a gibber plain
maru ngampangampasurface area of a plain
mita dakanato choose a particular spot or area
mita pirakanato examine an area (country)
ngura warpibanato extend a camp area
ngapapiri kulkanato guarantee an area of water
mita najinato inspect [an area of] land
muntja padakijiribanato spread a contagious disease; to carry an epidemic into another area
marrurinato spread out; to expand, to extend; to cover a greater extent or area
ngura palparuunhollowed-out camp [area]
kalunguru tirimalinacallously to argue
mutulu jatamalinadefinitely to argue
dantjumana jatamalinanot to use indecent language during an argument, to argue cautiously
karara tiririnato argue heatedly
tirimalinato argue, to wrangle with one another
jatamalinato quarrel, to argue, to wrangle
mauarli tirinadesirous to start an argument [or fight]
dantjumana jatamalinanot to use indecent language during an argument, to argue cautiously
tiri ngukingukibanato contribute to an argument
murlali puntibijiribamalinato divide peacefully [between one another], without an argument arising
kurukuru jatamalinato have a secret argument
ngapitjali tiririnato have an argument in a dream
mita mujadry country, arid country
jaura taranafor words to arise
darranato disappear suddenly; to slip away; to escape; to leave in secret; to run away quickly;
to arise, to come forth
murlali puntibijiribamalinato divide peacefully [between one another], without an argument arising
nguna tiltjaarm muscles
kana ngunaarm of a man
ngapa ngunaarm of water
nguna malkaarm's token
nguna mokuarm-bone
ngunaarm; wing
paja ngunabird arm, bird wing
nguna kaldricrooked arm
nguna kutikutiricrooked arm
nguna durucurvature of the thick part of the arm
nguna ngumudeadly-accurate arm
kapura minkadeepest hollow [part] under the arm
nguna manjudexterous arm; arm that strikes the target
nguna pilkidifferent arm
nguna tindipitielbow on the arm
nguna matifat arm
nguna matifat arm
nguna pirnafat arm
nguna wondrafat arm
nguna wokarinafor an arm to break
nguna woninafor an arm to start
tuna kimarinafor an arm to swell
nguna patanafor one's arm to be tired or painful
nguna mantaterinafor one's arm to be unwilling
nguna palinafor one's arm to die
nguna tajinafor one's arm to itch
nguna terkanafor one's arm to stand
nguna purkanafor one's arm to wade through
nguna nankanafor the arm to press, to feel tired
nguna worangantjuleft arm
nguna worangantjuleft arm
nguna pajirilong arm
nguna pajirilong arm
nguna wirdilong arm
billi ngunaone arm of a fishing-net
nguna tokuouter side of arm
nguna ngunariright arm
nguna ngunariright arm
nguna wordushort arm
nguna wordushort arm
nguna katukatuskilled arm
nguna muntjasore arm
nguna ulustraight, accurate arm
nguna kaldrustrong arm
nguna ngurungurustrong arm
nguna tepistrong arm
nguna wakathin arm, slender arm
nguna mukatired (or drowsy) arm
nguna dundunutired arm
nguna karaterinato bandage one's arm
nguna tukanato carry one's arm on one's back, to clasp one's arms behind one's back
nguna warpibanato extend one's arm
mara ngudanato extend one's hand (or) arm
nguna manngarinato hold one's arm in check
nguna patanato lead someone by the arm
nguna parumanato pull out one's arm
nguna wirinato put one's arm inside
nguna wirpinato stay one's hand (arm)
nguna warpibanato stretch out one's arm
marawarpina wondranato stretch out the hand (arm) and indicate
nguna wikanato strip off one's arm
nguna kuranato throw an arm around
nguna workamandranato tie up an arm
nguna dunkawicked or murderous arm
nguna mandamandaarmband
kana nguna worduone-armed man
kapura kutjaarmpit hair
kapura njurduarmpit hair
kapura muntjadisease of the armpit
kapura karlaempty armpit
tjukuru kapuraforeleg armpit of a kangaroo
kapura kutjahair of the armpit
nguna tjinpiricicatrices on [upper] arms
nguna wapanafor arms to extend
nguna parinafor one's arms to get heavy
kutja munkuruimmobile wings or arms
panto ngandralake that divides into two arms
munkanietjaone who puts his arms around everything; woman who puts her arms around everything
and carries it on her hip
nguna tukanato carry one's arm on one's back, to clasp one's arms behind one's back
patijirbamalinato cling to one another's arms, to embrace
munkaterinato embrace, to fold one's arms
munkanato embrace; to gather up in one's arms
mandra munkanato fold one's arms across the stomach
marawonkamandraterinato fold one's hands; to place one's hands together; to fold one's arms
kanta munkanato gather up grass or bushes in one's arms
marajeruwanato hold one's arms aloft; to stretch out one's fingers
nguna ngarilkanato let the arms hang down
nguna nururinato move one's arms more rapidly
kuldru workamandranato place one's arms around the back
nguna woranato swing one's arms
(chief) who always likes a crowd of people around him; birds that fly around in flocks
wontiwontikana[to go] around in a circle, looking for something
wiralkalaluact of carrying (something) around
milki patijiritjibanaanxiously to look around (to lift one's eyes); to reconnoitre
dakupataaround a sandhill
wolkapariblack spots around the eyes
pita wokaraboomerang around the neck
watarali kapikapina karitjinaby wind encircled to go around
jelkaracertain [type of] string around the neck
nari tjautjaudeath all around
pailtjieither side of a man's [string] belt around the hips
warukati ngamiriemu that struts around on its own, without a mate
butju parawaranafor a blind man to grope [his way] around
ngapitja wirarinafor a dreamer to wander around
paru walkinafor a fish to toss [or thrash] around
kapiri worakalinafor a goanna to raise itself up and look around
tjukuru worakalinafor a kangaroo to look around him
kana pirkinafor a person to play around
pinta wontiwontikanafor a rumour to get around
muntja walkinafor a sick man to roll around in pain
tapa tajiterinafor a sore to eat around itself
nganti walkinafor an animal to toss around
warukati worakalinafor an emu to turn and look around
kupa kulkunganafor children to jump around
womawoma wapanafor debris [to float around]
kindala wirarinafor dogs to run around
milki paruparurinafor eyes to spread around further
paru ngirkinganafor fish to gather around and then disappear in shoals
pinti wirarinafor news of a death to be going around
mangatandra karitjinafor one's head to be spinning around
tjuru karitjinafor one's mind to turn around
workurinaterinafor one's own sake to walk around within close range
talara puntinafor rain to move around closer
jaura wirarinafor rumours to be going around
kuli paninafor smell to [hover around]
tjutju wirarinafor snakes to crawl around
kutji ngalburani wirarinafor the devil to wander around by night
kalu mankarinafor the liver to change around
kunpara paninafor the smell of sickness to [hover around]
koko mananjurduhair around the edge of a hole leading into a hollow tree
pirakanaterinain one's own interests to search around for something
tjika karitjinain vain to go around near-by
jaura tapaljulies that have been spread around
kana mananjurdumoustache that men wear around the mouth
mardani konot to know [one's way around in] the hills or ranges
walkiwalkinaoften to toss around
ngarana wontiwontikanaon hearing a sound, to turn around to see where it comes from
workurinietjaone who always walks around close at hand
wiralkanietjaone who carries (something) around
wombanietjaone who gropes [his way] around; one who gets lost
woldralaone who is fond of travelling around in the heat; one who has suffered heat-stroke
and dies
kipanietjaone who pokes or probes around inside
munkanietjaone who puts his arms around everything; woman who puts her arms around everything
and carries it on her hip
pataoutside; around near-by
duldruwijiribamalinietjaperson around whom people from here and there [will] gather together
pira pungaring around the moon
ditji pungaring around the sun
milki ngiringirishrivelled around the eyes
muntja tjautjausick people all around
karitjinietjasneaker; one who is always hanging around near-by
manangardungardusore-mouthed; ulcerated around the mouth
kujapintastring with red feathers tied around it
matantaribanato append (something to someone); to hang around
darku paranato be around close-by
workurinato be close at hand; to move around near-by; to change direction at close range
pakibanato bind up, to tie around
kipanato bump or run into; to prod, to probe around in; to stare at; to reach; verbally
to stab, to make stinging remarks about; to whisper into someone's ear; to cover a
good deal of ground, to lay a track behind
kunarku wapanato by-pass, to go around near-by
dukana wontiwontikanato carry (a child) around on one's back in a circle
kuma wiralkanato carry around news of someone's death
wiralkanato carry around; to take along
manu padakanato carry one's sentiments around
mapamaparaterinato collect for oneself what has been scattered around
ngapani tandraterinato congregate around water
kurana karitjinato convey, to give secretly; to carry around near-by
kumana wontiwontikanato dance around in a circle
waltowalto diadialkanato drag a feeble man around
dantjumana ngampinato dress discreetly; to tie one's pubic covering around properly
pankiribanato drive someone around near-by; to make him settle down near-by
warukati tjirimalkanato drive the emus around near-by
godana karitjinato emerge and steer [one's way] around
kapikapina karitjina ngamanato encircle and go around (something) and sit down
pauani katu kuranato erect a screen around (unwinnowed) seed
potuja ngirkinganato gather around in order to collect something
tjautjau wirarinato go all around
munarani karitjinato go around a steep incline
panki wapanato go around along the edge; to walk around close-by
tarpijinkinato go around close-by on the way back
kulpina karitjinato go around in a circle in search of
dilpana wontiwontikanato go around in a circle, teasing
tajina wontiwontikanato go around in camp, eating here and there
manka karitjinganato go around on the opposite side
wapanato go; to travel, to walk about; to wind (or) wriggle one's way up; to curl, to twist,
to mill around, to circle around
ngalpurani wombanato grope around in the dark
jurkumaterinato hang (something) around oneself
kuri tatanato hang a 'kuri'
(mussel-shell) around a young man and send him away
jelkara widmanato hang a decoration around the neck
karuwarli kuri widmanato hang a knee-cover (a broad bone) around an uninitiate
kuri widmanato hang a mussel-shell around a [young initiate's neck
jinka jutju matantaribanato hang around a [piece of] string
jurkumanato hang around; to suspend
karlani terkana tikanato have wandered around aimlessly and to have returned home on the same day
nandrana wontiwontikanato hit [or fight] around in a circle
kulkunganaterinato jump around for one's own amusement
muntja wiralkanato lead a sick man around
kana wiralkanato lead people [or men] around
teri wiralkanato lead the young men around
minkani ngujarinato linger around a burrow
pauani ngujarinato loiter around a seed [patch]
mauarli ngujarinato loiter around in hunger
pariparinato look about one; to look around for, to keep a look out for something
kulpina kuranato look around
jamani kurutaranato look around at a net
dantjumana taranato look around carefully
dantjumana najina dikanato look around carefully and turn back
ngantini pariparinato look around for [some] animals
paru wontinato look around for [some] fish
pirranguru wontinato look around for a concubine
pirra wontinato look around for a coolamon
tidna wontinato look around for a footprint
noa wontinato look around for a wife
nari wontinato look around for someone to kill
ngapa najinato look around for water
ngulukaterinato look around oneself
ngalpurani tampanato mooch around in the dark, to poke about in the dark
kajira tandranato paste on or wrap around a symbol of 'katatara' feathers
kuldru workamandranato place one's arms around the back
pirkinato play around; to joke, to make fun
kipakipana pirkinato play prodding around inside with a stick
kokuni kipanato poke [or probe] around inside a hole
kipana ngarinato poke around in a downward direction
kipana taranato poke around in an upwards direction
parapara kipanato poke vigorously, to prod vigorously, to probe around vigorously
padi kipanato probe around for caterpillars, to hook caterpillars out
minka kipanato probe around inside a hole, hollow, or burrow
paparina kipanato prod around more and more
manta karanato put on a belt, to tie a girdle around one's waist
nganpanato put on one's pubic covering; to hang pubic covering around oneself
panto ngulukanato reconnoitre around a lake
worakalina tikanato return [and] look around, to look back
tjautjau tikanato return all around
wirarila tikanato return from wandering around
dukamalinato ride around on one another
tidnali walkinato roll around with a [severe] pain in the foot
walkina wontiwontikanato roll, toss oneself around in a circle
mita tandranato scatter earth around
poto miliri ngankanato scatter or spread things around
piltjaruribanaterinato scatter something around in one's own interests
poto darribanato scatter things, to throw things around in disarray
tjukuru ngulukanato scout around for kangaroos
tidnani mararinato search around anxiously for footprints
tidna winpanato search around for (somebody's footprints
mudla wontinato search around for a face
marda wontinato search around for a millstone
paua kutu ngulukanato search around for a seed-pit
nganti kulpinato search around for an animal
poto ngulukanato search around for things
wontina wontiwontikanato search around in a circle
diadialkanato shake, to drag around; to tear
mankamanka paua tapanato sit around a [wooden] bowl and slurp seed[-pulp]
dampudampura ngamanato sit around in a circle
tjautjau ngamanato sit down all around
kekiljerina wirarinato slip and walk around
kurukuru wirarinato sneak around cautiously; to slink about stealthily, in secret
ngulukanaterinato spy around for one's own information or benefit
mita pinpitaribana nandranato stamp around on the ground
tjautjau terkanato stand around in confusion
piltjaru terkanato stand around in scattered array
kuriterkanato stand or wait around secretly
terkana wontiwontikanato stand still and have another look around
terkana ngarinato stand to go down, to look around
kanta woninato start searching around for [edible] grass
karalja woninato start slinking around
murkuribanato stir up; to puddle or stir around; to make muddy
maraterkana karitjinato stretch out the hand and go around
butju burunato stumble around blindly
nguna kuranato throw an arm around
jinka pakibanato tie a [piece of] string around
tjerabu pakibanato tie a head-band around
tjarabu woranato tie a headband around
mankarli karanato tie around gently or loosely
karana pararanato tie on; to wrap around
jinka woranato tie string around
walkiwalkinaterinato toss around for one's own benefit
ngapitjali walkinato toss around in a dream
maritjina karitjinato turn around and call out (or shout) something else [to someone]
karitjina tikanato turn around and come back, to object, to turn back, to return
tampana dikanato turn around and sneak back
wontiwontikana karitjinato turn around in a circle, looking for something
nuru karitjinato turn around quickly
mangatandra mankarinato turn one's head; to turn around
mandra karitjinato turn one's stomach around, to turn over one's body
mankarinaterinato turn or change around of itself
karitjinato turn over; to go around
punga karitjimalkanato turn s wurley around
wokara wokaribanato turn someone's neck around
kulpina karitjinato turn something around
karitjimalkanato turn, to turn around, to reverse, to turn over
kutikutiririnato twist and turn itself around
kanta wonjunkanato twist grass around
para wonjunkanato twist hair around
jaura tjautjau ngankanato twist words around
worku burkanato wade around [in the water] near-by
dantjumana burkanato wade around cautiously
burkana wontiwontikanato wade around in the water in a circle
bankini wapanato walk apart or aside; to walk around within a short distance
jerto wirarinato walk around [very] satisfied
pungani karitjinato walk around a wurley
worita wirarinato walk around at a remote distance
tinkani wirarinato walk around at night
nintali wirarinato walk around bashfully
kalkaura wirarinato walk around during the evening
ngaurongauro wirarinato walk around grief-stricken
warlu wirarinato walk around in disguise unrecognised
piltjaru wirarinato walk around in dispersed formation
ngurani wirarinato walk around in the camp
ngulku wirarinato walk around making accusations
worku wapanato walk around near-by
mirbana karitjinato walk around near-by; to walk around in a circle
maruni wirarinato walk around on the plain
tampana wirarinato walk around stealthily
dakuni karitjinato walk around the sandhill
ngapani karitjinato walk around water (lake)
pirranguru mara wapanato walk around with a de facto husband or wife
najina wirarinato walk around with one's eyes open
woldrani wirarinato wander about in the heat, to travel around in the heat
karlani wirarinato wander around aimlessly
jikaura wirarinato wander around without a brother
ngapa panini wirarinato wander around without water
walkinato want to free oneself; to roll in pain, to toss around in pain
mankamanka dalpinato warm oneself opposite each other in a circle around the fire
mandamanda widmanato wind a [human hair] belt around [one's waist]
pitali wapanato wind itself around a tree
para ngudanato wind one's hair around
pare tatanato wind one's hair around, so that it stands up
mandamanda ngankanato wrap or tie a belt around [oneself]
karana punmanato wrap string around [one's waist] for a belt
para karanato wrap the hair around. This is done so that it stays up
workamandranaterinato wrap up or tie something around for oneself
muntja walkinato writhe with pain (sickness); to roll around in pain
workurilaluwalking around near-by
Mura wijawijabanato arouse a deity
milamilaribanato arouse another person's inner feelings
jiritjibanato arouse wake up; to set up; to erect
jaura dilpanato arouse words, to conjure up lots of words
kumari pudlanganafor one's blood to be aroused
tjutju jiritjinafor snakes to wake up (or) become aroused
milamilarilaperson whose tender feelings are always immediately aroused
ngapali patijiritjibanato be disturbed by rain, to be aroused by rain
pudlanganato become enraged; to puff, pant; to be aroused; to become excited or upset
ngapaia mandraone who is sent out [to arrange] for water to be brought in
malkiri kuranato arrange a ceremonial meal
pungaia mana datjanato arrange for the entrance to a hut to lead in from the other side
ngadaiapakarurinaterinato remain behind to one's own advantage; to arrange things in such a way that one
is the last to arrive
mita karpakarpa ngankanato disagree on territorial arrangements
duldruwijiribamalina terkana[though] linked together from here and there, to stand together in solid array, e.g.
during a fight
piltjaru terkanato stand around in scattered array
manjujeli juldra wokaranato arrive unexpectedly. At the same time, however, [the expression] indicates that
one is pleased at the arrival
pinga wokaranafor a troop of blood-avengers to arrive
manu wokaranafor affections to arrive
kuma wokaranafor news to arrive of someone's death
ngadaiapakaruetjaone who is always the last to arrive
karakarana wirinato arrive
wokarana wirinato arrive
munkuru ngamana wirinato arrive and withdraw
mauarli wokaranato arrive hungry
tiri taranato arrive in a bad mood
dantjumana dankaranato arrive in good health
maramanjujeli wokara palkanato arrive in peace
kurukuru wokaranato arrive in secret
dalpura wokaranato arrive in sheer silence
dalpura ngamana wirinato arrive in silence
ngadaiapakarurinato arrive last
wonjura wokaranato arrive tired out, exhausted
tankubana wokaranato arrive tomorrow
kurukuru jurborinato arrive unannounced
kaldru wokaranato arrive undaunted
dalpura deringanato arrive unexpectedly
manjujeli juldra wokaranato arrive unexpectedly. At the same time, however, [the expression] indicates that
one is pleased at the arrival
padina taranato arrive without having eaten
mudana kuranato come to a decision, to arrive at a decision
nakarinato gather, congregate; to put in an appearance; to come together; to arrive at
ngadaiapakarurinaterinato remain behind to one's own advantage; to arrange things in such a way that one
is the last to arrive
dankaranato transgress, to step over, to arrive at
jutjujai mandraone who announces that exchange-gifts which are still owing have [now] arrived
ngadanietjalast one; person who always arrives too late
wokaralalu[act of] coming, act of arriving
ngadaiapakarurilaluarriving last
pirrani kiririnato acquire the art of making a wooden dish
tirimalinani kiririnato practise [the art of] fighting
tidna juriarteries of foot
juri taranafor arteries to swell up
juriblood-vessel [or artery]
juri pataterinato keep one's blood-vessel [or artery] sealed
jutjuarticle for exchange trade; article of barter
poto tjankaarticle that is readily torn
poto wilpa njenmanathings hole to plug; to discharge a debt; to balance one article of trade with another
poto karitjimalkanato barter or exchange goods, to offer one article for another
poto ngujangujarlato feel sorry about some article
mangaupper part of an article or anything
poto dupudupu(bundle of) tied up articles
putu palaraniarticles lying there exposed
poto pundupunduclogged up articles
poto marakulnofive articles
poto parinafor articles to get heavy, burdensome
poto manina muturinafor taking of articles to materialise
putu ngumugood articles
poto kumaheap of articles
potuni wolkarelilonging for [certain] articles
putu marranew articles
poto patananot to send articles
putuja kamanelipersonal articles, family articles
poto tulastrange [trade] articles
poto woritathings far removed; [trade] articles from far away
pututhings; articles; belongings; goods and chattels
poto ngukingukibanato add more articles
poto ngokanato add some articles
potuni jertapaterinato be defiant regarding [certain] articles; not to give them up
potuni mankinato be delighted with [certain] articles
potuni mararinato be in a hurry after (certain) articles
poto wintamanato count up the articles how many each person should receive
poto ngudaterinato disperse articles
poto taribanato disperse articles
poto karakaranato examine goods (articles)
tjautjau jinkimalinato exchange [articles of trade] irregularly
jinkimalina mankamankato exchange articles of trade whilst sitting opposite each other
poto tarauanato give articles away here, there and everywhere
poto mankaribanato hold back certain articles
poto nguraribanato hold onto certain articles
poto tapinato leave articles
worduwordu kaluwinkanato pick up small articles from close alongside a track and bring them along
poto billini kuranato place articles in a dilly bag
poto woranganato query [certain] articles
poto ngundrijirbanato remember the articles
poto tiringanato remove articles
poto tandranato scatter the articles
poto wontinato search for [some] articles
poto winpanato select [some] articles
poto tjutjuluwirinato select some articles from amongst numerous others
poto nandranato strike articles
poto padakijirbanato take along articles for someone else
potuja wapana wontjanato try to go and collect [some] articles
nilanila taranafor a mirage to ascend
turukudna terkanafor a pillar of smoke to stand up, for [a column of] smoke to ascend straight upwards
paja taranafor birds to ascend, to fly up
karalja taranafor light clouds to ascend
mungara taranafor one's soul to ascend upwards
talara taranafor rain [clouds] to ascend
ngulungaltja dunkanafor rain clouds to ascend in foam-like appearance
titari taranafor rainless clouds to ascend
turutupu taranafor smoke to ascend
pariwilpali katinafor the heavens to ascend
ditji taranafor the sun to ascend higher
Kalkuwulana taranafor the two stars Kalkuwulana to ascend into the sky
mungarali katinain spirit (soul) to ascend on high
mankarli taranaslowly to ascend or climb up
mudla ngininginirinastorm-clouds ascend into the sky and recede again
pitani taranato ascend a tree, to climb a tree
munawaliri taranato ascend towards the horizon
niljiterkanato ascend, to approach
terkana taranato ascend; to climb up
ngandangandarina taranato be unable to climb or ascend
mardani taranato climb a mountain range, to ascend a mountain range
miri wapanato climb on high; to ascend an elevation
katinato climb up; to ascend
taranato climb, to rise, to ascend
kulkungana taranato jump to go up, to ascend quickly
miririnato rise, to ascend; to get up from the ground
taralaluclimbing; ascending
turu jaola uludirectly ascending flame of fire
talara manapintafirst fringe [or appearance] of an ascending rain cloud
ngarungaruparanato ascertain (something) only later
billini nintaliashamed of one's (poor) net-bag
ninta ngirkinganaat first to feel ashamed, then no longer
tindipiti manngarinafor the elbow to feel ashamed
mara manngarinafor the hand to feel ashamed
ngani nintaliI am shy, ashamed
manngaribalaone who feels ashamed
nintalishy, modest, ashamed
manngarilalustate of feeling ashamed
ninta wondawondanato disclose that one feels ashamed
manngaribanato embarrass, to cause to feel ashamed
njurdu manngarinato feel ashamed
potuni manngarinato feel ashamed about things
nandranandru manngarinato feel ashamed at having hit someone
nejini manngarinato feel ashamed in the presence of one's elder brother
widlandru manngarinato feel ashamed in the presence of women
pantjani manngarinato feel ashamed of one's knees
manngarinaterinato feel ashamed of oneself
pinta wilpa ngamalkana manngarinato feel ashamed of still having a marital debt
jaurani manngarinato feel ashamed over somebody's remarks
tidna manngarinato feel ashamed to follow tracks
manngarinato feel ashamed, to hang one's head for shame, to turn one's face away
manngarinato feel embarrassed, to feel ashamed; to have a horror for; to feel ghastly; to be
timid or shy; to shudder (with fear)
nganpadanganato make a person feel ashamed
ninta ngankanato make ashamed
nintali ngankanato make feel ashamed; to embarrass
pita puturudusty, ashen-grey trees
pungapudaashes inside of a wurley
mana dirtjibread baked in the ashes to which coarse granules of sand adhere which find their
way between one's teeth
mitapudaearthen ashes, dusty
turu turarafire powder, ashes
kantapudagrass ashes
mutja wajinato broil (or cook) 'mutja' [leaves] in the ashes
turupuda deribanato pitch out ashes
tatabalalu[act of] pushing aside
tjiringalalu[act of] putting aside
kana pilkirina[for a man] to stand aside; to withdraw, transfer elsewhere
kana workurinafor people to move aside
kiri!make room; move aside!
kiri!move aside!
tjiringanietjaone who puts something aside or out of the way
kuraranietjaone who sets everything aside
bankilaone who sits aside or aloof; lurker, ambushman; one who doesn't like to live in camp;
recluse, hermit
bankini ngaranasecretly, on the aside, to listen in; to eavesdrop
kiri!step aside
poto pankithings on the aside
pilkirinato alter, to undergo a change; to step aside
pita tatabanato bend aside a tree or bush
kanta pirakanato bend aside grass or bushes
nari tjirimalkanato brush a dead man aside
jaura dakangandranato cast words aside
workuribanato cause someone to move aside, to walk within close range
pilkiribanaterinato detach or lay aside something for oneself, for one's own benefit
tjirina ngarinato detach, to dissociate oneself from; to step aside
tatalkaterinato draw or turn aside; to evade; to go out of the way of
talarapalku tiringanato drive a rain cloud aside
tatakanato escape from; to elude, to evade, to avoid; to jump aside
kana tjirimalkanato escort a person aside; to lead (him) away
pankiribanaterinato go aside for one's own sake
mukaia tjirinato go aside to sleep
widlali tjirinato go aside with a woman
potujeli tjirinato go aside with goods
tjutjuni tatakanato jump aside from a snake
turuni tatakanato jump aside from the [hot] coals
wirpibanato keep at a distance; to divert, to turn away; to set aside
kurana pararanato lay aside
tandrana pararanato lay aside
marda nanganato lay aside a mill-strone
worla woranato lay aside branches emptied of their seed
billi nanganato lay aside one's net-bag
karakarana kuranato lay carefully aside
paru nanganato lay down or lay aside fish
turu tjirimalkanato lay firewood aside
palpapinnijirbanato lay something aside, in reserve
putu pinpanato lay things aside; to keep things in reserve
tidna tjirimalkanato leave footprints aside
wora manngarinato look aside
pirimaribanato make room; to push aside
kirra tjirimalkanato place aside a boomerang
witi kuranato place aside, to place nearby, to place aside
tjirimalkanato push (something) aside; to push out of the way; to lead away
mankara pirimaribanato push a girl aside
tiringanato push aside; to displace, set aside, remove
nganti pirimaribanato push meat aside, away from the coals
kana pirimaribanato push people aside, so that there is more room
marda tjirimalkanato put a millstone aside
pitjiri tjirimalkanato put chewing-tobacco aside
paru tjirimalkanato put fish aside
buka tjirimalkanato put food aside
tjirimalkanaterinato put something aside for one's own benefit
tjirijirbanato put something aside for someone else
kikera pirimaribanato scrape aside the mould on top of the [edible] seed in the pit
tjiringanato separate [things] from each other; to set aside
milkirina paralkanato take aside for lustful purposes
wora manngarinato turn aside from; to [go] aside [and] turn away from
niri manngarinato turn aside in horror or dread
tidna manngarinato turn aside in one's footsteps, to step alongside; to tread carefully upon
mankarina najinato turn aside or sideways and look
dukaranato untie, to undo, to loosen; to pull out; to take off, to undress, to lay aside;
to dig up
bankini wapanato walk apart or aside; to walk around within a short distance
winpana pararanato ask across, to enquire across
parapara jekibanato ask continuously
ngantini ngatjinato ask for meat
manu jakalkanato ask for someone's opinion
potuni ngatjinato ask for things
putu karkanato ask for things, to order things
ngatjinato ask for; to beg
manju ngatjinato ask kindly
ngatjiribanato ask on another's behalf
jakalkanaterinato ask on one's own behalf
tankana jakalkanato ask still more
potuja kapara dikanato ask the trading boss for his decision
jakalkanato ask; to enquire
warawararina ngatjilato be [too] bashful to ask for
bankiside (right or left), bank (of a stream), edge (of a track), confines (of a locality),
shore (of a lake), edge (of a grave), side (of a hill, tree, stone, or animal), border,
frontier; side (of a wooden dish, bowl, or dilly bag), [direction] where the sun rises,
(south-west, etc.), sideways, askance
jakalkalalu[act of] asking, enquiring after
ngatjilaluasking; begging
kurukutukutujeli poto maninaquietly to take things [away] without asking or saying a word
kurukuru wirinasecretly to enter, without asking or saying anything
watawatali noa patanato take a wife without asking
billi kunarku waltanato carry a string-bag aslant
pratjana mukaall asleep
muka nguraasleep all the time
muka paruparuasleep everywhere; everybody asleep
muntja turaranafor a sick man to (fall) asleep
palpa mukasome asleep
muka paranato be lying asleep
ngampu turaranato be nearly asleep
dundunuuntrained, shaky, feeble, stiff, wearied, chilled, frozen, shrivelled together, grieved,
choked, asphyxiated, crushable, highly inflammible, soft, juicy, silent [hardly perceptible],
noani tajipaterinato aspire after a wife; to exert every effort to acquire a wife
potuni paparinato aspire after more and more possessions
kaldri puribanato assail someone in [bitter] anger
kana ngamingamibaterinafor people to congregate, assemble
ngirkingirkinganaoften to assemble in order to go out together
pitjiraia ngirkinganato assemble in order to [go out together and] collect chewing tobacco
bukataia ngirkinganato assemble in order to go out together for ochre
ngamingamibaterinato assemble; to gather together; to join together, to become associated
ngamilalugathering together into a flock; assembling into a group
kalkaura jua jatanato hold a meeting (assembly) at night
ngaru ngurato maintain one's assertion
tali duldruwanafor dialects to assimilate (merge)
manukulkaterinanot to express one's opinion; not to join or assist in doing
ngukingukibaterinato assist in any sort of situation
maramarapujeli dantjudantjumanato assist in the burial and the associated [rites and] ceremonies
tajiani godana taranafor an assistant to stoop down and pick up
ngampulike-minded person; assistant
mandramitione who has assisted in the killing of another man
kanani widmaterinato associate, to fraternise with the people
ngapala[living things] associated with water
ngamingamibaterinato assemble; to gather together; to join together, to become associated
maramarapujeli dantjudantjumanato assist in the burial and the associated [rites and] ceremonies
warupotujeli nandranafor everybody in association to kill
jaura miririnafor words to assume importance
dalpadakanato assure; to promise; to invite; to raise hopes; to affirm
dalpa dakanato whisper to someone; to whisper into someone's ear, to promise; to assure
narini kalupakinato be astonished at [so sudden] a death
manu patijiritjibanato fill (somebody's) heart with astonishment
ngarungaruparibana ngaranato listen to with astonishment
ngaruparanali tauru ngananato remain silent in astonishment
widla kulnuni ngura datjanato follow a woman to her camp; to run after a woman, intending to seduce or lead her
wombanato grope one's way; to err, go astray; to lose one's way
karkarkanato mislead, to turn away, to lead astray
pitani dukaterinato ride astride a piece of wood
dukaterinato ride; to sit astride
dukaterina ngamanato sit astride (behind) another man's back, to ride piggyback
diltja njinjaru ngananafor muscles to be astringent
pinpitaribalalubursting asunder; glancing [or bouncing] off
nganti pakinafor an animal to burst asunder
moku pakinafor bones to burst asunder
pariwilpa pakinafor the heavens to burst asunder
bakinato break open; to open up of its own natural force or instinct; to burst open; to
crack; to burst asunder
woldrali pakinato burst asunder from the heat
pinpitaranato crack off, to chip off; to capsise, to tumble off; to roll off; burst, to burst
into fragments; to burst open, to split asunder; to drop off, to become detached;
to open up
manjujeli juldra wokaranato arrive unexpectedly. At the same time, however, [the expression] indicates that
one is pleased at the arrival
noaia kaparinato long for a Ate
ngarranaaerial region [or atmosphere]
pariwilpa paka waruatmosphere (sky) with a pale (white) appearance
kilpa ngumucool atmosphere; cool weather conditions
talarapalku ngarrananirain clouds in the atmosphere
kana tula matantarinafor a stranger to attach himself to
marda buru karanato attach a stone weight
jama karlibanato attach little value to a net
ngokarinaterinato attach oneself [to others] for one's own benefit
nejini ngokaterinato attach oneself to one's elder brother: to help, support him
kanani matantarinato attach oneself treacherously to a person, and not leave him
matantarinato feel attached to; to attach oneself to
kanani ngokaterinato join (attach oneself to) the people
ngokaterinato join, attach oneself to
karpana matantaribanato weave or attach a piece of fishing-net onto another [net]
pantuni njinjaruattached to a lake
nejini njinjaruattached to one's elder brother
mita kamanelini njinjaruattached to one's traditional country
pungani njinjaruattached to one's wurley
kupa njinjaru ngananafor a child to feel attached
talarapalku matantarinafor clouds to become attached to one
ngandrini kalikalinato be attached to one's mother
ngaramaranato be attached to; to be infatuated by, to be enchanted by
kalikalinato cling to, to hang on to; to be attached to, to be attracted to; to be fond of,
to be devoted to; to side with
mitani matantarinato feel attached to a country
kanani matantarinato feel attached to a person
Murani matantarinato feel attached to the Mura
matantarinato feel attached to; to attach oneself to
njinjaru ngankijirbamalinato remain firmly attached to one another
ngokanietjaone who always places his things alongside those of somebody else; one who readily
attaches himself to others
matantaribanietjaone who attaches or hangs [something onto someone]
matantaribalaluact of attaching or hanging
ngaltjamarieli karakararanafor wasps to attack one
piti dakanato attack an end
maramankamankali patanato attack from all sides
pakaribanato make a thing prosper or attain its full growth
wontjawontjanaterinato attempt something for one's own benefit
ninta danganato attempt to absolve someone from disgrace
wontjana waltanato attempt to carry
tarakana wontjanato attempt to swim across
ngalpurani wapana wontjanato attempt to travel at night
wontjanato attempt, to try out, to put to the test; to examine
wontjawontjalalu[act of] attempting, trying
muntjani gilbarinanot to attend the sick
warupoturinafor everybody to be in attendance
tiri duldruwanato call attention to two evils simultaneously
ngaribanato cause to hear; to draw attention to; to make aware of
milki dukanato direct one's attention at someone
mitali pankinato direct one's attention only to country; to protect country
jaurali danganato draw attention to (certain) danger
poto ngaribanato draw attention to (certain) things
paja ngaribanato draw attention to a bird
pinga ngaribanato draw attention to blood-avengers
mita ngaribanato draw attention to country [or landscape]
jaura ngaribanato draw attention to news
ngapa ngaribanato draw attention to water
milki patanato fix one's attention (eyes) on something
kungakunganato fix one's eyes upon; to direct one's attention to; [to examine closely, to scrutinise];
to pick out, to select
tandrana najinato focus a lot of attention on someone
mardali pankinato focus one's attention on a millstone
murali pankinato focus one's attention only on supernatural ancestors
milkieli mantralkanato keep one's attention fixed on; to keep an eye on
dantjumana woninato pay close attention [right] from the start
ngaranietjalistener; attentive person
malka warupotoeverybody in decorative attire
burkaattitude, disposition, turn of mind
manujeli woninato begin to consider one's attitude
duru terkanato stand in a stooped attitude
manu tjikawrong attitude
talarali karkarkanafor rain to attract
ngapa mindrilkanafor water to attract
ditji maratatina talaraiato attract rain
parumana ngarinato attract; to draw nearer; to pull down
kalikalinato cling to, to hang on to; to be attached to, to be attracted to; to be fond of,
to be devoted to; to side with
mudla ngumuattractive face
malka ngumuattractive signs, symbols, markings
punga ngumuattractive wurley
punga manjuattractive-looking house or hut
mudla ngumubeautiful, attractive face
kana murabiggest person, strongest person, most attractive person
malka ulufine markings, attractive markings
nganka ngumufine, attractive beard
malka ngumurinafor signs [or symbols] to become more attractive
njurdu ngumurinafor the hair on the body to look more attractive
nganka manjulovely, attractive beard
punga tjirkatjirkanato build an attractive wurley
kintjalkururietjathat which has put on a new skin; person who eagerly decorates himself more attractively
than others
mana kunngaraaudible breathing in and out
muluru kunngaraaudible nibbling (of leaves) by caterpillars
mirtja kaldruclearly audible shout
tidna kata ngirbanato make an audible sound with the feet by constantly tripping to and fro
bakuof itself; without motivation from without; without having received instructions;
involuntarily, [automatically]
ditji woldrajelbiautumnal equinox
ngapa wokarafollow-up [flood]waters; auxiliary floodwaters
jaurali patipatibaterinato avail oneself of words
buka pratjanaall available bread
mara pratjanaall available hands
turu uludirectly available firewood
jaua paranafor 'jaua' to be available
kulkani paranafor a guardian [or protector] to be available
pitjiri paranafor chewing-tobacco to be available
buka paranafor food to be available
karku paranafor ochre to be available
buru paranafor payment of a bartering debt to be available
karalja paranafor things to be available for giving away
njelbunjelbu paranasomething available for everybody
bamamanietjahasty grabber, snatcher; greedy fellow, avaricious fellow
muntja mapibanato avenge someone's sickness
nari kulkananot to allow death to be avenged [or requited]
mapijiribanietjaavenger; collector, hoarder
paja pinga kaukaubanietjabird that announces [the approach of] a blood-avenger troop
kana pingamarablood-avenger
pingablood-avenger troop; vendetta group
mudla kutjaleader of a blood-avenger troop
pingani japaapprehensive about a troop of blood-avengers
pingaia mandraenvoy on behalf of a group of blood-avengers
pinga ngurdiribanafor a group of blood-avengers to render motionless
pinga kurikarinafor a group of blood-avengers to slip away
pinga kantjirinafor a troop of blood-avengers [suddenly] to turn up
pinga wokaranafor a troop of blood-avengers to arrive
pinga wirarinafor a troop of blood-avengers to be on its way
pinga wirinafor a troop of blood-avengers to enter
pinga wapanafor a troop of blood-avengers to go forth
pingani wondraterinafor a troop of blood-avengers to present itself
pinga tikanafor a troop of blood-avengers to return
pinga taranafor a troop of blood-avengers to turn up
markani pinga taranafor a troop of blood-avengers to turn up outside the camp at night
pinga darpina dikanafor blood-avengers to return
pinga pirnalarge troop of blood-avengers
pingani wurburunervous, frightened of a troop of blood-avengers
pinga jauranews that a troop of blood-avengers is on the way
pingaia mudlakutjaringleader of a troop of blood-avengers
pinga tampasneaking troop of blood-avengers
pinga warapanato announce that a troop of blood-avengers is on the way
pingani wodataranato be fearless over against a troop of blood-avengers
pingani ngaruparanato be terrified of blood-avengers
pingani taururinato become silent in the presence of blood-avengers
pingaia mandurinato come together for a vendetta; to present oneself to join a troop of blood-avengers
pinga ngaribanato draw attention to blood-avengers
karlatura, kirra, pinga, ngoku, marda, kundrukundru wonkanato enchant turkeys, boomerangs, a troop of blood-avengers, vomit, a millstone, [a
sniffing cold]
pingaia kampanato enlist men for a troop of blood-avengers
pingarinato form a troop of blood-avengers
pingajapa kutinato hide oneself out of fear from blood-avengers
pinga karkanato invite a troop of blood-avengers
pinga jakalkanato make enquiries about a troop of blood-avengers
pinga wokaribanato prevent a troop of blood-avengers
ngapitjali pinga najinato see oncoming blood-avengers in a dream
pingani jatanato speak to a troop of blood-avengers
pingani gilbarinato despise an avenging party
dulkumarranato get sick; to burp; to have an aversion against; to belch
woliwolimanato avert, to ward off; to make peace
kalumarana bakunaavidly to dig
kirrani tatakanato avoid a boomerang
tatakanato escape from; to elude, to evade, to avoid; to jump aside
mardani miljaavoiding a millstone
karku miljaavoiding red ochre
miljatemperate, abstaining from; avoiding
pratjana tepieverybody awake, alive
paja jiritjinafor birds to awake
kana tepihealthy man; wide awake man
miljaruetjaone who is fond of being awake at night, or one who is fond of travelling at night
palpa tepisome awake
muka danganato banish sleep; to keep someone awake
dilpanato knock or bump into (someone); to shake; to awaken; to chase away
mirtjali tepi ngankanato be awakened by shouting
ditjieli patijiritjibanato be awakened by the sun
jiritjibalalu[act of] awakening; [the act of] erecting
jaurani konot to be aware of a rumour
jaura milkilato be aware of a rumour
ngaribanato cause to hear; to draw attention to; to make aware of
tjuru dakanato make a person aware
naranalaluact of chasing or scaring away
mamalaluact of taking away [or of taking back]
jamani ngirangirarinaalways to be working away at the nets
junkali karkarkanaangrily to entice away
nganti woritaanimals far away
windrila wapalkanabefore carrying away
ditji woritadistant far-away sun
ngura woritadistant, far-away camp
kirrani munkuruducking away from a boomerang
buka woritafar-away food
turu woritafar-away, distant fire
marda woritafar-away, distant range
ngarauafluid that drains away from a decomposing corpse
paja darranafor a bird to escape (or) get away
kintala kurikarinafor a dog to run away
kindala puntinafor a dog to run away
mankarali kurlanganafor a girl to run away
pinga kurikarinafor a group of blood-avengers to slip away
kana kurikarinafor a man to run away
kana miliri ngananafor a man to stray away from a group
nilanila tirinafor a mirage to keep on moving away
palto mindrinafor a track to be running away
nganti puntinafor animals to disperse, run away [in separate directions]
paja tintjanafor birds to fly away
paja mardamamamalinafor birds to take stones away from each other
mita tampurinafor earth to collapse [or break away] at the edge
kalka mudanafor evening red to have faded away (vanished)
gildi godanafor fat to drip away
paru mankanafor fish to swim away
ngani puntinafor me to go away
miljaru ngarinafor night to pass away
ngara wapanafor one's heart to go away
kalu mankanafor one's liver to run away
manu wapanafor one's mind to go away
mana mankanafor one's mouth to run away
marda wapanafor ranges to keep moving away
palku mankanafor the body to go away
kutjieli mungara maninafor the devil to take away a soul
kutjieli ngara maninafor the devil to take away the heart
manu mankanafor the mood to go away
kalka tirinafor the red flush of sunset to keep on moving away
kalka wirinafor the red flush of sunset to fade away
pariwilpa mankanafor the sky to hurry away
watarali duljaduljamana ngankanafor the wind to blow everything away
watarali kadiwiribanafor the wind to chase away
karalja paranafor things to be available for giving away
ngapali mita muruwanafor water to wash away soil
watarali taribanafor wind to blow away
watawatali maninafreely to take away, thievishly to take away
puntilalugoing away; departure
nauwa wapaihe is now walking away
ngara woritaheart far away
jaura taribanahurriedly to send away word
waltaribanaterinain one's own interests to carry something away on top of one's head
ngoku mamaniname given to a dog that takes the meat away from another
tida woritanarrow neck of land (isthmus) [or land-bridge] far away
jaura woritanews from far away
karku woritaochre from far away
padakanietjaone who carries away; one who brings
naranietjaone who chases or scares away
pataribaetjaone who disposes of his goods; one who gives everything away
mudlawariwarilaone who habitually turns away his face
tatabanietjaone who rejects something ("pushes it away"); one who doesn't accept anything
mamanietjaone who repeatedly wants to have back the things he gave away
jerraguntjaone who stays away
mudlapiriwidmanietjaone who turns away his face
tinkari wapalkanaopenly to take away
mandrakaurali paru kutibanaout of jealousy (or ill-will) to drive away the fish by means of sorcery
markaoutside of the camp; [out bush; out of doors]; not at home; (to spend the night) in
the open; (to stay away) a long distance from camp; (to remain) in another tribal
country; (to live) abroad
ngamalkanietjaowner, possessor; one who gives nothing away
kana kinkaljuperson who gives everything away
bamanapositively to see; definitely to observe; to eat or take away the best first; to pick
out the best; to choose the nicest
kurukutukutujeli poto maninaquietly to take things [away] without asking or saying a word
tidna woritaremote footprints; footprints from far away
palpa jerranguntjaseveral [people] who are absent, who always stay away
morlalu kamanasure to keep everything; not to give anything more away
poto woritathings far removed; [trade] articles from far away
kana ngurarinaThis is said of a person who stays away
jindri wonjurathunder that has half died away
mankara jinkinali ngukingukibanaterinato accumulate more personal possessions by giving away one's daughters [in marriage]
muka (n) ngandingandibanato banish, drive away sleep
tinka dijanato beguile away the night, to dispel the night
tarpina tatanato break away from a group and go back
todina kuranato bury and go away
worita karkanato call from a long distance away
kaldra padakanato carry away a call
nari wapalkanato carry away a dead [man]
nari tatanato carry away a dead man
mura wapalkanato carry away a legend
mudla wapalkanato carry away a nose
muntja wapalkanato carry away a sick man
wima wapalkanato carry away a song
ninta padakaterinato carry away one's own shame
muntja waltanato carry away sickness
milkieli waltanato carry away with one's eyes
wapalkanato carry away; to remove
worita wapalkanato carry far away
ngapa padakaterinato carry rain (water) away
mita waltanato carry soil away
wapalkanaterinato carry something away for one's own benefit
jaura waltanato carry words away
kadiwiribanato cause (something) to disappear; to scare or chase away
dangana pararanato chase away
kunti taribanato chase away mosquitoes
palkaljura naranato chase away noisy crows
kalka kutibanato chase away the night
talara-palku naranato chase away the rain-clouds
kutibana ngankanato chase away, to drive away
paja danganato chase birds away
paja tarbanaterinato chase birds away
paja jinpanato chase birds away, to scare birds away, to enchant birds
woritaja narranato chase far away
naramalinato chase one another away
kutji naranato chase the devil away
widla naranato chase women away
parlaparlarina jatajatanato chatter away in opposition
turukanja pirakanato clear away (or) spread apart the coals of fire
ngurdi deribanato clear away chaff
turu taribanato clear away fire coals
tarumanato clear away soil
tatjanato clear away; to dig out
tarbanaterinato clear, sweep, or chase something away for one's own sake
kampinganato collect for going away; to pack; to gather while passing by; to take along one's
things while passing the camp
naririnato continue fading away; to die away
japali kadiwirinato crawl or hide away in fear
mindrina kuranato decide to run away
tertieli palinato die of thirst; to languish, pine away
kalikalini kutinganato disappear at the side of a hill, to run away
darranato disappear suddenly; to slip away; to escape; to leave in secret; to run away quickly;
to arise, to come forth
worita dankanato discover something far away
ngininginirinato distort; to turn away
kindala parumanato drag away a dog
paru kutibanato drive away (or cast a magic spell over) the fish
talara jinpanato drive away rein
dunka taribanato drive away stench
talara wapalkanato drive away the rain
mankibanato drive away, to chase away; to cause to spread out
naranato drive away; to drive out; to chase or scare away
kiringanato drive off; to chase away; to drive out; to scare away
kana naranato drive people away
kana tarbanaterinato drive people away
milkigildi kalinato dry away tears
kirrani wirpinato duck away from a boomerang
talarapraitjani wirpinato duck away from the lightning
pildripildrini wirpinato duck away from the thunder
poto nanganato empty out or give away one things
kapikapina tatanato encircle and drive away
kintala karkarkanato entice away [someone's] dog
kamaneli karkarkanato entice away a friend
taururibana karkarkanato entice everybody away
kurikarinato escape from; to run away from
kana tjirimalkanato escort a person aside; to lead (him) away
dirinato extend, to spread out; to recede, to retreat; to move away
manngarinato feel ashamed, to hang one's head for shame, to turn one's face away
worita maninato fetch from far away
bamamana maninato fetch, to take away before the time
danganato frighten, to chase away
poto tarauanato give articles away here, there and everywhere
tjika jinkinato give away by mistake
buljubuljujeli jinkinato give away in a spirit of anger
mangapunkujeli jinkinato give away unknowingly
dantjumana mankara jinkimalinato give girls away legitimately
wapana woranato go away
pitjiraia puntinato go away [in search of] chewing-tobacco
buljubulju wapanato go away dissatisfied
tapila wapanato go away for good
katukatu wapanato go away healthy
mauarli puntinato go away hungry
tiri wapanato go away in a huff
kulnulu kulnulu puntinato go away one by one
burka wapanato go away sad
manju wapanato go away satisfied
wapana kuranato go away without returning
baku wapanato go away without; to go for nothing
puntinato go away; [to separate, branch off]
nunkurinato go away; to withdraw; to grow dark; to go out, to die away
parlirinato grow emptier; to become smaller; to ooze away, to trickle away
kuri tatanato hang a 'kuri'
(mussel-shell) around a young man and send him away
ngamalkana ngarinato have to go down, to give something away to keep
worita ngaranato hear from far away
watarani mankanato hurry away from the wind
milkimilki taribanato hurry away spies
poto tatabanato induce to send things away
turuni wirpibanato keep [someone] away from the fire
wirpibanato keep at a distance; to divert, to turn away; to set aside
paltuni wirpibanato keep away from the track
paja tapibanato keep birds away
pantja wirpinato keep one's feet away
mardani wirpinato keep well away from a [certain] millstone
kana tulani wirpinato keep well away from strangers
nandrana kuranato kill and run away
paru tapanato kiss away a fish
dilpanato knock or bump into (someone); to shake; to awaken; to chase away
manujieli wapalkanato lead [a man] away amiably
mankamarkaribanato lead hither and thither; to mislead; to lure or entice away
mindrinalu wapanato leave and run away
poto pinpanato leave some things behind; not to give everything away; to keep something back
kalakalarina najinato look annoyed, to look away in anger
kurujeli karkarkanato lure away secretly
karkarkanato mislead, to turn away, to lead astray
tjutju mara kalinato obliterate (blow away) a snake-track
puntibaterinato part company; to separate; to tear oneself away
darringanato pass by quickly; to pass away suddenly
jaura padakaterinato pass on one's own remarks (or news); to take away one's own ideas
bamamana kulkanato pick up [beforehand] and take away
mara parumanato pull away one's hand
tjirimalkanato push (something) aside; to push out of the way; to lead away
marali tertapanato push away with the hand
tatabanato push away, repel; to refuse, reject
dirimalkanato push away; to remove; to roll away, to bring back; to bring hither; to carry to
a particular place
tatanato push away; to send away
kanta piriri ngankanato push grass away
nganti pirimaribanato push meat aside, away from the coals
muna jeninato push one's chest away
kana tatanato push people away
poto tjirimalkanato put things away
kalkani kudinato run away at dusk
japa mindrinato run away in fear
japa kutinganato run away out of fear
jutani gilbarinato run away, to make one's escape
nganti naranato scare away animals, to hunt away animals, to chase away animals
paja naranato scare away birds
paja pupanato scare away birds
paja woliwolimanato scare away birds
woma kutibanato scare away edible snakes
naranaterinato scare away for one's own benefit
pildripildri naranato scare away the thunder
putu daribanato scatter, lose, throw things away
taribanato scatter, to disperse; to expel, to drive away; to tear off; to throw away
deribanato scatter; to devastate; to sweep away; to cast out; to send away; to make clean;
to tear down; to take away; to wrap on the fingers; to squander; to rip or root up;
to uncover
mudla wikaterinato scrape mucus away from one's nose with a small twig
markali kapi kampanato search for eggs beyond a day's journey away
jinpanato send [away]; to send to a [certain] place
kana deribanato send a man away
jundra ngankanato send away
karuwarli taribanato send away a youth who is about to be circumcised
jinka kudna kutibanato send away for a length of time one who has been circumcised
malkakapi woranato send away lumps of gypsum
mandra taribanato send away messengers
kana tatabanato send people away
darribanato send thither, to scatter, to send away quickly, to damage, to destroy, to break
down; to smash in, to heap or pile up (waves)
jinpana ngarinato send to go down, to send away
kupa deribanato send women away somewhere
naraterinato separate from, to extricate oneself from; to get away from
mudla walkinato shake one's head; to turn [one's head] away
worku turaranato sleep outside (or) a short distance away
marka wirarinato sleep outside of, away from the camp
tjutjuluwirinato slip away; to run away; to escape
ngara mamanato snatch away the heart
kutinganato sneak off; to escape; to flee, to abscond; to run away; to disappear, to vanish
from sight
paua puribanato spill seed, to throw away seed
worita terkanato stand a long way away
paia dilpanato startle birds, to scare away birds
pantuni wirpinato stay away from the lake
mitani wirpinato stay well away from a [particular] country
pauani wirpinato stay well away from the seed
widlani wirpinato stay well away, keep one's distance from the women
ngalara teribanato sweep away sand
mirrana ngarinato sweep out; to sweep away
mamaterinato take (something) away for oneself
mamamalinato take (something) away from each other
mamana ngarinato take (things) away
kirra mamanato take a boomerang away again
kupa mamanato take away a child
nari mamanato take away a dead man
wima wapalkanato take away a song, to propagate a song
bamamana tajinato take away and eat beforehand
paraitji padakaterinato take away light
baka mamanato take away someone's style, to inherit somebody's ways or mannerisms
bamamalinato take away the best from one another
jaura mamanato take back words that were given away, to rescind a promise
mamanato take back; to take away
paja padakaterinato take birds away
muntja padakaterinato take sickness away with one
woritaribanato take someone a long way away
mita mamanato take territory away
mara deribanato take the hand away; to rap someone on the fingers
poto mamanato take things away again
kalumarana mamamalinato take things away from one another and never to be satisfied
buruburubanato tear apart; to drive off; to chase away; to tear away; to disturb; to ward off,
to restrain, to prevent
katu deribanato tear away a windbreak
kirra deribanato throw away a boomerang
ngurdi woranato throw away chaff
bunu woranato throw away earth behind one
manu puribana padakenato throw away one's mood [end] take along
mana puribanato throw away one's mouth
muru woranato throw away rubbish; to tidy up
puribanaterinato throw something away for one's own benefit
moku woranato throw toss away a bone
kana tatakenato turn a person away; to refuse, reject a person
wora manngarinato turn aside from; to [go] aside [and] turn away from
jaura mankarinato turn away news
mudla mankanato turn away one's face
mudla mankarinato turn away one's face
mudla ngininginirinato turn away one's face
kurikarina tikanato turn back and run away
milki manngarinato turn one's eyes away
milki wirpinato turn one's eyes away
milki mankarinato turn one's eyes away from
mudlawariwarinato turn one's face away; to part company
mana manngarinato turn one's mouth away
kana tintjanato turn people away, to accept no advice
jinpana tatanato urge to hurry away
manngarina wapanato walk away in disgrace
burru ngankanato wash away
kumari kalinato wash away blood
mokurina ngarinato waste away to skin and bones
manamiri punmanato withhold from one's abundance; not to give away of one's abundance
dako pitiworn-away brow of a sandhill
kana wangiwangiawkward person
mara miljaawkward, clumsy hand; useless hand
wangiwangipoor; lean; awkward, clumsy
kalara njinjarublunt stone axe
kalara njaniblunt stone axe
kalara pandublunt stone axe
kalara tarlicutting edge of a stone axe
kalara ngumufinely-sharpened stone axe
kalara palkurinafor a stone axe to turn into a body
kalara waltowaltoloose stone axe [head]
kalara morla ngumunicer and better stone axe
marda-kalara, kalti, pirra, karlakarlananot to like a stone axe, spear, or wooden dish
kalara tirisharp stone axe
kalara tjerkarasharp stone axe
kalara ngaialasharpness of a stone axe
kalarastone axe
mardakalarastone axe
pinpitaranietjastone axe that continually comes loose [from its handle]
kalara palkustone axe without a handle
diaturustone club; stone axe
kalara ngankanato prepare a stone axe, to make a stone axe, to manufacture a stone axe
kalara tikalkanato return a stone axe
kalara wontinato search for a stone axe
kalara dinganato sharpen a stone axe
kalara tarliribanato sharpen a stone axe
kalara wikanato sharpen a stone axe
kalara workamandranato tie on a stone axe[head], to tie it securely
kalara tepiunbroken stone axe
mardakalara parlaparlaunimpressionable stone axe, that suffers no damage
kalarani ngirangirarinaalways to be making stone axes
kalara paranafor there to be stone axes
materi ngamiriold bachelor
ngamiririnato become an old bachelor
kana mandakaunmarried man; bachelor
kana noapaniyoung unmarried man; bachelor
talara ngadaribana(for wind) to drive back the rain
worakalilalu[act of] looking round, looking back
wirpibalaluact of preventing, holding back, warding off
mamalaluact of taking away [or of taking back]
paralaluact of withholding, act of holding back for oneself
wokara nguraalways on his back
nganti kuldruanimal's back
kutjuwonta tokuback edge of a stone knife
paja tokuback of a bird
pirra duruback of a coolamon
paru tokuback of a fish
tidna wokaraback of a foot
doku kalikaliback of a ridge
nganti tokuback of an animal
mara duruback of the hand
kukatiback of the head
tidna kuldruback of the instep
miliriback of the leg
mara tokuback of the palm of the hand
doku palaraback unmarked by weals [or scars]
kuldruback; hindpart
tokuback; ridge; reverse side
dokupirrapirrabeetle with a shell-back
kuldru pilbibroad back
doku palparubroad back
kuldru wondrabroad back
tukalalucarrying on one's back
doku tjinpiricicatrices on the back
kuldru turuturucrooked back
mutulu karitjina tikanadefinitely to come back
kakara dikanadefinitely to turn back
doku karlaempty back
kintalali kalabanafor a dog to answer back
kindala tikanafor a dog to come back
marda tikanafor a mountain range to double back
kana tikanafor a person to turn back
kuldru patanafor one's back to ache; [to have back-ache]
doku parinafor one's back to grow tired
ngarali darpinafor one's heart's sake to continue no further but turn back
tjuru karitjinafor one's mind to turn back
worakalinaterinafor one's own sake to turn round and look back
tukaterinafor oneself to ride on a back
kuldru nandranafor the back to be painful
poto tikanafor things to find their way back
jaura tokuni mirifresh news on the back of the other [news]
ngadariamai!go back!
ngadani tukatukagrasshopper that carries its young on its back
pariwilpa tokuimagined back of the sky
kuldru kimainflammation of the back
morla tikanamore to come back
kalala milkinanot to come back again out of revenge
jenpananot to take into consideration; to keep, to hold back, to withhold (something); not
to give anything
dalpakaldrujeli padakijiribanaobligingly to bring back
doku malkaomen of the back
tikanietjaone who always comes back again
tukanietjaone who always wants to carry on his back
tarpinietjaone who is keen to turn back
pinpanietjaone who likes to keep something back
mamanietjaone who repeatedly wants to have back the things he gave away
maratokuouter side of the hand; back of the hand
kana kuldruperson's back
kana tokuperson's back
kana duruperson's back
kantji tikanapositively to turn back
tikana karapossibly come back
kalkani poto jinkimalinarecently things back and forth to have given
kalkani darpinarecently to have turned back
kurukuru poto dikalkanasecretly to bring things back
kurukuru tarpinasecretly to turn back and not to accompany any further
kuldru wordushort back
doku kekiljasmooth back
doku balusmooth back
doku njinjarustiff back
kalabijiribamalinato answer one another; to answer back and forth; to reply to and fro [across the way]
kalitakali darpinato be of no use turning back
mudana tikantinato be the last to come back
pupanani tiririnato become angry at having "fie" said behind one's back
tarpina tatanato break away from a group and go back
punga tikalkanato bring a wurley back
tikalkanato bring back
manina tikanato bring back
kanta tikalkanato bring back [edible] plants
paua tikalkanato bring back [edible] seed
kupa tikalkanato bring back a child
kindala tikalkanato bring back a dog
nganti tikalkanato bring back meat
jaura tikalkanato bring back news
jaura dikalkanato bring back news
jaura dikalkanato bring back news
dankubana padakijiribanato bring back tomorrow
worku tikalkanato bring back within close range
manina tikanato bring back; to fetch
warupoto tikalkanato bring everything back
putu tikalkanato bring things back
poto tikalkanato bring things back
kulnulu parana tikanato camp (sleep) alone out bush and then come back
dukana wontiwontikanato carry (a child) around on one's back in a circle
ngadaribanato carry (something) back
ngapajunga tukanato carry a [skin] waterbag on one's back
kupa dukanato carry a child on one's back
kupa tukanato carry a child on one's back
billi tukanato carry a dilly bag on one's back
tjunduru tukanato carry a gout-ridden man on one's back
billi dukanato carry a net-bag on one's back
muntja tukanato carry a sick man on one's back
nura tukanato carry its tail on its back
ngokala tikanato carry more to the back
tukanaterinato carry on one's back for one's own benefit
nguna tukanato carry one's arm on one's back, to clasp one's arms behind one's back
ngatata dukanato carry one's younger brothers on one's back
poto ngadaribanato carry things back
ngujaribanato cause to delay; to hold back; to restrain
mudana jinkina tatanato cease to give to push back
mudana najina tatanato cease to see to shove back
kalala karina dikanato come and go in turn, to bring back
maritjina tikana ngarinato come back and call out
kumana tikanato come back dancing [obscenely]
mauarli tikanato come back hungry
junka tikanato come back in a huff
kalakalarina tikanato come back in a temper
ngadadikanato come back later; to go backwards, to retreat
nuru tikanato come back quickly
kaljura tikanato come back satisfied
manju tikanato come back satisfied
manngarina ngarinato come back thirsty
tapala tikanato come back to eat seed
ngulku tikanato come back with accusations
doku ngundranato consider one's back
mara dukanato cross hands behind one's back
kanali kurlanganato curb or hold people back
kurukutukutujeli tikanato decamp and go back without saying a word
kana kaluwinkanato fetch people from a camp situated back from a track
daturali najinato gaze steadily back
wijikurubanani tiririnato get angry at being called behind one's back
pitjiri pirimaribanato get rid of (finish off) the chewing-tobacco by sending it back and forth into the
tjiritjiri wapanato go and come back again
tarpijinkinato go around close-by on the way back
tarpila wapanato go in order to come back again
ngaru dukanato have a bunch of emu feathers stuck in the back of one's [hair] belt
kuldru nandranato hit on the back
kamamalinato hold (something) back from one another
kindala patanato hold [back] a dog
ngapani wirpibanato hold [someone] back from the water
kana ngujaribanato hold a person back
woma ngandri kulkanato hold back [in reserve] the mother snake
ngarimata kamanato hold back a flood
ngapakura patanato hold back a local shower of rain
poto mankaribanato hold back certain articles
paru kamanato hold back fish
poto kamanato hold back gifts (things)
bulja dauadauanato hold back or restrain in vain
potuni kurlanganato hold back or withhold things
paua kamanato hold back seed
kana mankaribanato hold back the people
mankaribanato hold back, [to check, to stop]
nankijirbanato hold back; to hold in check; to pacify
kana nankanato hold people back
putu janpanato hold things back
mankara kamanato keep back young girls
karuwali kamanato keep back young men who ought to be circumcised
tarpitarpinato keep on turning back
pinpanaterinato keep something back for one's own benefit
kukati terkanato lay on one's back
poto pinpanato leave some things behind; not to give everything away; to keep something back
doku jinkiterina wapanato leave with one's hands behind one's back
kuldruni kuranato lift to one's back, to take on one's back, to place onto one's back
worakalinato look about one; to look back; to turn one's neck round
dantjumana najina dikanato look around carefully and turn back
worakalina najinato look back
ngaurongaurojeli najina tatanato look back sadly
tikana teranato make preparations to go back
mangawaru pirimaribanato marry widows back and forth
dukanato piggyback; to carry on one's back
woda widmanato place a tuft of feathers in the back of one's belt
kuldru workamandranato place one's arms around the back
burulkanato protect (something), to cover up, to hold back, not to tell, to keep secret
dirimalkanato push away; to remove; to roll away, to bring back; to bring hither; to carry to
a particular place
tandrana dikanato put (something) down and go back
kirra paltja miljato refrain from sticking a boomerang into the back of one's belt
wolkareli darpina dikanato remain standing in wistful longing, and turn back
patana dikanato resolve to turn back
worakalina tikanato return [and] look around, to look back
jaurani dukaterinato ride on the back of somebody's words
tukanato ride; to get on another's back
mindrina tikanato run back
nganti mani kulkanato save up or keep back meat rich in fat
doku mankato say the opposite behind one's back, to do the opposite behind one's back
dukaterina ngamanato sit astride (behind) another man's back, to ride piggyback
kunarku ngamanato sit sideways, to turn one's back on each other
kalala jatanato speak in return, to contradict, to answer back
kalkantinato stay back and wait for
ngamana tikanato stay there for a while and come back again
tarpina tikanato stop and go back
japali darpina dikanato stop in sudden fright and turn back
kalala nandranato strike back in retaliation
manina tatanato take back
marda mamanato take back a millstone
mangawaru mamanato take back a widow
pitjiri mamanato take back chewing-tobacco
jaura mamanato take back words that were given away, to rescind a promise
mamanato take back; to take away
mararina tikanato take urgent steps to get back, to hurry to get back
wokarani jatanato tell behind someone's back
noa ngarali ngundrana darpinato think lovingly of one's wife, and turn back
pintarani wirarinato travel back and forth in one's father's country
karitjina tikanato turn around and come back, to object, to turn back, to return
tampana dikanato turn around and sneak back
darpinato turn back
tapila dikanato turn back
kulnulu darpinato turn back alone
kulpina tikanato turn back and look for
kurikarina tikanato turn back and run away
tarpinaterinato turn back for one's own sake
terti tarpinato turn back half way
tapilalu tikanato turn back in order to stay
jedila tikanato turn back in order to tell lies
kaluwinkana karitjinato turn back, to go out bush
tikanato turn back; to return
toku karitjinato turn one's back
piti karitjinato turn one's back on someone
doku karitjinato turn one's back upon
darpina dikanato turn round and go back
dauadauanato ward off; to forbid, to prohibit; to prevent, to hinder; to hold back; to change
a person's opinion; to order to be silent
warawarapanato backbite; to slander; [to betray]
toku wirrabackbone; spine
piti purinafor one's backside (podex) to drop
woltja katanafor one's buttocks (backside) to feel frozen
piti dunka pirnastinking backside
piti widmanato poke one's backside into
piti pirakanato search for someone's backside
wiljiri manngarinato show one's backside
talarapalku tjautjau[rain]clouds that travel backwards and forvards
ngadadikanato come back later; to go backwards, to retreat
ngadaia wapanato go backwards
ngada tikanato go backwards
ngadali najinato look backwards
pundupundulaanything that smells [bad]; carcase
buljuru madlentjibad clay
mita madlentjibad country
mita madlentjibad country
mita madlentjibad country
talpa madlentjibad ear
milki dunkabad eyes
milki dunkabad eyes
milki dunkabad eyes
tidna madlentjibad foot
mita dunkabad ground
para madlentjibad hair
njurdu madlentjibad hair, ungainly hair, scrubby hair
mara madlentjibad hand; unskilled hand
ngara madlentjibad heart
woltja madlentjibad hip
mana kaldribad language
kapara madlentjibad leader
marda madlentjibad millstone
manu tiribad mood
manu tiribad nature
kindala madlentjibad or sick dog
tidna muntjabad or sore foot
dako madlentjibad sandhill
dako madlentjibad sandhill
turutupu madlentjibad smoke
tarli madlentjibad speech [or remark]
dunkabad stench; strong odour
mandra madlentjibad stomach
mandra muntjabad stomach
ditji madlentji kararibad sunshine today; not a good day; hot day
miljaru madlentjibad time; bad season
tarli madlentjibad tongue
palto madlentjibad track
pita madlentjibad tree
nguja madlentjibad variety
paka madlentjibad variety
ngaru madlentjibad voice
ngapa madlentjibad water
mangawaru madlentjibad widow
widla kaldribad woman
widla madlentjibad woman
jaura dunkabad words
jaura madlentjibad words
teri madlentjibad young fellows
mita madlentjibad, [poor] country
kumari madlentjibad, darkish blood
milki madlentjibad, short-sighted, ailing eye
watara madlentjibad, unhealthy wind
nganti kikarabad-smelling meat
tiri paruparubad-tempered everywhere; everybody upset and in a bad mood
kana tiribad-tempered fellow
tirilabad-tempered person
tiribad-tempered; sarcastic; sharp-tongued
madlentjibad; ugly, not nice
mandikilla madlentjibig bad waves
kana kaldribitter bad-tempered person
panto madlentjidangerous (bad) lake
dunka paninafor a carcase to smell bad
manadunka paninafor bad breath (from someone's mouth) to smell
tirietjaone who is habitually bad-tempered
malka madlentjipoor sign, bad signs
dunkarotten; bad; putrid, rancid; spoilt
tiri taranato arrive in a bad mood
ngara puribanato break a person's heart through [bad] news
dunkarinato go bad; to grow old; to become unusable
tiri kalikalibanato hold in disrespect or contempt; to have a bad opinion of
tali karpakarpa kinkalkanato laugh at a man when he talks in a bad way
tirieli kalalu ngankanato surpass in bad temper
parapara kunkanato limp badly
tjika wirinato paint badly
billi kokoarea inside of a string-bag
billini nintaliashamed of one's (poor) net-bag
kankupintabag-like fishing-net
billi palkubody of dilly bag
billi burrucorner of a string-bag
billi pajirideep dilly bag
billini ngalkujelidesirous of a dilly bag
kapura kutjadilly bag in which a Aboriginal doctor keeps and stores his secret and sacred objects
billi palaranidilly bag out in the open
billi ngamparadilly bag with large opening at the top end
kulnujelildra kulnujelildra billi dakanaeach man to weave his own string-bag
billi-jelbiedge of a string-bag
billi karlaempty string-bag
billi parliempty-growing dilly bag
billi kinkaljuextendable stretchable string-bag
billi murufilthy net-bag
billi ngumufine dilly bag
billi matifine net-bag
billi ngoperafirst dilly bag
billi wombatjaranafor a dilly bag to be fully extended
billi pakinafor a dilly bag to burst open
billi wilparinafor a dilly bag to develop holes
billi purinafor a dilly bag to fall down
billi wokarinafor a dilly bag to tear
billi mudanafor a net-bag to be finished
billi kutinafor a net-bag to be full
billi godanafor a net-bag to fall down
billi pajiririnafor a net-bag to get long
billi kekiljerinafor a string-bag to slip down, or fall down
pitjiri billi ngaparinafor a tobacco dilly bag to get wct
pitjiri billi nangaterinafor a tobacco net-bag to become empty
pitjiribilli kantiterinafor a tobacco-bag to get empty
billi malka jatanafor designs [or symbolic colours] on a dilly bag to stand out [prominently]
palku mokurinafor the body to become [a bag of] bones; to grow lean
billi kikarafouled up string-bag
billi kamanelifriendly string-bag
billi manamirifull net-bag
billi manamirifull net-bag
junga manamirifull water-bag
billi pururufully-stuffed dilly bag
billi wonjurahalf-empty dilly bag
ngapajunga wonjurahalf-empty water-bag
billi worrahalf-finished dilly bag
billi mauarlahungry net-bag
billini koimpractical in the weaving of a string-bag
billi maradunkainherited net-bag
billi mandrainterior space of a net-bag
billi tjilpiknots in a dilly bag
billi pirnalarge dilly bag
billi wutjulong slender dilly bag
billi kuriljirilovely net-bag
billi wonduru kutikutirimisshapen 'wonduru' bag
billi manamouth of a net-bag
billi wuldrunarrow dilly bag
billi wonduraia mudlakutjaneedle for the weaving of a 'wonduru' net-bag
billi dakadakanet-bag made of variegated string
billi morla ngumunet-bag more good
billi miltjamiltjanet-bag which is soft to the touch
billi marranew net-bag
ngapajunga marranew water-bag
ngapajunga dantjumananot to tear or drop a water-bag
billini kintjakintjarinanot to want a net-bag
billini kuterinanot to want to be reminded of a 'billi' net-bag or dilly bag
billi waruold dilly bag, one-time dilly bag
billi madlentjiold net-bag, torn net-bag
billini milkilaone who [can] recognise net-bags; one who knows to whom a net-bag belongs
billi wilpaopen end of a dilly bag, neck of a dilly bag
ngapajunga manaopening of a water skin bag
billi tokuoutside of a dilly bag
billi tjankapliable dilly bag
billi williwillipliable net-bag
ngapajunga winjiwinjiripuckered water-bag, shrivelled up [skin] water-bag
billi dampudampuraround-woven (suspensible) net-bag
billisack, bag, pouch, net-bag, dilly bag
billi ngandaraselvage of a dilly bag
billi palparushallow dilly bag
billi winjiwinjirishrivelled up dilly bag
billi ngiringirishrivelled-up dilly bag
billi muntjasick net-bag
bankiside (right or left), bank (of a stream), edge (of a track), confines (of a locality),
shore (of a lake), edge (of a grave), side (of a hill, tree, stone, or animal), border,
frontier; side (of a wooden dish, bowl, or dilly bag), [direction] where the sun rises,
(south-west, etc.), sideways, askance
billi-bankiside of a dilly bag
billi pankiside of dilly bag
billi wakasmall dilly bag
billi mulurusmall net-bag
junga mulurusmall water-bag
billi ngampangampaspace inside of a dilly bag
billi karpakarpastring-bag with an unevenly-woven mesh
billi ngurungurustrong dilly bag
billi katukatustrong string bag, durable string bag
billi ngokijirbanato add one's dilly bag
billini kalakalarinato be annoyed over a string-bag
billini mankinato be delighted with a net-bag
billieli wariwarinato be exhausted from [carrying] a dilly bag
junga nandranato beat a bag
billinto karkanato call [to come] with a string-bag
billi wilimanato carry a dilly bag across one's shoulder
billi tukanato carry a dilly bag on one's back
billi waltanato carry a dilly bag on top of one's head
pitjiri waltanato carry a dilly bag[ful] of tobacco on top of one's head
billi dukanato carry a net-bag on one's back
billi kunarku waltanato carry a string-bag aslant
billi karlibanato dislike a dilly bag
billi kantikantinato dust out a dilly bag
paru billi munkanato embrace a net-bag of fish
billi parliribanato empty out a dilly bag
billi pirakanato examine a dilly bag
billini karakaranato examine a net-bag
ngapajungani kalumiltjamiltjarinato feel sorry about a water-bag
billi maninato fetch a net-bag
ngapajunga pururu ngankanato fill a (skin) water-bag
billi pururu ngankanato fill a dilly bag
billi todinato fill up a dilly bag
billi punmanato fold up a dilly bag
billi widmaterinato hang a net-bag
billi maraltja karibanato hang a net-bag loosely
billi waruwarukanato hang up a dilly bag
billi katibanato hang up a net-bag
billi nanganato lay aside one's net-bag
billi witjinato leave a net-bag to dry out
billi ngarilkanato let down a net-bag
billini kalumaranato long for a net-bag
ngapajunga multibanato make a [skin] water-bag wet
billieli pankinato make a great fuss about one's fine dilly bag
billi makumaninato pick up a net-bag
poto billini kuranato place articles in a dilly bag
nganti widmanato place meat into a dilly bag
billini nanganato place or shove into a net-bag
kalkujieli billi jurkujurku dakanato plait a [shoulder] string-bag out of reeds
billi ngankijirbanato prepare a dilly bag for someone
billi ngujamanato recognise a dilly bag [again]
billi nguntjamanato recognise a dilly bag again
billi nguntjanguntjamanato recognise one dilly bag from among many others
billi nguntjamijirbanato recognise somebody else's dilly bag
billi karpanato repair a string-bag
ngapajunga muruwanato scratch-mark a water-bag with the fingernails
billi wondranato show a dilly bag
billi wondawondanato show a dilly bag, to display a dilly bag
billi woninato start weaving a dilly bag
billi ngudanato stretch a dilly bag
billi parumanato stretch a dilly bag
billia karkaterinato summon to his dilly bag, out of which he is distributing food
kalti, billi, jama wiralkanato take along a spear, a dilly bag, a fishing net
junga wapalkanato take along a water-bag
billi puranato tear a dilly bag
billi wokaribanato tear a dilly bag
billi ngundranato think of one's dilly bag
billi puribanato throw a dilly bag down from a tree
billi karanato tie a net-bag shut
ngapajunga workamandranato tie a skin water-bag shut
billi ninjilbanato turn a net-bag inside out
ngapajunga ninjilbanato turn a water-bag up at the edges
billi ngankanato weave a dilly bag
billi pirnaribanato weave a dilly bag larger
piti karpanato weave shut the bottom of a dilly bag
pilpantatype of dilly bag
wanturutype of dilly bag
billi tepiuntorn dilly bag
billi ngakaupper edge of a dilly bag
billi wokaraupper edge of a dilly bag
billi malkamalkavariegated net-bag
malka pirrivariegated stripes on a dilly bag
billimana marruwide opening [or mouth] of a net-bag
pilli paniwithout a dilly bag
billipatawithout a dilly bag
kidniljurkarinato become juicy; to be baggy; to get moist; to get soft; to be important; to reach
billini ngirangirarinaalways to be weaving dilly bags
pitjiri billi marakulnofive net-bags full of tobacco
billi ngandruheap of net-bags
billini milkilaone who [can] recognise net-bags; one who knows to whom a net-bag belongs
malkaetjaone who is fond of smearing himself [with fat or ochre]; one who is fond of weaving
multi-coloured net-bags
kalkuetjaone who prefers to manufacture string-bags and nets out of reeds
billini kiriskilled in weaving string-bags
billi palpasome dilly bags
billini kiririnato practise the weaving of string-bags
billi manduribanato weave two net-bags together into one
billini patipatiunskilled at dilly bags
makuwoda wajinato bake a type of potato
buka wajinato bake bread, to bake damper
morla wajinato boil, roast or bake more; to bake thoroughly; to finish curing
wajirbanato cook for someone else, to bake for someone else
wajinato roast; to cook; to heat up, to heat through; to bake
mana dirtjibread baked in the ashes to which coarse granules of sand adhere which find their
way between one's teeth
buka kadihalf-baked bread
buka ngaruhalf-baked bread
buka kinkaljunewly-baked bread
buka madlentjinot fully baked seed-bread, stodgy seed-bread
dantosoft; moist; newly-baked (of bread); flexible; pliable (of roots, twigs, etc.); ductile;
submissive; docile (of people, who obey without objection); tender-hearted; generous
paru ngurkumanato finish cooking a half-baked fish
wajilalucooking; baking
buka kanjafireplace [for baking] bread
maramanjujeli ngankijiribanacarefully to prepare; properly to balance or adjust, to be unselfish or unself-seeking
in barter trading
poto wilpa njenmanathings hole to plug; to discharge a debt; to balance one article of trade with another
wilpa todinato cover a debt, to balance up a debt
mangatandra kurlakarubald head
mangatandra palarabare head; bald head
mangatandra balubare head; bald head
mangatandra balu mintjinafor a bald head to be conspicuous
mangatandra balurinafor a head to grow bald
kurlakarurinato turn white; to become smooth; to grow bald; to become clean
jinka kumaball of hairstring
milki tandraeye-ball